brotherly oor Latyn


/ˈbɹʌð.ə.li/, /ˈbɹʌð.ɚ.li/ adjektief, bywoord
Of or characteristic of brothers.

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[ frāternus ]
of or characteristic of brothers
The expert's message will surely be rejected by these people if it is not inspired by brotherly love.
Neque est dubitandum quin gens illa eorum nuntium sit reiectura, nisi fraterna inde spiret caritas.


Piotr Szelma


Piotr Szelma


of or characteristic of brothers


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in a brotherly manner


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For a whole millennium Christians were united in "a brotherly fraternal communion of faith and sacramental life ... If disagreements in belief and discipline arose among them, the Roman See acted by common consent as moderator".154
Millennium sane christiani iungebantur “fraterna fidei communione sacramentalisque vitae, sede Romana moderante communi consensu, si dissensiones circa fidem et disciplinam inter eas orirentur” (Unitatis Redintegratio, 14)
Brotherly love is not calculated to get rid of the differences of conditions and therefore of classes - a result which is just as impossible as that in the living body all the members should have the same functions and dignity - but it will bring it to pass that those who occupy higher positions will in some way bring themselves down to those in a lower position, and treat them not only justly, for it is only right that they should, but kindly and in a friendly and patient spirit, and the poor on their side will rejoice in their prosperity and rely confidently on their help - even as the younger son of a family relies on the help and protection of his elder brother.
Cuius quidem amoris non ea certe vis est, ut conditionum ideoque ordinum distinctionem amoveat, - quod non magis potest fieri , quam uti in corpore animantis una eademque membrorum omnium actio sit ac dignitas - sed tamen efficiet, ut qui loco superiores sunt, demittant se quodammodo ad inferiores; et non solum iuste adversus eos, quod par est, sed benigne, comiter, patienter sese gerant: hi autem illorum et laetentur prosperitate et confidant auxilio; sic prorsus, uti ex familiae eiusdem filiis minor natu maioris patrocinio praesidioque
As pastors and true fathers, assisted by the priests and other helpers, we have the task of gathering together the family of the faithful and in it fostering charity and brotherly communion.
Veluti Pastores verique Patres, coadiuti a Sacerdotibus aliisque cooperatoribus, officium habemus fidelium familiam congregandi atque caritatem fraternamque in ea communionem
All Our Christian brothers, We are sure will want to consolidate and expand their collaborative efforts to reduce man's immoderate self-love and haughty pride, to eliminate quarrels and rivalries, and to repress demagoguery and injustice—so that a more human way of living is opened to all, with each man helping others out of brotherly love.
Minime deinde dubitamus, quin omnes, qui christiano censentur nomine ac propterea fratres Nostri sunt, socia compositaque opera id magis magisque moliri velint, ut homines immodicum sui amorem animique arrogantiam coerceant, contentiones simultatesque deponant, ambitiones et iniquitates cohibeant, adeo ut omnibus viae patefiant humanioris vitae, in qua unusquisque sicut frater a fratribus diligatur atque
At the conclusion of the Pauline Year, I gladly express this hope in the Apostle's own words, taken from the Letter to the Romans: “Let love be genuine; hate what is evil, hold fast to what is good; love one another with brotherly affection; outdo one another in showing honour” (Rom 12:9-10).
Paulinus Annus cum ad finem adducitur, hoc optatum verbis Apostoli ipsis Epistulae ad Romanos patefacere Nobis placet: « Dilectio sine simulatione: odientes malum, adhaerentes bono; caritate fraternitatis invicem diligentes, honore invicem praevenientes » (12, 9-10)
Therefore in view of our great affection for you and of our distinct recognition of your many great qualities, we do not want to let this day pass without writing to you some brief and brotherly words of congratulation fitting the occasion, so that we also may add to your happiness by expressing the joy we share with you, and by these words of ours enhance the dignity of the commemoration of this anniversary.
Nolumus igitur memorabilem eum praeterire diem quin pro magna Nostra in te caritate proque clara meritorum complurium tuorum aestimatione breviter tibi gratulationem convenientem fraternis plane verbis perscribamus ut mentem sic tuam Nostri quoque participati gaudii signiacatione exhilaremus atque dignitatem ipsam anniversariae huius memoriae propria voce
The expert's message will surely be rejected by these people if it is not inspired by brotherly love.
Neque est dubitandum quin gens illa eorum nuntium sit reiectura, nisi fraterna inde spiret
