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Charlton T. Lewis

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The Rhine bank itself is occupied by tribes unquestionably German,--the Vangiones, the Triboci, and the Nemetes.
hortatus suos ut magno animo capesserent pugnam, diductis in latera turmis vacuum medio relinquit iter quo Varum equitesque eius reciperet; iussae armari legiones; datum per agros signum ut, qua cuique proximum, omissa praeda proelio occurreret.latin-ancient latin-ancient
When Spanish explorers first visited Tennessee, led by Hernando de Soto in 1539–43, it was inhabited by tribes of Muscogee and Yuchi people.
observatum id antiquitus comitiis dirimendis non terruit Galbam quo minus in castra pergeret, contemptorem talium ut fortuitorum; seu quae fato manent, quamvis significata, non vitantur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The fourth is called Numbers, since at the beginning of the book the great number of the children of Israel are listed by their tribes and families.
simul adfluentius solito convivium initum, servorum carissimi libertate et alii pecunia donati; atque ipse maestus et magnae cogitationis manifestus erat, quamvis laetitiam vagis sermonibus simularet.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
His other adherents were now endeavouring to collect auxiliaries among these danger-loving tribes by appeals to their pity and their greed.
integris quoque rebus a Caecina et primoribus partium iam Vitellium aspernantibus ambitus abnuere perseveravit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
On the right were the Batavi and the Gugerni; the left, which was nearer the river, was occupied by the Transrhenane tribes.
paucioribus Drusum et finem Illyrici motus laudavit, sed intentior et fida oratione.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Very rapidly did the light of the Gospel shine upon the savage tribes discovered by the Ligurian.
Interim Considius qui Acyllam + et VIII cohortibus stipendiariis + Numidis Gaetulisque obsidebat, ubi C. Messius + qui + cohortibus praeerat, diu multumque expertus magnisque operibus saepeadmotis et his ab oppidanis incensis cum proficeret nihil, subito nuntio de equestri proelio adlato commotus, frumento cuius in castris copiam habuerat incenso, vino oleo ceterisque rebus quae ad victum parari solent corruptis Acyllam quam obsidebat deseruit atque itinere per regnum Iubae facto copias cum Scipione partitus Hadrumetum se
By day they were presented with pots of marula beer by the Sekororo tribe, but at night the tribe members would repeatedly rustle their cattle.
Vim praefecturae modicam antea intendit, dispersas per urbem cohortis una in castra conducendo, ut simul imperia acciperent numeroque et robore et visu inter se fiducia ipsis, in ceteros metus oreretur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
If the family is the first teacher of each one of you, at the same time-through the family-you are also taught by the tribe, people or nation with which you are linked through the unity of culture, language and history.
bellum scilicet aut diverso terrarum distineri, litora et lacus Campaniae cum maxime
By 1972, the whole Darlong tribe became Christians.
Deprimitur ipsius Octavi quadriremis, multae praeterea capiuntur aut rostris pefforatae merguntur; propugnatores Octaviani partim in navibus iugulantur, partim in mare praecipitantur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
To the Langobardi, on the contrary, their scanty numbers are a distinction. Though surrounded by a host of most powerful tribes, they are safe, not by submitting, but by daring the perils of war.
ex quis C. Cassius sententiae loco in hunc modum disseruit:latin-ancient latin-ancient
He directed that the territories of the Ubii and the Treveri should be ravaged by the several tribes on which they bordered, and that another detachment should cross the river Mosa, to threaten the Menapii and the Morini and the frontiers of Gaul.
Quod ubi Caesar animadvertit, naves longas, quarum et species erat barbaris inusitatior et motus ad usum expeditior, paulum removeri ab onerariis navibus et remis incitari et ad latus apertum hostium constitui atque inde fundis, sagittis, tormentis hostes propelli ac submoveri iussit; quae res magno usui nostris fuit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
of any weight in the family, never in the state, with the exception of those tribes which are ruled by kings.
igitur orta die proruunt fossas, iniciunt cratis, summa valli prensant, raro super milite et quasi ob metum defixo.latin-ancient latin-ancient
While the same consuls were in office, an atrocious crime was committed in Nearer Spain by a peasant of the Termestine tribe.
Exulem eum et extorrem recipientibus oneri, et satis peccavisse quod totiens Rhenum transcenderint.latin-ancient latin-ancient
In 1637 Wequash and Uncas united with the English under Captain John Mason to fight the Pequots and witnessed the destruction of the tribe's fort by the English forces during the Mystic massacre in Mystic, Connecticut.
