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Charlton T. Lewis


Charlton T. Lewis

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There was a sort of root called chara, discovered by the troops which served under Valerius.
postero die spatium oravit, quo tantum itineris aditurus fratres ante matremque viseret; obsidem interea filiam tradit litterasque supplices ad Neronem.latin-ancient latin-ancient
After suicide attempts he was freed by Soviet troops in spring 1945, but died shortly after of heart failure.
nec ideo Rhenum insedimus ut Italiam tueremur, sed ne quis alius Ariovistus regno Galliarum potiretur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 196, after being hailed as emperor by his troops, Clodius Albinus took 40,000 men in three legions from Britannia to Gaul.
fuisse Vespasiano amicitiam cum Thrasea, Sorano, Sentio; quorum accusatores etiam si puniri non oporteat, ostentarinon debere.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Elated with their success, Civilis and Classicus doubted whether they should not give up the Colonia Agrippinensis to be plundered by their troops.
ceteri duces in obscuro: Antonium fortuna famaque omnium oculis exposuerat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
29 For by you I can run against a troop, and by my God I can leap over a wall.
Id hac ratione opusinstruebat, ut cum propius oppidum copias admovisset oppugnareque coepisset, tecta latera suis munitionibus haberet, ne ab equitatus multitudine circumventus ab oppugnatione deterreretur, praeterea quo facilius colloquia fiere possent, et siqui perfugere vellent, id quod antea saepe accidebat magno cum eorum periculo, tum facile et sine periculo fieret.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The infantry pushed on to Gelduba, while the camp remained in the same state as before, garrisoned by such troops as had been left in it.
satis adprobatam vim; datum et lenitatis experimentum.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Elated by these successes the troops of Vitellius would no longer be restrained by the boundaries of the river's bank.
ad omnis exercitus legatosque scriptae epistulae praeceptumque ut praetorianos Vitellio infensos reciperandae militiae praemio invitarent.latin-ancient latin-ancient
He forbade the centurions to visit the sentinels, and discontinued the trumpet calls by which the troops are summoned to their usual military duties.
Allobroges crebris ad Rhodanum dispositis praesidiis magna cum cura et diligentia suos fines tuentur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
By these means, the troops which were lost at Avaricum are speedily replaced.
Sagittarios varie passimque locis certis maximeque in cornibus collocaverat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Exasperated by this conflict, the troops of Otho vented their rage on the town of Albintemilium.
quod salutem ipsis tulit; Artaxatis ignis immissus deletaque et solo aequata sunt, qui nec teneri [poterant] sine valido praesidio ob magnitudinem moenium, nec id nobis virium erat, quod firmando praesidio et capessendo bello divideretur, vel, si integra et incustodita relinquerentur, nulla in eo utilitas aut gloria, quod capta essent.latin-ancient latin-ancient
At the same time, Vercingetorix, having heard the shout, gives the signal to his troops by a trumpet, and leads them forth from the town.
De re publica nisi per concilium loqui non conceditur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The Turoni were quelled by some legionary troops sent by Visellius Varro who commanded in Lower Germany, and led by the same Aviola and some Gallic chieftains who brought aid, in order that they might disguise their disaffection and exhibit it at a better opportunity.
quippe Moesicae legiones adiutam a se Pannonicorum ultionem referentes, et Pannonici, velut absolverentur aliorum seditione, iterare culpam gaudebant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
He placed elephants at equal distances on the right and left, and supported them by the light-armed troops and auxiliary Numidians.
quin et Asiam favore iuvenis arma cepisse, nec milites ad scelus missos aut numero validos aut animo promptos, postquam iussa efficere nequiverint, ad spes novas transisse.latin-ancient latin-ancient
It was followed by the veteran troops of the 4th, 10th, and 16th legions, by the 5th and 22nd legions, and the rear was brought up by the 21st (the Rapax) and the first Italian legion with the veteran troops of three British legions, and a chosen body of auxiliaries.
Mos est civitatibus ultro ac viritim conferre principibus vel armentorum vel frugum, quod pro honore acceptum, etiam necessitatibus subvenit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
There, with a river in their front, they might in the interval summon to their aid the Armenians and Elymaeans and other nations in their rear, and then, reinforced by allies and troops which would be sent by the Roman general, they might try the fortune of war.
is orditur de missione a sedecim annis, de praemiis finitae militiae, ut denarius diurnum stipendium foret, ne veterani sub vexillo haberentur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
With a few friends, Pompey escaped to a place strongly fortified by nature; of which the troops sent in pursuit of him having certain intelligence by their scouts, followed day and night.
Tunc singulos, ut cuique adsistere, adloqui animus erat, retinens aut dimittens partem diei absumpsit, multoque adhuc coetu et cunctis intrepidum vultum eius spectantibus, cum superesse tempus novissimis crederent, gladio quem sinu abdiderat incubuit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The contagion spread to the legions and the auxiliary troops, already excited by the news of the wavering loyalty of the army of Germany.
Hostes item suas copias ex castris eductas instruxerunt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Nero had added to their reputation by selecting them as his most effective troops.
Hardware was removed in 4 patients because of persisting soft tissue irritation. 27 patients could be reached for filling out the OKS at a mean postoperative period of 19 months (6-39 months).latin-ancient latin-ancient
The squadrons of the Treveri charged the enemy incautiously, and found themselves encountered in front by the veteran troops, while on the flanks they were also annoyed by showers of stones from the rustic band, who were skilful throwers, and who, mixed up as they were among the regular soldiers, whether cowardly or brave, were all equally bold in the moment of victory.
discordiam erga Germanicum odio fortasse dignam, non poena; et ademptione provinciae satis factum immicis.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Then the army advanced in regular formation, the Adorsi in the van and the rear, while the centre was strengthened by the cohorts, and native troops of Bosporus with Roman arms.
Liber sinistris meus est.latin-ancient latin-ancient
But recovering by degrees from their terror, and joining the troops that followed them, they again prepared to attack Mithridates.
A. Vitellio L. Vipstano consulibus cum de supplendo senatu agitaretur primoresque Galliae, quae Comata appellatur, foedera et civitatem R??? omanam pridem adsecuti, ius adipiscendorum in urbe honorum expeterent, multus ea super re variusque rumor.latin-ancient latin-ancient
They who had gone out to get forage or corn, were chased by the light troops of the Lusitanians, and the targeteers of Hither Spain, who were well acquainted with the country, and could readily swim across the river, because it is the custom of all those people not to join their armies without bladders.
Vir iuris peritus.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Thus the attack fell upon the legions, who had lost their standards and were being cut down within the entrenchments, when the fortune of the day was suddenly changed by a reinforcement of fresh troops.
Ei legioni castrisque Quintum Tullium Ciceronem praeficit ducentosque equites attribuit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Meantime P. Sitius entered Numidia with his troops, and took by storm a castle situated on a mountain, where Juba had laid up a great quantity of provisions, and other things necessary for carrying on the war.
Nox eadem necem Britannici et rogum coniunxit, proviso ante funebri paratu, qui modicus fuit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Although the army of the enemy was routed on the left wing and put to flight, they [still] pressed heavily on our men from the right wing, by the great number of their troops.
Ibaturque in caedes, nisi Afranius Burrus et Annaeus Seneca obviam issent.latin-ancient latin-ancient
136 sinne gevind in 11 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.