be the last oor Latyn

be the last

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Charlton T. Lewis

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Well this will be the last act of the play.
illic cognitum tris Vitellianas cohortis et alam, cui Sebosianae nomen, ad Forum Alieni ponte iuncto consedisse.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
This will be the last act of the play.
quidam militum iuxta rogum interfecere se, non noxa neque ob metum, sed aemulatione decoris et caritate principis.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Martha, thought to be the last passenger pigeon, died on September 1, 1914, at the Cincinnati Zoo.
His constitutis rebus, signo iam profectionis dato tabernaculisque detensis animadversum est paulo ante extra cotidianam consuetudinem longius a vallo esse aciem Pompei progressam, ut non iniquo loco posse dimicari videretur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
With branches we the fanes adorn, and waste, In jollity, the day ordained to be the last.
nobis quoquo modo traditum non occultare in animo fuit, quamvis absurdum videretur aut inane[m] ad spem Antoniam nomen et periculum commodavisse, aut Pisonem notum amore uxoris alii matrimonio se obstrinxisse, nisi si cupido dominandi cunctis adfectibus flagrantior est.Literature Literature
Kesnick thought it would be the last day of his life.
In funere eius novata luctu ac dolore militum seditio, nec erat qui coerceret.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As the Apostle Paul states: "The first man Adam became a living being; the last Adam became a life-giving spirit" (1 Cor 15:45).
mihi quanto plura recentium seu veterum revolvo tanto magis ludibria rerum mortalium cunctis in negotiis
But now suffer it to go by; it is not the first, it is not new, and it will not be the last, if thou live long.
infensus miles memoria laborum et adversum eludentis optatae totiens pugnae se quisque ultione et sanguine explebant.Literature Literature
5. Although a great deal of its work has been completed, there is still much for you to do, Venerable Brothers, in the next session, which will also be the last.
proinde et Tiridati conducere intactum vastationibus regnum dono accipere, et Bologaesen melius societate Romana quam damnis mutuis genti Parthorum
Such was the state of the Roman world, when Servius Galba, consul for the second time, with T. Vinius for his colleague, entered upon a year, which was to be the last of their lives, and which well nigh brought the commonwealth to an end.
Ante idus Iulias Syria omnis in eodem sacramento fuit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Moreover, the whole plan of studies can be so arranged that in the last year special training be given for the various functions which deacons especially will carry out.
imperium adeptus extorrem, infamem et post interfectum Postumum Agrippam omnis spei egenam inopia ac tabe longa peremit, obscuram fore necem longinquitate exilii
Even unsuccessful villany finds some to emulate it: what will happen, if it flourish and be strong? And the man, whom we dare not offend when he holds only quaestor's rank, are we to see him rise to the dignities of praetor and consul? Do you suppose that Nero will be the last of the tyrants? Those who survived Tiberius, those who survived Caligula, thought the same; and yet after each there arose another ruler yet more detestable and more cruel.
filia pulchra estlatin-ancient latin-ancient
Tosi, who as president of Liga Veneta presided the Council, tried until the last minute to be the candidate and some councillors opted for Franco Manzato instead.
tradit Fabius Rusticus non eo quo venerat intinere redi[sse] t[ribun]um, sed flexisse ad Faenium praefectum et expositis Caesaris iussis an obtemperaret interrogavisse, monitumque ab eo ut exsequeretur, fatali omnium ignavia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This affirmation, already indicated as my starting point, is the guiding thread of this document, and will be further developed in the last part of these reflections.
Haec studiose conquisita ab labris argento circumcludunt atque in amplissimis epulis pro poculis
Listen, when we spoke on the phone last fall you were suppose to be the man in LA.
Qua ex frequentia, Titus Labienus prodit, sed missa oratione de pace, loqui atque altercari cum Vatinio incipit.QED QED
On the last day the form ofconsecration shall be recited which, Venerable Brethren, We sent to you withthese letters.
Cum a meridie prope ad solis occasum dubia victoria pugnaretur, Germani una in parte confertis turmis in hostes impetum fecerunt eosque propulerunt; quibus in fugam coniectis sagittarii circumventi interfectique
This seemed at last to be the great and realistic hope that man needs.
ibi ambiguus, an illam sedem bello deligeret, circumspecta infrequentia militis, satisque magnis documentis temeritatem Petil[l]ii coercitam, unius oppidi damno servare universa
By its very nature the gift of the person must be lasting and irrevocable.
septimum decimum kal. Aprilis interclusa anima creditus est mortalitatem explevisse; et multo gratantum concursu ad capienda imperii primordia G. Caesar egrediebatur, cum repente adfertur redire Tiberio vocem ac visus vocarique qui recreandae defectioni cibum
When you started your crusade, it was said that your efforts would be of short duration and that the effects would not be lasting because, as the vigilance of Bishops and faithful gradually diminished, the producers would be free to return again to their former methods.
ita trepidi et utrimque anxii coeunt, nemo privatim expedito consilio, inter multos societate culpae
It principally included the regions belonging to the metropolis of which Methodius was pastor, namely Moravia, Slovakia and Pannonia, the last being a part of modern Hungary.
ceteros latebrae texere, uno retento Clemente Iulio qui perferendis militum mandatis habebatur idoneus ob promptum
At the time of his death, he was believed to be the oldest Catholic bishop in and last surviving participant of the Second Vatican Council in the United States.
igitur auditurum principem et fore diluendi criminis facultatem respondit: iret interim virgo et sacra capesseret.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
At the end of the year the death of Aelius Lamia, who, after being at last released from the farce of governing Syria, had become city-prefect, was celebrated with the honours of a censor's funeral.
However, after controlling for the influence of general psychoneuroticism, the data show that on the three assessment moments, the patients with a history of trauma report significantly higher scores on the following variables: negative body experience, ineffectiveness and dissociative symptoms.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The country, terror-stricken and ready to acquiesce in servitude, urgently demanded that Lucius Vitellius with his cohorts should be intercepted on his way from Tarracina, and that the last sparks of war should be trodden out.
tractique sunt in casum eundem Iulius Africanus e Santonis Gallica civitate, Seius Quadratus: originem non repperi.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The last act of the drama was yet to be staged, Godfrey had said, and he had also spoken of a bomb—a big one!
Civilis parte copiarum retenta veteranas cohortis et quod e Germanis maxime promptum adversus Voculam exercitumque eius mittit, Iulio Maximo et Claudio Victore, sororis suae filio, ducibus.Literature Literature
Some explained it with more subtlety, of a successful commencement to the enterprise, which, however, would not be lasting, on the ground, that though a confident trust might be placed in prognostics given in the earth or in the heavens, the fluctuating character of rivers exhibited omens which vanished the same moment.
ac ni propere neque corpus ullum reperiri, et servos adhibitis cruciatibus abnuere caedem, neque illi fuisse umquam fratrem pernotuisset, haud multum ab exitio legati aberant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
That God is the Creator of the world and its provident Ruler; that the eternal law commands the natural order to be maintained, and forbids that it be disturbed; that the last end of men is a destiny far above human things and beyond this sojourning upon the earth: these are the sources and these the principles of all justice and morality.
Horum fuga navium onerariarum magistros incitabat; pauci lenunculi ad officium imperiumque
140 sinne gevind in 16 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.