by twelfths oor Latyn

by twelfths

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


Charlton T. Lewis

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The poem has been set to music by Aaron Copland as the twelfth song of his song cycle Twelve Poems of Emily Dickinson.
is praetorii praefectus identidem orabat ne fidissimum exercitum, ne optime meritos milites desereret: maiore animo tolerari adversa quam relinqui; fortis et strenuos etiam contra fortunaminsisterespei, timidos et ignavos ad desperationem formidine properare.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
At the first onset the enemy are beaten and put to flight in the right wing, where the seventh legion stood: on the left wing, which position the twelfth legion held, although the first ranks fell transfixed by the javelins of the Romans, yet the rest resisted most bravely; nor did any one of them show the slightest intention of flying.
Multi tamen ex his capti interfectique sunt; sed numerus captivorum omnino fuit sex milium.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The Twelfth Doctor mentions a time when the region where the black hole now inhabits was planets as far as the eyes could see, but were all ate up by the black hole.
adeo maxima quaeque ambigua sunt, dum alii quoquo modo audita pro compertis habent, alii vera in contrarium vertunt, et gliscit utrumque posteritate.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He ordered Titus Labienus to attend himself, and sent the twelfth legion which had been under him in winter quarters, to Hither Gaul, to protect the Roman colonies, and prevent any loss by the inroads of barbarians similar to that which had happened the year before to the Tergestines, who were cut off by a sudden depredation and attack.
tempus in suspicionem, causa in crimen, adfectatio quietis in tumultum evaluit, et visa inter temulentos arma cupidinem sui movere.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Corbulo meantime transferred to Syria the fourth and twelfth legions, which, from the loss of their bravest men and the panic of the remainder, seemed quite unfit for battle, and led thence into Armenia the third and sixth legions, troops in thorough efficiency, and trained by frequent and successful service.
In quo proelio ceciderunt milia hominum circiter XXX et siquid amplius, praeterea Labienus, Attius Varus, quibus occisis utrisque funus est factum, itemque equites Romani partim ex urbe, partim ex provincia ad milia III.latin-ancient latin-ancient
5 sinne gevind in 2 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.