coast by oor Latyn

coast by

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[ rādō ]
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Piotr Szelma

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In the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, the exploration of the African coast by the Portuguese was soon accompanied by the evangelization of the regions of Sub-Saharan Africa.
XV et XVI saeculis, ab Africanum litus lustrantibus Lusitanis, mox evangelicus nuntius in regiones infra Saharam inductus
All major cities are located in the highlands and Pacific coast regions; by comparison, Petén is sparsely populated.
Omnes praecipuae urbes in terra superiori et litoris Pacifici regionibus sitae sunt; comparate, Regio Petenensis exigue incolitur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
These duties continued until 28 August 1919 when the cutters were turned back to the Coast Guard by executive order.
Ipse autem mense Ianuario 1928 se a magistratu recessere coactus est.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He was indeed also preparing to invade by sea and land the province of Africa, which lies on the same line of coast, intending by thus closing the supplies of corn to cause famine and dissension among the enemy.
namque et Africam, eodem latere sitam, terra marique invadere parabat, clausis annonae subsidiis inopiam ac discordiam hosti facturus.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Italy on both seas was guarded by fleets, at Misenum and at Ravenna, and the contiguous coast of Gaul by ships of war captured in the victory of Actium, and sent by Augustus powerfully manned to the town of Forojulium.
Italiam utroque mari duae classes, Misenum apud et Ravennam, proximumque Galliae litus rostratae naves praesidebant, quas Actiaca victoria captas Augustus in oppidum Foroiuliense miserat valido cum remige.latin-ancient latin-ancient
For example, when daylight saving time is in effect in New South Wales, NSW-based stations broadcasting to the Gold Coast, Queensland would effectively push the broadcast watersheds an hour earlier, as Queensland does not observe DST; however, complaints by Gold Coast residents have forced those stations to delay prime-time programming by one hour to compensate.
In itinere iactactus tempestate in insulas Strophades, infestas habet Harpyias, quarum ex una audit se non prius in Italia fixurum sedes, quam fame coactus fuerit mensas absumere.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Some escaped in boats which they found upon the coast; others endeavored to reach the galleys by swimming; and, weighing anchor, stood out to sea.
Nonnullique ea pugna scaphas quae ad litus fuerant occupant, item complures nando ad naves quae in salo fuerunt, se recipiunt, ancoris sublatis pelagus remis petere coeperunt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Germanicus, however, entered on the office at Nicopolis, a city of Achaia, whither he had arrived by the coast of Illyricum, after having seen his brother Drusus, who was then in Dalmatia, and endured a stormy voyage through the Adriatic and afterwards the Ionian Sea.
sed eum honorem Germanicus iniit apud urbem Achaiae Nicopolim, quo venerat per Illyricam oram viso fratre Druso in Delmatia agente, Hadriatici ac mox Ionii maris adversam navigationem perpessus.latin-ancient latin-ancient
"As for yon shore and that Italian coast, / washed, where the land lies nearest, by our main, / shun them; their cities hold a hostile host. / There Troy's old foes, the evil Argives, reign."
"Has autem terras Italique hanc litoris oram, / proxima quae nostri perfunditur aequoris aestu, / effuge: cuncta malis habitantur moenia Graiis."tatoeba tatoeba
"As for yon shore and that Italian coast, / washed, where the land lies nearest, by our main, / shun them; their cities hold a hostile host. / There Troy's old foes, the evil Argives, reign."
"Has autem terras Italique hanc litoris oram, / proxima quæ nostri perfunditur æquoris æstu, / effuge: cuncta malis habitantur mœnia Graiis."Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
I sing of arms and the man, made a fugitive by fate, who first came from the coasts of Troy, to Italy and the Lavinian shores.
Arma virumque cano, Trojae qui primus ab oris / Italiam, fato profugus, Lavinjaque venit / litora.tatoeba tatoeba
I sing of arms and the man, made a fugitive by fate, who first came from the coasts of Troy, to Italy and the Lavinian shores.
Arma virumque cano, Trojæ qui primus ab oris / Italiam, fato profugus, Lavinjaque venit / litora.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
In addition to this loss, they were prevented from getting water by the horse which Antonius had disposed along the sea-coast.
Ad hoc detrimentum accessit, ut equitibus per oram maritimam ab Antonio dispositis aquari prohiberentur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
After a time, Antiochus, king of that coast, having broken the unity of the barbarian forces, by cajolery of the people and treachery to their leader, slew Troxobor and a few chiefs, and pacified the rest by gentle measures.
dein rex eius orae Antiochus blandimentis adversum plebem, fraude in ducem cum barbarorum copias dissociasset, Troxobore paucisque primoribus interfectis ceteros clementia composuit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
