being still oor Latyn

being still

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Charlton T. Lewis

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be still alive
supersum · vivo
be still
cesso · quiesco · sileo


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Be still, and know that I am God.
Praecipua Marcomannorum gloria viresque, atque ipsa etiam sedes, pulsis olim Boiis, virtute parta.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
What, however, would be still more intolerable would be that men of this character should be selected as professors of religious knowledge, which is the most important of all.
ubi ventum ad aggerem, dum missilibus certabatur, plus vulnerum in nos et pleraeque caedes oriebantur: postquam facta testudine rudes et informes saxorum compages distractae parque comminus acies, decedere barbari in iuga
A lofty response to be sure, but still a long way — by far — from the truth.
His rebus celeriter magna multitudine peditatus equitatusque coacta ad castra
The profile of the chancel's former south door can still be seen.
porro ob unius aut alterius imbecillum animum male eripi maritis consortia rerum secundarum adversarumque.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It was heated by a fireplace that may still be seen today.
nec quievere Vbii quo minus praedas e Germania peterent, primo impune, dein circumventi sunt, per omne id bellum meliore usi fide quam fortuna.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It began with a rally on May 4, 1886, but the consequences are still being felt today.
Exigua parte aestatis reliqua Caesar, etsi in his locis, quod omnis Gallia ad septentriones vergit, maturae sunt hiemes, tamen in Britanniam proficisci contendit, quod omnibus fere Gallicis bellis hostibus nostris inde subministrata auxilia intellegebat, et si tempus anni ad bellum gerendum deficeret, tamen magno sibi usui fore arbitrabatur, si modo insulam adiisset, genus hominum perspexisset, loca, portus, aditus cognovisset; quae omnia fere Gallis erant incognita.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Voters would still be allowed to vote for any candidate as before.
nec fuit in arduo societas potentiam Romanam adversus rebellem Mithridaten ostentantibus.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The same is to be said, still in the field of human rights, of other juridical instruments issued by the United Nations Organization or other international organizations.47
His autem omnibus druidibus praeest unus, qui summam inter eos habet
Upon his death he was stuffed and can still be seen today in the Natural History Museum, New York.
solacio fuit servus Vergilii Capitonis, quem proditorem Tarracinensium diximus, patibulo adfixus in isdem anulis quos acceptos a Vitellio gestabat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Thus she seeks to deepen, consolidate, nourish and make ever more mature the faith of those who are already called the faithful or believers, in order that they may be so still more.
at hercule Germanicum Druso ortum octo apud Rhenum legionibus inposuit adscirique per adoptionem a Tiberio iussit, quamquam esset in domo Tiberii filius iuvenis, sed quo pluribus munimentis
The exact size of this large proportion is unknown, since many ocean species are still to be discovered.
non in effigies mutas divinum spiritum transfusum: se imaginem veram, caelesti sanguine ortam, intellegere discrimen, suscipere sordis.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
We should not be surprised that it still exists today ...
Tali timore omnibus perterritis confirmatur opinio barbaris, ut ex captivo audierant, nullum esse intus
Tom: Tomatoes still can't be fruit.
Templum in modum arcis propriique muri, labore et opere ante alios; ipsae porticus, quis templum ambibatur, egregium propugnaculum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The results of this work have still to be arranged and enunciated by the Apostolic See.
satis constitit fuisse in eo exercitu veteranos, qui non stationem, non vigilias inissent, vallum fossamque quasi nova et mira viserent, sine galeis, sine loricis, nitidi et quaestuosi, militia per oppida
But equally grave crimes and radical denials of freedom have also been committed and are still being committed in the name of "ethical relativism".
Qui cum ad Cn.P praesidia venisset, incidit idem temporis ut tempestate adversa vehementique vento adflictaretur; aditusque vis tempestatis ita obscurabat ut vix proximum agnoscere
The reservoir of the virus is still being investigated, but scientists believe it originated in bats and spread to camels; infections in humans are zoonotic.
postquam vero nationes in familiis habemus, quibus diversi ritus, externa sacra aut nulla sunt, conluviem istam non nisi metu coercueris.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
9. Truly the little ones ask for bread, and there is none to break it to them; the regions are white for the harvest, and the harvest is plenteous, but the labourers are few and will soon, perhaps, be fewer still.
Equites ab eo missi flumen transeunt et, cum de tertia vigilia Petreius atque Afranius castra movissent, repente sese ad novissimum agmen ostendunt et magna multitudine circumfusa morari atque iter impedire
In other words, numbers of members might still be growing, but this does not mean that all members are faithfully following the rules of pious behaviours expected.
Tum ad uxorem versus per memoriam sui, per communis liberos oravit exueret ferociam, saevienti fortunae summitteret animum, neu regressa in urbem aemulatione potentiae validiores inritaret.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
You have not only a glorious history to remember and to recount, but also a great history still to be accomplished!
omisso pugnae ardore Othoniani ultro salutavere; et hostili murmure excepti, plerisque suorum ignaris quae causa salutandi, metum proditionis
Hence, from the tranquillity of public order, which is the immediate purpose of civil society, man expects to derive his well-being, and still more the sheltering care necessary to his moral life, which consists exclusively in the knowledge and practice of virtue.
Ita commutata fortuna eos qui in spem potiundorum castrorum venerant undique circumventos intercipiunt, et ex hominum milibus amplius XXX, quem numerum barbarorum ad castra venisse constabat, plus tertia parte interfecta reliquos perterritos in fugam coniciunt ac ne in locis quidem superioribus consistere
Where the right education ofyouth is concerned, no amount of trouble or labor can be undertaken, how greatsoever, but that even greater still may not be called for.
Neque vero Pompeiani huic rei defuerunt. Nam et tela missa exceperunt et impetum legionum tulerunt et ordines suos servarunt pilisque missis ad gladios
There are still to be seen in the groves of Germany the Roman standards which I hung up to our country's gods.
So far, experimental studies on suppression have documented the opposite effect, i.e., suppression leads to the hyperaccessibility of thoughts and memories.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The ones that are still considered to be in operation are listed here.
Flavio quoque Sabino ac Domitiano patuisse effugium multi tradidere; et missi ab Antonio nuntii per varias fallendi artis penetrabant, locum ac praesidium monstrantes.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
For when a debate was introduced about the place and time of their dismissal, they all began to express, both by words and signs, from the rampart where they stood, that they should be discharged immediately; for although every security might be given, that they would be disbanded, still the matter would be uncertain, if it was deferred to a future day.
Haec ac talia flagrans oculis, truci voce, quo latius audiretur (etenim se centuriones et quidam militum consilio miscuerant), ita effudit ut cautos quoque ac providos permoveret, vulgus et ceteri unum virum ducemque, spreta aliorum segnitia, laudibus ferrent.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Even if one accepts that on the whole this is a normal phenomenon, it must still be seen whether certain ethically and socially dangerous irregularities creep in, and to what extent.
prope eversum orbem etiam cum de principatu inter bonos certaretur, sed mansisse G. Iulio, mansisse Caeare Augusto victore imperium; mansuram fuisse sub Pompeio Brutoque rem publicam: nunc pro Othone an pro Vitellio in templa ituros? utrasque impias preces, utraque detestanda vota inter duos, quorum bello solum id scires, deteriorem fore qui
220 sinne gevind in 14 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.