cause trouble oor Latyn

cause trouble

cause trouble (a disturbance)

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Piotr Szelma


Piotr Szelma

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This state of affairs is troubling consciences, perplexing some priests and young aspirants to the priesthood; it is a cause for alarm in many of the faithful and constrains Us to fulfill the promise We made to the Council Fathers. We told them that it was Our intention to give new luster and strength to priestly celibacy in the world of today.
Quapropter huius generis rerum statu, quo cum nonnullorum sacerdotum et sacerdotii candidatorum conscientia commovetur in diversumque trahitur, tum multorum fidelium animi perturbantur, Nobis veluti adigi ipsi videmur, ut, omni cunctatione discussa, quod Venerabilibus Patribus Concilii promisimus teneamus, quibus esse Nobis propositum diximus, ut in hac temporum ratione novum decus novamque firmitatem sacerdotali caelibatui adderemus (1)
2. Whoso turns his attention to the bitter strifes of these days and seeks a reason for the troubles that vex public and private life must come to the conclusion that a fruitful cause of the evils which now afflict, as well as those which threaten, us lies in this: that false conclusions concerning divine and human things, which originated in the schools of philosophy, have now crept into all the orders of the State, and have been accepted by the common consent of the masses.
Si quis in acerbitatem nostrorum temporum animum intendat, earumque rerum rationem, quae publice et privatim geruntur, cogitatione complectatur, is profecto comperiet, fecundam malorum causam, cum eorum quae premunt, tum eorum quae pertimescimus, in eo consistere, quod prava de divinis humanisque rebus scita, e scholis philosophorum iampridem profecta, in omnes civitatis ordines irrepserint, communi plurimorum suffragio
2 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.