chapter oor Latyn


/ˈtʃæp.tə(ɹ)/ werkwoord, naamwoord
One of the main sections into which the text of a book is divided.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


Although each chapter will have its own subject and specific approach, it will also take up and re-examine important questions previously dealt with.
Unumquodque caput, licet propria habeat argumenta propriamque methodum, recipit vicissim magni momenti quaestiones in capitibus praecedentibus tractatas.


section in a book
Why should this document, addressed to all people of good will, include a chapter dealing with the convictions of believers?
Quid quod huic documento, bonae voluntatis hominibus converso, capitulum de fidei persuasionibus additur?



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Tamen virtute militum confisus cognitis hostium copiis se ad dimicandum
The norms and spirit to which adaptation and renewal must correspond should be gathered not only from the Decree Perfectae Caritatis but also from other documents of the Second Vatican Council, especially from chapters 5 and 6 of the Dogmatic Constitution Lumen Gentium.
Dux bello peritissimus, civis in
"Chapter 7: The Verrazano-Narrows Bridge".
Proeliis vero compluribus factis secundis atque omni nobilitate Aeduorum interfecta tantum potentia antecesserant, ut magnam partem clientium ab Aeduis ad se traducerent obsidesque ab eis principum filios acciperent et publice iurare cogerent nihil se contra Sequanos consili inituros et partem finitimi agri per vim occupatam possiderent Galliaeque totius principatum obtinerent.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
These experiments can be prolonged until the next Ordinary general chapter, which will have the faculty to continue them further but not beyond the chapter immediately following.
Id opus inter se Petreius atque Afranius partiuntur ipsique perficiundi operis causa longius
It is the right of institutes with simple vows to decree in general chapter whether the renunciation of inheritances which have been acquired and will be acquired should be incorporated into the constitutions and, if this is done, whether such renunciation should be obligatory or optional. They should also decide when this is to be done, that is, whether before perpetual profession or some years later.
ille nihil ex his sponte susceptum, sed principi paruisse defendebat, donec eam orationem Caesar cohibuit, compertum sibi referens ex commentariis patris sui nullam cuiusquam accusationem ab eo
In the fourth and fifth chapters, Sharp breaks down childbirth and the immediately ensuing period, advising on what to do and what problems may arise.
Quantulum enim amnis obstabat, quo minus, ut quaeque gens evaluerat, occuparet permutaretque sedes, promiscuas adhuc et nulla regnorum potentia divisas? Igitur inter Hercyniam sylvam Rhenumque et Moenum amnes Helvetii, ulteriora Boii, Gallica utraque gens, tenuere.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the first chapter of his Letter to the Romans, Saint Paul helps us to appreciate better the depth of insight of the Wisdom literature's reflection.
vulgus tamen vacuum curis et sine falsi verique discrimine solitas adulationes edoctum clamore et vocibus adstrepebat; abnuentique nomen Augusti expressere ut adsumeret, tam frustra quam
amicitia Germanici perniciosa utrique, Silio et quod ingentis exercitus septem per annos moderator partisque apud Germaniam triumphalibus Sacroviriani belli victor, quanto maiore mole procideret, plus formidinis in alios
Chapter I DIES DOMINI The Celebration of the Creator's Work
Paucis diebus interpositis noctu insidias equitum collocavit, quo in loco superioribus fere diebus nostri pabulari consueverant; et cum cotidiana consuetudine
To present all the riches of the Council's teaching we would here have to make reference to numerous chapters and paragraphs of the Constitution Lumen Gentium and of many other documents by the Council.
Mart. proelium ad Soricariam quod factum est, ex eo tempore metum esse magnum et Attium Varum circum castella
The story is organized into seven brief chapters.
Toti tamen officio maritimo M. Bibulus praepositus cuncta administrabat; ad hunc summa imperii respiciebat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Meditating on the thirteenth chapter of the First Letter of Paul to the Corinthians, we set out on a path which leads us to understand quickly and clearly the full truth about the civilization of love.
Haud pigebit referre in Falanio et Rubrio, modicis equitibus Romanis, praetemptata crimina, ut quibus initiis, quanta Tiberii arte gravissimum exitium inrepserit, dein repressum sit, postremo arserit cunctaque corripuerit,
This document stretches 57 pages and 118 chapters.
Sabinus quos in praesentia tribunos militum circum se habebat et primorum ordinum centuriones se sequi iubet et, cum propius Ambiorigem accessisset, iussus arma abicere imperatum facit suisque ut idem faciant imperat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This description of creation, which we find in the very first chapter of the Book of Genesis, is also in a sense the first "gospel of work".
