cause to stumble oor Latyn

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Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


Piotr Szelma

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Division "openly contradicts the will of Christ, provides a stumbling block to the world, and inflicts damage on the most holy cause of proclaiming the Good News to every creature".5
Divisio “aperte voluntati Christi contradicit et scandalo est mundo atque sanctissimae causae praedicandi Evangelium omni creaturae affert detrimentum” (Unitatis Redintegratio, 1)
For the division which unfortunately occurred in the course of the Church's history and which sadly still persists "not only openly contradicts the will of Christ, (but) provides a stumbling block to the world, and inflicts damage on the most holy cause of proclaiming the Gospel to every creature".25
Etenim divisio, quae pro dolor in rebus Ecclesiae est oborta et etiamnum manet, “et aperte voluntati Christi contradicit et scandalo est mundo atque sanctissimae causae praedicandi Evangelium omni creaturae affert detrimentum” [25]
2 sinne gevind in 3 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.