We add a special prayer with the greatest love: may all the citizens whom a single love of this country inspires, and whom this occasion of public thanksgiving joins in a brotherly fashion, be bound together some day by one and the same faith in the blessed embrace of Mother Church.
Fiat nimirum ut cives omnes, quos unus eiusdem patriae commovet amor eademque publicae gratulationis causa fraterno more coniungit, eos una eademque fides in felici complexu Ecclesiae matris aliquando
In view of the commitment to celibacy, affective maturity should bring to human relationships of serene friendship and deep brotherliness a strong, lively and personal love for Jesus Christ.
Atque in prospectu huius caelibatus compromissionis, huiusmodi affectiva maturitas includat necesse est in ipsam relationum humanarum congeriem, quae serena amicitia et profundiore quadam fraternitate distinguitur, magnam eamque vivam ac personalem Christi Iesu
28] And moreover, he wrote about himself and his followers: "In like manner, the laws of brotherliness and of human society give our brethren, amongst whom we live, a claim upon us for counsel and help."[
Ac praeterea haec de se de suisque scribebat: « Sic et fratribus nostris, inter quos vivimus, ipso iure fraternitatis et societatis humanae consilii sumus et auxilii debitores » (29)
But also grant to the whole of Europe, O Most Holy Trinity, that through the intercession of the two holy Brothers it may feel ever more strongly the need for religious and Christian unity and for a brotherly communion of all its peoples, so that when incomprehension and mutual distrust have been overcome and when ideological conflicts have been conquered in the common awareness of the truth, it may be for the whole world an example of just and peaceful coexistence in mutual respect and inviolate liberty.
Verum toti pariter Europae concedito, Sanctissima Trinitas, ut ambobus deprecantibus sanctis Fratribus persentiat usque magis quam sit necessaria religiosa et christiana unitas et fraterna communio omnium ipsius populorum ut, mutua debellata ignoratione ac diffidentia atque, certaminibus ideologicis profligatis communi in veritatis conscientia, evadere possit pro omni terrarum orbe exemplar iustae pacificaeque consortionis reciproca ex observantia et integra
We should therefore pray to the divine Spirit for the grace to be genuinely self-denying, humble, gentle in the service of others, and to have an attitude of brotherly generosity towards them".49
Ideo a Spiritu divino imploranda nobis est gratia sincerae abnegationis, humilitatis et mansuetudinis in serviendo, atque fraternae in alios animi liberalitatis” (Unitatis Redintegratio, 7)
It is everyone's duty, but especially that of Christians (12), to work with energy for the establishment of universal brotherhood, the indispensable basis for authentic justice and the condition for enduring peace: "We cannot in truthfulness call upon that God who is the Father of all if we refuse to act in a brotherly way toward certain men, created to God's image.
Omnium profecto ac potissimum christianorum hominum (Cf Mt 25, 35) officium est alacriter allaborare, ut fraterna omnium gentium instauretur coniunctio, quae quidem necessarium verge iustitiae fundamentum ac stabilis pacis condicio est existimanda: Nequimus vero Deum omnium Patrem invocare, si erga quosdam homines, ad imaginem Dei creatοs, fraterne nos gerere
Your presence calls to mind contacts we have had with the members of the Franciscan Order and it renews for us mentally the remembrance of those steps which we took, as it were, while, following the paths on which Saint Francis left his noble footprints: footprints, we say, of a man who was particularly on fire with love for Christ, of a faithful servant of the Church and of a brotherly friend of men and of all creatures.
Praesentia enim vestra in memoriam revocat multas necessitudines, quas cum sodalibus Franciscanis habuimus, atque in mente Nostra recordationem renovat illorum quasi gressuum, quos fecimus vias secuti, in quibus Sanctus Franciscus vestigia praeclara reliquit: vestigia dicimus viri amore Christi singulariter ardentis, fidelis ministri Ecclesiae, fraterni amici hominum cunctarumque
80. Persevere resolutely in the work you have begun, glorying in the fact that you serve the Church, that you obey her voice, that you are prompted more and more by her inspiration and her spirit, and that you are united in the bonds of brotherly love.
Firmiter in opere incohato perstate, gloriantes vos Ecclesiae servire, eius voci oboedire, eius afflatu et spiritibus magis magisque moveri ac vinculis fraternae caritatis
Plans proposed for man's betterment will unite all nations in the joint effort to be undertaken, if every citizen—be he a government leader, a public official, or a simple workman—is motivated by brotherly love and is truly anxious to build one universal human civilization that spans the globe.