et secuta consilium ducis industria militum, divisique in duo agmina, qui laevum iter petiverant recens reversos praedaque per luxum usos et somno gravis
The author of the Letter to the Hebrews, in the eleventh chapter, outlined a kind of history of those who live in hope and of their journeying, a history which stretches from the time of Abel into the author's own day.
Cum vultus Domiti cum oratione non consentiret,atque omnia trepidantius timidiusque ageret, quam superioribus diebus consuesset, multumque cum suis consiliandi causa secreto praeter consuetudinem colloqueretur, concilia conventusque hominum fugeret, res diutius tegi dissimularique non
The "Theses on Feuerbach" are eleven short philosophical notes written by Karl Marx as a basic outline for the first chapter of the book The German Ideology in 1845.
missi qui locum proelii, Cremonae vestigia, captas legiones ostenderent.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
You have come here to Rome to conduct the General Chapter for each of your various Religious Institutes. While these Chapters primarily have relevance to your own Orders and Congregations, yet they also influence the life of the Church; for the Church, to a great extent, derives Her vigor, Her apostolic zeal, and Her fervor in seeking holiness of life, from the flourishing condition of Her Religious Institutes.
quia tamen non, ut hominum vultus, ita locorum facies mutantur, obversabaturque maris illius et litorum gravis adspectus (et erant qui crederent sonitum tubae collibus circum editis planctusque tumulo matris audiri), Neapolim concessit litterasque ad senatum misit, quarum summa erat repertum cum ferro percussorem Agermum, ex intimis Agrippinae libertis, et luisse eam poenam conscientia, qua[si] scelus
In the chapter on "The Community of Mankind" in the Pastoral Constitution Gaudium et spes, we read: "The Lord Jesus, when he prayed to the Father 'that all may be one ... as we are one' (Jn 17: 21-22), opened up vistas closed to human reason.
et celeberrimae luxu famaque epulae fuere, quas a Tigellino paratas ut exemplum referam, ne saepius eadem prodigentia narranda
"Chapter 9: Watching the Family Grow".
Follow–up measures up to one year after finishing the program were obtained.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
General chapters and synaxes should explore ways is which members who are called "conversi," "cooperatores," or by any other such name, may gradually obtain an active vote in specified community actions and elections and also a passive vote in the case of certain offices. Thus indeed it will come about that they are closely joined with the life and works of the community and the priests will be freer to devote themselves to their own ministry.
Leo XIII ita nervose describit magnopereque commendat: « admirabile sertum ex angelico praeconio consertum, interiecta oratione dominica, cum meditationis officio coniunctum, supplicandi genus praestantissimum ... et ad immortalis praesertim vitae adeptionem maxime frugiferum » (6)
We find various passages in which the apostolic writings express this innovation, even though they also communicate what is "old": what is rooted in the religious tradition of Israel, in its way of understanding and explaining the sacred texts, as for example the second chapter of the Book of Genesis.[
Sed hunc laborem recusabat nemo, quod eum omnium laborum finem fore existimabant, si hostem Hibero intercludere et frumento prohibere
Post served as the honorary house mother of the college's first local fraternity, Sigma Beta Epsilon, which, in 1969, became the New York Beta chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon.
Quibus ex rebus Caesar vehementer commovebatur, quod quotienscumque proelium erat commissum, equitatu suo sine legionario milite hostium equitatui levique armaturae eorum nullo modo par esse poterat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This first chapter of the Gospel of suffering, which speaks of persecutions, namely of tribulations experienced because of Christ, contains in itself a special call to courage and fortitude, sustained by the eloquence of the Resurrection.
Haec in Germania ante Cremonense proelium gesta, cuius eventum litterae Primi Antonii docuere, addito Caecinae edicto; et praefectus cohortis e victis, Alpinius Montanus, fortunam partium praesens
A separate chapter will be the actual celebration of the Great Jubilee, which will take place simultaneously in the Holy Land, in Rome and in the local Churches throughout the world.
Perculso Seneca promptum fuit Rufum Faenium imminuere Agrippinae amicitiam in eo
A special general chapter, ordinary or extraordinary, should be convened within two or at most three years to promote the adaptation and renewal in each institute.
In tradenda morte Drusi quae plurimis maximaeque fidei auctoribus memorata sunt rettuli: set non omiserim eorundem temporum rumorem validum adeo ut noudum
109 sinne gevind in 16 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.