And being apprehensive for Domitius, lest he should be surprised by Pompey's arrival, he hastened with all speed and earnestness to join him; for he planned the operations of the whole campaign on these principles: that if Pompey should march after him, he would be drawn off from the sea, and from those forces which he had provided in Dyrrachium, and separated from his corn and magazines, and be obliged to carry on the war on equal terms; but if he crossed over into Italy, Caesar, having effected a junction with Domitius, would march through Illyricum to the relief of Italy; but if he endeavored to storm Apollonia and Oricum, and exclude him from the whole coast, he hoped, by besieging Scipio, to oblige him, of necessity, to come to his assistance.
Totius autem rei consilium his rationibus explicabat, ut, si Pompeius eodem contenderet, abductum ilium a mari atque ab eis copiis, quas Dyrrachii comparaverat, abstractum pari condicione belli secum decertare cogeret; si in Italiam transiret, coniuncto exercitu cum Domitio per Illyricum Italiae subsidio proficisceretur; si Apolloniam Oricumque oppugnare et se omni maritima ora excludere conaretur, obsesso Scipione necessario illum suis auxilium ferre cogeret.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The line was then inherited by the LNER in 1923, and today is still the main route for East Coast Main Line expresses to Leeds.
Prima via aedificata est anno 1968 et hodie Subterranea Francofortensis e novem lineis constituta est.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He was afraid that the 14th legion, supported by the fleet from Britain, might do mischief to the Batavi along their line of coast.
circumsteterat Civilem et alius metus, ne quarta decima legio adiuncta Britannica classe adflictaret Batavos, qua Oceano ambiuntur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
His departure occasioned the utmost sadness and consternation among the troops; for being few in number, mostly new levies, and those not all suffered to land, they saw themselves exposed, upon a foreign coast, to the mighty forces of a crafty nation, supported by an innumerable cavalry.
Omnibus in exercitu insciis et requirentibus imperatoris consilium, magno metu ac tristimonia sollicitabantur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Caesar, imagining that the war would be protracted to too great a length, and despairing of his convoys from Italy, because all the coasts were guarded with great diligence by Pompey's adherents; and because his own fleets, which he had built during the winter, in Sicily, Gaul, and Italy, were detained; sent Lucius Canuleius into Epirus to procure corn; and because these countries were too remote, he fixed granaries in certain places, and regulated the carriage of the corn for the neighboring states.
Caesar longius bellum ductum iri existimans et de Italicis commeatibus desperans, quod tanta diligentia omni litora a Pompeianis tenebantur, classesque ipsius, quas hieme in Sicilia, Gallia, Italia fecerat, morabantur, in Epirum rei frumentariae causa Q. Tillium et L. Canuleium legatum misit, quodque hae regiones aberant longius, locis certis horrea constituit vecturasque frumenti finitimis civitatibus descripsit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Between the two fleets were certain flats, separated by very narrow channels, and which are said to be on the African coast, as being in that division of Alexandria which belongs to Africa.
Magnum praeterea numerum minorum navigiorum et scapharum producunt cum malleolis ignibusque, si quid ipsa multitudo et clamor et flamma nostris terroris adferre possent.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Meanwhile Scipio, with Damasippus and Torquatus, and Plaetorius Rustianus, having embarked on board some galleys, with the intention of making for the coast of Spain; and being long and severely tossed by contrary winds, were at last obliged to put into the port of Hippo, where the fleet commanded by P. Sitius chanced at that time to be.
Scipio interim cum Damasippo et Torquato et Plaetorio Rustiano navibus longis diu multumque iactati cum Hispaniam peterent, ad Hipponem Regium deferuntur, ubi classis P. Sitti ad id tempus erat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
These ships were hindered from gaining the port by an easterly wind, which continued to blow for several days; but all along that coast it is very safe to ride at anchor.
Hae naves Euro, qui multos dies continenter flabat, portum capere prohibebantur; sed loca sunt egregia omni illa regione ad tenendas ancoras.latin-ancient latin-ancient
In this island some of the Egyptians have houses, and a village as large as a town; and whatever ships from any quarter, either through mistaking the channel, or by the storm, have been driven from their course upon the coast, they constantly plunder like pirates.
In hac sunt insula domicilia Aegyptiorum et vicus oppidi magnitudine; quaeque ibi naves imprudentia aut tempestate paulum suo cursu decesserunt, has more praedonum diripere consuerunt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
So, after coasting Achaia and Asia, leaving the land on his left, he made for the islands of Rhodes and Cyprus, and then by a bolder course for Syria.
igitur oram Achaiae et Asiae ac laeva maris praevectus, Rhodum et Cyprum insulas, inde Syriam audentioribus spatiis petebat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Within these two days the thirty-seventh legion, composed of Pompey's veterans that had surrendered to Caesar, embarking by order of Domitius Calvinus, with arms, darts, provisions, and military engines, arrived upon the coast of Africa, a little above Alexandria.
Eo biduo legio XXXVII ex dediticiis Pompeianis militibus cum frumento, armis, telis, tormentis imposita in navis a Domitio Calvino ad litora Africae paulo supra Alexandream delata est.latin-ancient latin-ancient
36 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.