changed oor Latyn


adjektief, werkwoord
Simple past tense and past participle of change.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


33. The times are indeed greatly changed.
Verum longe alia temporum ratio successit.
Piotr Szelma

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

change in color
Animals that can change color
Animalia quae coloribus commutari possunt
in an altered|changed manner
agent of change
change of venue
tralatio · translatio
change allegiance|policy
transgradior · transgredior
change residence|condition
grammatical change
able to resist change


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As the centuries passed and historical outlooks and world conditions were transformed, certain changes and refinements were brought in, especially when the commissions of cardinals were set up in the nineteenth century to give the Pope assistance beyond that of the other dicasteries of the Roman Curia.
Volventibus tamen sæculis ac rationibus historicis rerumque condicionibus mutantibus, temperamenta quædam atque immutationes accesserunt, præsertim cum sæculo XIX Cardinalium Commissiones institutæ sunt, quarum esset Summo Pontifici adiutricem operam præter alia Romanæ Curiæ Dicasteria conferre. Denique, opera et iussu
This openness was an evangelical response to recent changes in the world, including the profoundly disturbing experiences of the Twentieth Century, a century scarred by the First and Second World Wars, by the experience of concentration camps and by horrendous massacres.
Quoniam patuit, responsum exhibuit evangelicum mundo hodiernis temporibus se evolventi, qui XX saeculi expertus est immanitates, primo alteroque bello universali est vexatus, captivorum custodiendorum campis et vastis internecionibus
2010 United Nations Climate Change Conference
Concilium climaticum Cancunenselangbot langbot
By adaptation to the changing conditions of time and place, the Eucharist offers sustenance not only to individuals but to entire peoples, and it shapes cultures inspired by Christianity.
Sese accommodans variis temporis et loci condicionibus, nutrimentum praebet Eucharistiam non tantum singulis hominibus, sed ipsis etiam integris populis, et culturas christiana ratione institutas
Caesar, having thus made himself master of Alexandria and Egypt, lodged the government in the hands of those to whom Ptolemy had bequeathed it by will, conjuring the Roman people not to permit any change.
Caesar Aegypto atque Alexandrea potitus reges constituit quos Ptolomaeus testamento scripserat atque obtestatus erat populum Romanum ne mutarentur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The firstborn of an ass thou shalt change for a sheep: and if thou do not redeem it, thou shalt kill it. And every firstborn of men thou shalt redeem with a price.
Primogenitum asini mutabis ove; quod, si non redemeris, interficies. Omne autem primogenitum hominis de filiis tuis pretio redimes.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
The eightieth anniversary of the publication of the encyclical Rerum Novarum, the message of which continues to inspire action for social justice, prompts us to take up again and to extend the teaching of our predecessors, in response to the new needs of a changing world.
Octogesima adveniens anniversaria memoria Litterarum Encyclicarum, a verbis «Rerum Novarum» incipientium, quorum nuntio animi ad agendum pro sociali iustitia pergunt incitari, Nos movet, ut nonnulla proferamus mentis cogitata; quod quidem eo facimus consilio, ut quaedam conferamus in medium, Decessorum Nostrorum persequentes doctrinam de re sociali atque normas suasionesque edicentes, quas necessitates postulant mundi, qui continenter
Third, continental philosophy typically holds that human agency can change these conditions of possible experience: "if human experience is a contingent creation, then it can be recreated in other ways".
Tertio, philosophia continentalis usitate affirmat actionem humanam hos status experientiae quae fieri potest mutare potest: "si experientia humana est status contingens, tum aliter recreari potest."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Even changes of ownership by inheritance cases can be found on the linen today, old names were deleted and new written underneath.
Plerique libri hodie ab integro impressi sunt, in transitu meliores facti emendationibus aut indicando novos libros.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In fine, they did not reflect on the common casualties of war; how trifling causes, either from groundless suspicions, sudden affright, or religious scruples, have oftentimes been productive of considerable losses; how often an army has been unsuccessful either by the misconduct of the general, or the oversight of a tribune; but as if they had proved victorious by their valor, and as if no change could ever take place, they published the success of the day throughout the world by reports and letters.
Non denique communes belli casus recordabantur, quam parvulae saepe causae vel falsae suspicionis vel terroris repentini vel obiectae religionis magna detrimenta intulissent, quotiens vel ducis vitio vel culpa tribuni in exercitu esset offensum; sed, proinde ac si virtute vicissent, neque ulla commutatio rerum posset accidere, per orbem terrarum fama ac litteris victoriam eius diei concelebrabant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
In special circumstances and by mandate of the Supreme Pontiff, and in consultation with the competent dicasteries of the Roman Curia, this Section sees to the provision of particular Churches and the constitution of and changes to these Churches and their groupings.
In peculiaribus rerum adiunctis, de mandato Summi Pontificis, hæc sectio, collatis consiliis cum competentibus Curiæ Romanæ Dicasteriis, ea explet quæ ad Ecclesiarum particularium provisionem necnon ad earum earumque cœtuum constitutionem aut immutationem
The Second Vatican Council reminds us: "The Church maintains that beneath all changes there are many realities which do not change; these find their ultimate foundation in Christ, who is the same yesterday, and today, and forever (cf.
