become weak oor Latyn

become weak

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Charlton T. Lewis


Piotr Szelma

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become weak|void|forgotten
become weak|enfeebled|languid|apathetic
become faint or languid or weak


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We ask precisely you who are weak to become a source of strength for the Church and humanity.
Vos ipsos precamur, qui estis infirmi, ut efficiamini quasi quidam virtutis fons pro Ecclesia et hominum
This is the goal of missionary spirituality: "To the weak I became weak... ; I have become all things to all men, that I might by all means save some.
Huc denique dirigitur spiritualitas missionarii“factus sum infirmis infirmus . . .; omnibus omnia factus sum, ut aliquos utique facerem
For in prayer we separate ourselves from things of earth, and filled with the thought of God alone, we become aware of our human weakness; for the same reason we rest in the embrace of our Father, we seek a refuge in the power of our Creator.
Nam inter orandum revocamus ab rebus mortalibus animum, atque unius Dei cogita tione suspensi, conscientia tenemur infirmitatis humanae: ob eamque rem in bonitate et amplexu parentis nostri acquiescimus, in virtute conditoris perfugium
As though by a continuation of that motherhood which by the power of the Holy Spirit had given him life, the dying Christ conferred upon the ever Virgin Mary a new kind of motherhood—spiritual and universal—towards all human beings, so that every individual, during the pilgrimage of faith, might remain, together with her, closely united to him unto the Cross, and so that every form of suffering, given fresh life by the power of this Cross, should become no longer the weakness of man but the power of God.
Christus moriens, quasi maternitatem prosecuturus, qua, Spiritu Sancto operante, in lucem est editus, eidem Beatissimae semper Virgini Mariae novam maternitatem est largitus – eamque spiritalem et universalem –, quae cunctos homines complecteretur, ut quisque, in fide ambulans in terris, sibi una cum Illa, arcte coniungeretur usque ad Crucem et, Crucis vi, quivis dolor hoc modo recreatus ex infirmitate hominis in Dei virtutem
The joy of love, the answer to the drama of suffering and pain, the power of forgiveness in the face of an offence received and the victory of life over the emptiness of death: all this finds fulfilment in the mystery of his Incarnation, in his becoming man, in his sharing our human weakness so as to transform it by the power of his resurrection.
Amoris laetitia, responsio ad tormentum passionis et doloris, robur veniae prae suscepta offensione atque vitae victoria prae mortis vacuitate, haec omnia consummationem inveniunt in mysterio eius Incarnationis, cuius vi homo factus est, et nobiscum humanam infirmitatem participavit ut eam virtute suae Resurrectionis
While it is true that the taking of life not yet born or in its final stages is sometimes marked by a mistaken sense of altruism and human compassion, it cannot be denied that such a culture of death, taken as a whole, betrays a completely individualistic concept of freedom, which ends up by becoming the freedom of "the strong" against the weak who have no choice but to submit.
Si quidem verum est orientis vitae finientisve oppressionem colore nonnumquam infici aliquo iniqui amoris alterius vel humanae pietatis, tamen negari non potest hanc culturam mortis, in universum, libertatis doctrinam quandam demonstrare prorsus individualisticam, quae evasura est in libertatem “fortiorum”, contra debiles qui ad interitum
I think it proper, however, before I commence my purposed work, to pass under review the condition of the capital, the temper of the armies, the attitude of the provinces, and the elements of weakness and strength which existed throughout the whole empire, that so we may become acquainted, not only with the vicissitudes and the issues of events, which are often matters of chance, but also with their relations and their causes.
Ceterum antequam destinata componam, repetendum videtur qualis status urbis, quae mens exercituum, quis habitus provinciarum, quid in toto terrarum orbe validum, quid aegrum fuerit, ut non modo casus eventusque rerum, qui plerumque fortuiti sunt, sed ratio etiam causaeque noscantur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
When the Alexandrians found that on the recovery of their king, neither had they become stronger, nor the Romans weaker; that the troops despised the youth and weakness of their king; and that their affairs were in no way bettered by his presence: they were greatly discouraged; and a report ran that a large body of troops was marching by land from Syria and Cilicia to Caesar's assistance (of which he had not as yet himself received information); still they determined to intercept the convoys that came to him by sea.
Cum duce assumpto Alexandrini nihilo se firmiores factos aut languidiores Romanos animadverterent eludentibusque militibus regis aetatem atque infirmitatem magnum dolorem acciperent neque se quicquam proficere viderent, rumoresque exsisterent magna Caesari praesidia terrestri itinere [ex] Syria Ciliciaque adduci, quod nondum auditum Caerari erat, commeatum, qui mari nostris supportabatur, intercipere statuerunt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
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