Tum inita de humana progressione consilia ad opera communi labore efficienda populos inter se conectent, si omnes omnino cives, primores scilicet et magistratus et humillimus quisque artifex, fraterno accendantur amore flagranterque cupiant unum universumque in toto orbe terrarum cultum humanitatis
Yet is not that Infant the common brother of them all, He Who "being rich became poor," Who from that manger, as from the throne of heavenly wisdom, silently teaches us not only the value of brotherly love but also how men from their tenderest years onward must detach themselves from the longing for the goods of this world and share them with the poor, who in their very poverty are so much nearer to Christ?
Nonne Infans ille frater omnium communis est '' Qui « egenus factus est, cum esset dives », et ex praesepi illo, quasi e cathedra caelestis sapientiae, tacitus admonet, non modo quanti fraterna habenda sit caritas, sed etiam quantum homines, inde a prima aetatula, oporteat a cupiditate bonorum huius mundi disiungi, eaque cum pauperibus Christo similitudine propioribus
The Second Vatican Council reminded us and clearly showed that this ministry, while being a personal duty of each one of us, is nevertheless something that we carry out in the brotherly communion of the whole of the Church's episcopal College or "body".
Profecto Concilium Vaticanum II in memoriam redegit atque luculenter illustravit ministerium hoc, tametsi est officium uniuscuiusque nostrum proprium, apte in totius Collegii seu “ Corporis ” episcopalis Ecclesiae fraterna communione
Great was the reputation for brotherly affection, as well as for eloquence, which Vipstanus Messalla earned for himself on that day, by venturing, though not yet of Senatorial age, to plead for his brother Aquilius Regulus.
Magnam eo die pietatis eloquentiaeque famam Vipstanus Messala adeptus est, nondum senatoria aetate, ausus pro fratre Aquilio Regulo deprecari.latin-ancient latin-ancient
That these whole classes of men may be brought back to Christ Whom they have denied, we must recruit and train from among them, themselves, auxiliary soldiers of the Church who know them well and their minds and wishes, and can reach their hearts with a tender brotherly love.
Ut integrae hae hominum classes ad Christum, quem negarunt. reducantur, ex iis ipsis seligendi sunt et formandi auxiliares Ecclesiae milites, qui illos illorumque mentes et optata: bene norint, qui in eorum corda suavi quadam fraterna cantate penetrare
On the one hand, We behold the spectacle of countless multitudes who are coming to Rome from every country of the world during this Year of Jubilee, and who are giving here an outstanding testimony of oneness in faith, of brotherly unity, of an ardent piety, in such numbers as this Beloved City, which in the course of centuries has witnessed so many celebrated events, has never before seen until now.
Siquidem ex una parte cernimus multitudines undique gentium per Sacrum, qui volvitur, Annum Romam confluere, ibique insigne communis fidei, fraternae concordiae incensae que pietatis praebere spectaculum; idque tali peregrinantium numero, qualem per saeculorum decursum haec alma Urbs, tot celeberrimos experta eventus, umquam adhuc non
"Even between brothers there can be no lasting affection, except the father sets the example."" Vespasian, delighted with the brotherly affection of Titus rather than reconciled to Domitian, bade his son be of good cheer, and aggrandise the State by war and deeds of arms."
non legiones, non classis proinde firma imperii munimenta quam numerum liberorum; nam amicos tempore, fortuna, cupidinibus aliquando aut erroribus imminui, transferri, desinere: suum cuique sanguinem indiscretum, sed maxime principibus, quorum prosperis et alii fruantur, adversa ad iunctissimos pertineant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Salvius Titianus, the brother of Otho, was never in any peril, for his brotherly affection and his apathetic character screened him from danger.
Salvius Titianus Othonis frater nullum discrimen adiit, pietate et ignavia excusatus.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Finally, we lovingly impart to you, our esteemed brother, whose dedication to the See of Peter and whose experience are known to us, the Apostolic Blessing as a sign of our brotherly affection.
Tibi denique, Venerabilis Frater Noster, cuius observantiam in Petri Sedem rerumque usum cognita habemus, Benedictionem Apostolicam fraternae dilectionis Nostrae testimonium, amanter
These are not the things which strengthen the Church in its true following of Christ. They neither inject into the Church the watchful spirit of brotherly love, nor do they increase its ability to communicate its message.
E contrario unae res, quae sequuntur, ad illa bona comparanda Ecclesiae valent: et eius voluntas vivendi iuxta Dei gratiam, et eius fidelitas erga Christi Evangelium, et animorum coniunctio inter sacrae auctoritatis ordines et christianae communitatis
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