Dumnorigi custodes ponit, ut quae agat, quibuscum loquatur scire possit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
They settled and began trading for furs on a spit of land given to them by the native Algonquian tribes, whose culture Morton is said to have admired as far more "civilized and humanitarian" than that of his "intolerant European neighbours".
fratres eius Magnum Claudius, Crassum Nero interfecerant: ipse diu exul, quadriduo Caesar, properata adoptione ad hoc tantum maiori fratri praelatus est ut prioroccideretur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This tribe was extensively studied by Ethelwynn Trewavas, who made major reviews in 1935 and 1989, at the beginning and at the end of her career in ichthyology.
Itaque ex eo numero navium nulla desiderata est: ex Massiliensium classe V sunt depressae, IV captae, una cum Nasidianis profugit; quae omnes citeriorem Hispaniam petiverunt. At ex reliquis una praemissa Massiliam huius nuntii perferendi gratia cum iam appropinquaret urbi, omnis sese multitudo ad cognoscendum effudit, et re cognita tantus luctus excepit, ut urbs ab hostibus capta eodem vestigio videretur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
For an immense host of Ligii, with other tribes, was advancing, attracted by the fame of the opulent realm which Vannius had enriched during thirty years of plunder and of tribute.
sed obstitit vincentibus pravum inter ipsos certamen omisso hoste spolia consectandi.latin-ancient latin-ancient
At a stated period, all the tribes of the same race assemble by their representatives in a grove consecrated by the auguries of their forefathers, and by immemorial associations of terror.
vastata Campania turbine ventorum, qui villas arbusta fruges passim disiecit pertulitque violentiam ad vicina urbi; in qua omne mortalium genus vis pestilentiae depopulabatur, nulla caeli intemperie quae occurreret oculis.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The Batavians and the Transrhenane tribes took up their position, each tribe by itself, to distinguish and so the better to display the valour of each; first annoying us by a distant volley; then, as they found that very many of their missiles fixed themselves harmlessly in the turrets and battlements of the walls, and they themselves suffered from the stones showered down on them, they fell on the entrenchment with a shout and furious rush, many placing their scaling-ladders against the ramparts, and others mounting on a testudo formed by their comrades.
His rebus confectis Caesar, ut reliquum tempus a labore intermitteretur, milites in proxima municipia deducit; ipse ad urbem proficiscitur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
There is a famous mountain in Crete called Ida; the neighbouring tribe, the Idaei, came to be called Judaei by a barbarous lengthening of the national name.
Interim Romae futuris etiam post Tiberium caedibus semina iaciebantur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Beyond the Ligii are the Gothones, who are ruled by kings, a little more strictly than the other German tribes, but not as yet inconsistently with freedom.
latere dextro tertia legio, sinistro sextaincedebat, mediis decimanorum delectis; recepta inter ordines impedimenta, et tergum mille equites tuebantur, quibus iusserat, ut instantibus comminus resisterent, refugos non sequerentur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
By this encampment Augustus had thought the German tribes might be watched and checked; never had he contemplated such a pitch of disaster, as that these tribes should themselves advance to attack our legions.
Herculem ac Martem concessis animalibus placant: pars Suevorum et Isidi sacrificat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The weapons undoubtedly acquired by the Algonquians were used to defend themselves against raids from the northern tribes, however, and not against the fearful colonists.
quae semper odio, tum et metu atrox, ne aut vulgi acrior vis ingrueret aut Nero inclinatione populi mutaretur,provoluta genibus eius: non eo loci res suas agi, ut de matrimonio certet, quamquam id sibi vita potius, sed vitam ipsam in extremum adductam a clientelis et servitiis Octaviae, quae plebis sibi nomen indiderint, ea in pace ausi, quae vix bello evenirent.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
"Upon this the Tencteri, a tribe separated by the Rhine from the Colony, sent envoys with orders to make known their instructions to the Senate of the Agrippinenses. These orders the boldest spirit among the ambassadors thus expounded: ""For your return into the unity of the German nation and name we give thanks to the Gods whom we worship in common and to Mars, the chief of our divinities, and we congratulate you that at length you will live as free men among the free."
citatus ab imperatore nomen, ordinem, patriam, numerum stipendiorum, quae strenue in proeliis fecisset, et cui erant, dona militaria edebat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
For what a trifling obstacle would a river be to the various tribes, as they grew in strength and wished to possess in exchange settlements which were still open to all, and not partitioned among powerful monarchies! Accordingly the country between the Hercynian forest and the rivers Rhine and Moenus, and that which lies beyond, was occupied respectively by the Helvetii and Boii, both tribes of Gaul.
Fine anni Clutorium Priscum equitem Romanum, post celebre carmen quo Germanici suprema defleverat, pecunia donatum a Caesare, corripuit delator, obiectans aegro Druso composuisse quod, si extinctus foret, maiore praemio vulgaretur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
61 sinne gevind in 11 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.