Sicut Concilium Vaticanum II commemorat, “affirmat insuper Ecclesia omnibus mutationibus multa subesse quae non mutantur, quaeque fundamentum suum ultimum in Christo habent, qui est heri, hodie, Ipse et in saecula (Cfr.
For example, we think of Hildegard’s charismatic and speculative capacity, which offers a lively incentive to theological research; her reflection on the mystery of Christ, considered in its beauty; the dialogue of the Church and theology with culture, science and contemporary art; the ideal of the consecrated life as a possibility for human fulfilment; her appreciation of the liturgy as a celebration of life; her understanding of the reform of the Church, not as an empty change of structure but as conversion of heart; her sensitivity to nature, whose laws are to be safeguarded and not violated.
Cogitamus exempli gratia de charismatis ratiocinationisque facultate, qua pollebat Hildegardis, quae vividum incitamentum ostenditur ad theologicam inquisitionem; ad meditationem de Christi mysterio, in eius pulchritudine considerato, ad dialogum de Ecclesia ac theologia cum cultura, scientia et huius temporis arte, ad vitae consecratae spectabile propositum, in quo homo se complere potest, ad liturgiam aestimandam, tamquam vitae celebrationem, ad propositum Ecclesiae reformandae, quod secum fert non vacuam structurarum commutationem, sed cordis conversionem, ad eius in naturam studium, cuius leges sunt tuendae, non
Futures studies seeks to understand what is likely to continue, what is likely to change, and what is novel.
Studia futurorum res intellegere volunt quae probabilius persistent, ac res quae verisimiliter commutabuntur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Please change the flag.
Muta vexillum, quaeso.tatoeba tatoeba
All this should fill us with joy, but we should also remember that these changes demand new spiritual awareness and maturity, both on the part of the celebrant-especially now that he celebrates "facing the people"-and by the faithful.
Quae omnia si gaudio nos replent, reminisci tamen etiam decet mutationes illas novam jagitare conscientiam maturitatemque spiritalem non solum a celebrante, potissimum hodie cum “versus populum” celebrat, sed ab ipsis pariter
But these errors will never be effectively refuted, unless by bringing about a change of front, that is to say, unless those in error be forced to leave the field of criticism in which they consider themselves firmly entrenched for the legitimate field of philosophy through the abandonment of which they have fallen into their errors.
Hi autem errores satis refelli poterunt nunquam, nisi acie mutata, hoc est, deductis errantibus a suae critices praesidiis, ubi se munitos existimant, ad legitimum philosophiae campum, quo relicto, errores
Drusus, thinking that he ought to avail himself of this change in their temper and turn what chance had offered to a wise account, ordered the tents to be visited. Clemens, the centurion was summoned with all others who for their good qualities were liked by the common soldiers.
utendum inclinatione ea Caesar et quae casus obtulerat in sapientiam vertenda ratus circumiri tentoria iubet; accitur centurio Clemens et si alii bonis artibus grati in vulgus.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Everyone changes.
Omnes mutantur.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
"Surely from them the rolling years should see / new sons of ancient Teucer rise again, / the Romans, rulers of the land and sea. / So swar'st thou; Father, say, why changed is thy decree?"
"Certe hinc Romanos olim, volventibus annis, / hinc fore ductores, revocato a sanguine Teucri, / qui mare, qui terras omni dicione tenerent, / pollicitus, quæ te, genitor, sententia vertit?"Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
"Observations: Oceanic Climate Change and Sea Level" (PDF).
"Per regionem vastissimam inter oceanum et Fluvium Madeira" (p.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The undeniable triumphs of scientific research and contemporary technology have helped to propagate a scientistic outlook, which now seems boundless, given its inroads into different cultures and the radical changes it has brought.
Felices qui nullo modo possunt negari successus scientificae investigationes nec non horum temporum technologiae plurimum adiuverunt ut mens scientistica disseminaretur quae nullis iam videtur finibus circumscribi, cum in varias iam intraverit culturae formas et mutationes fundamentales ibi quoque
In putting into practice the reform of the Liturgy, the Council achieved in a special way the fundamental aim which it had set itself: “To impart an ever increasing vigour to the Christian life of the faithful; to adapt more suitably to the needs of our own times those institutions that are subject to change; to foster whatever can promote union among all who believe in Christ; to strengthen whatever can help to call the whole of humanity into the household of the Church”(2).
Liturgiae sacrae redintegrationem ac propagationem persequens insigniter omnino principale, quod sibi praestituerat, propositum peregit Concilium: “vitam christianam inter fideles in dies augere; eas institutiones quae mutationibus obnoxiae sunt ad nostrae aetatis necessitates melius accommodare; quidquid ad unionem omnium in Christum credentium conferre potest, fovere; et quiquid ad omnes in sinum Ecclesiae vocandos conducit, roborare” (Sacrosanctum Concilium, 1)
In our time, the changes that have occurred in social behavior, people's sensibilities, manners of expression in art and letters and in the forms of social communication have also influenced the manifestations of religious sentiment.
Mutationes temporibus nostris inductae in mores sociales, in populorum sentiendi vim, in modos, quibus litterae et artes exprimuntur, in rationes socialis communicationis, etiam ad formas sensus religiosi significandi vim
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