brother-in-law oor Latyn


/ˈbrʌð.ɚ.ɪn.lɔː/ naamwoord
A male relative of one's generation, separated by one degree of marriage:

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


one's husband's brother








My brother-in-law is a policeman.
Maritus sororis vigil publicus est.
Piotr Szelma

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brother in-law
sororarius · sororius


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Tom is my brother-in-law.
Thomas levir meus est.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
My brother-in-law is a policeman.
Maritus sororis vigil publicus est.tatoeba tatoeba
Tom is Mary's brother-in-law.
Thomas levir Mariae est.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
I like my brother-in-law.
Levirum meum amo.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
I know my brother-in-law.
Levirum meum novi.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Her best-known works are a novel, Agnes von Lilien, and a biography of Friedrich Schiller, her brother-in-law.
Celeberrima eius opera sunt mythistoria Agnes von Lilien et biographia Friderici Schiller, sororis mariti.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Set in San Francisco, the show chronicles widowed father Danny Tanner, who, after the death of his wife Pam, enlisted his brother-in-law Jesse Katsopolis and his best friend Joey Gladstone to help raise his three daughters, D.J., Stephanie, and Michelle.
Spectaculum actus est Franciscopoli, et sequimur patrem Danny Tanner, qui post mortem uxoris suae Pam, petit optimum amicum suum Joey Gladstone atque levirum Jesse Katsopolis suum ad adiuvare educare filias tres suas, Donna Tanner, Stephania Tanner, et Michaela Tanner.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The God of the Covenant has entrusted the life of every individual to his or her fellow human beings, brothers and sisters, according to the law of reciprocity in giving and receiving, of self-giving and of the acceptance of others.
Foederis Deus cuiusque hominis vitam alii homini eius fratri concredidit secundum reciprocata dandi et accipiendi officia, secundum donationem sui et alterius
In the present circumstances of the care of souls and responding to the concerned requests of many Brothers in the Episcopate, I consider it useful to recall some of the canonical laws in force regarding the celebration of this Sacrament and clarify certain aspects of them – in a spirit of communion with the responsibility proper to the entire Episcopate(9) with a view to a better administration of the Sacrament.
In hodiernis pastoralibus condicionibus, sollicitis plurimorum in Episcopatu Fratrum postulatis occurrentes, consentaneum putamus quasdam canonicas vigentes leges super huius sacramenti celebratione in memoriam revocare, liquidius quasdam partes explicando, ut faveatur - in communionis spiritu cum responsabilitate quae est totius Episcopatus (9) - aptiori eiusdem
Mercy: the fundamental law that dwells in the heart of every person who looks sincerely into the eyes of his brothers and sisters on the path of life.
Misericordia: lex est fundamentalis quae cuiusque personae insidet in corde, sinceris oculis fratrem cum intuetur, quem in vitae itinere
"But Tiberius, when Silanus thanked him, replied in the Senate's presence, ""that he too rejoiced at the brother's return from his long foreign tour, and that this was justly allowable, inasmuch as he had been banished not by a decree of the Senate or under any law."
sed Tiberius gratis agenti Silano patribus coram respondit se quoque laetari quod frater eius e peregrinatione longinqua revertisset, idque iure licitum quia non senatus consulto non lege pulsus foret: sibi tamen adversus eum integras parentis sui offensiones neque reditu Silani dissoluta quae Augustus voluisset.latin-ancient latin-ancient
3. You are aware, venerable brothers, of how the mutual understanding which reigned so long between the Apostolic See and the kingdom of Prussia was thrown into sudden disorder by these laws, placing Catholic citizens in such great danger and distress. But this disaster which caused so much sorrow to Our predecessor Pius IX and to Us has offered God an opportunity.
Neminem vestrum latet, Venerabiles Fratres, mutuam concordiam, quae haud brevi annorum spatio inter hanc Apostolicam Sedem et Borussiae Regnum fauste feliciter intercesserat, magnis ex improviso perturbationibus fuisse obnoxiam, ob eas praesertim latas leges, quibus catholici cives in grave discrimen et angorem adducti sunt. — At haec calamitas, quae Decessorem Nostrum fel.
Since we cannot deal personally with every single concern — the law of human condition does not suffer it — we are sometimes constrained to use certain brothers of ours as extensions of our own body, to take care of things we would rather deal with in person if the convenience of the Church allowed it."
Quia vero lex humane conditionis non patitur nec possumus in persona propria gerere sollicitudines universas, interdum per fratres nostros, qui sunt membra corporis nostri, ea cogimur exercere, que, si commoditas ecclesie sustineret, personaliter libentius impleremus»
For although submission to the will of God and obedience to His law are for every state a condition of Christian life, nevertheless, in the "religious state," in the "state of perfection," the vow of obedience establishes in the heart of each of you, dear brothers and sisters, the duty of a particular reference to Christ "obedient unto death."
Licet enim subiectio voluntati Dei atque oboeditio eius legi sit quolibet in statu condicio christianae vitae, nihilominus tamen in « statu religioso », in « statu perfectionis », votum oboedientiae confirmat in animo uniuscuiusque vestrum, dilecti Fratres et Sorores, officium peculiaris cuiusdam coniunctionis cum Christo « oboediente usque ad mortem »
"Civilis at first replied in artful language, but soon perceiving that Montanus was a man of singularly high spirit and was himself disposed for change, he began with lamenting the perils through which he had struggled for five-and-twenty years in the camps of Rome. ""It is,"" he said, ""a noble reward that I have received for my toils; my brother murdered, myself imprisoned, and the savage clamour of this army, a clamour which demanded my execution, and for which by the law of nations I demand vengeance."
ad ea Civilis primo callide: post ubi videt Montanum praeferocem ingenio paratumque in res novas, orsus a questu periculisque quae per quinque et viginti annos in castris Romanis exhausisset, 'egregium' inquit 'pretium laborum recepi, necem fratris et vincula mea et saevissimas huius exercitus voces, quibus ad supplicium petitus iure gentium poenas reposco.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Once again we find ourselves before many persons, our sisters and brothers, whose fundamental rights are being violated, owing to their exceedingly great capacity for endurance and to the clear injustice of certain civil laws: the right to life and to integrity, the right to a house and to work, the right to a family and responsible parenthood, the right to participation in public and political life, the right to freedom of conscience and the practice of religion.
Iterum coram nobis sunt turbae personarum, fratrum ac sororum nostrarum, quorum iura primaria violantur etiam ex nimia tolerantia ac vel ex aperta iniustitia quarundam legum civilium; eaque sunt ius ad vitam et ad integritatem, ius ad domum et ad laborem, ius ad familiam et ad responsabilem procreationem, ius ad partipandam vitam publicam et politicam, ius ad libertatem conscientiae et ad fidem religiosam
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