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Charlton T. Lewis

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2. In the sacred records of Bavaria are many circumstances, but We recall things unknown to you, concerning which the Church and the State may unite in a common joy.
In sacris Bavarorum fastis, res repetimus haud incognitas vobis, bene multa sunt, de quibus Ecclesia et civitas concordem capiant
Now this was the custom in former time in Israel concerning redeeming and concerning exchanging, to confirm all things: a man took off his sandal, and gave it to his neighbor; and this was the way of formalizing transactions in Israel. So the near kinsman said to Boaz, "Buy it for yourself," then he took off his sandal.
Hic autem erat mos antiquitus in Israel pro redemptione et commutatione: ut esset firma concessio, solvebat homo calceamentum suum et dabat proximo suo. Hoc erat testimonium cessionis in Israel. Dixit ergo propinquus ad Booz: “Eme tibi”. Et solvit calceamentum suum de pede suo.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
But the threat does not merely concern what human beings can do to human beings through the means provided by military technology; it also concerns many other dangers produced by a materialistic society which-in spite of "humanistic" declarations-accepts the primacy of things over persons.
Verum tamen mini tans illud periculum non ea sola respicit, quae hominibus homines facere valent instrumentis nempe usi militaris artificii; tangit enim minas alias multas, quas progenuit ea cultus civilis forma materiae prope addicta, quae, licet humanisticas divulget asseverationes, principatum nihilo setius rerum tolerat prae ipsa hominis
Through Sunday rest, daily concerns and tasks can find their proper perspective: the material things about which we worry give way to spiritual values; in a moment of encounter and less pressured exchange, we see the true face of the people with whom we live.
Per dominicam quietem, sollicitudines vitaeque cotidianae munera aequam mensuram reperire possunt: terrena, de quibus solliciti sumus, spiritalibus divitiis spatium relinquunt; personae quibuscum vivimus, per conventus et magis serenum colloquium, verum vultum
In the same cases, the testimony of one witness can produce full proof if it concerns a qualified witness making a deposition concerning matters done ex officio, or unless the circumstances of things and persons suggest it.
In iisdem causis, depositio unius testis plenam fidem facere potest, si agatur de teste qualificato qui deponat de rebus ex officio gestis, aut rerum et personarum adiuncta id
For having put the question whether His judicial power extends to all men, and having stated that judicial authority flows naturally from royal authority, he concludes decisively as follows: "All things are subject to Christ as far as His power is concerned, although they are not all subject to Him in the exercise of that power" (3a., p., q. 59, a.
Cur autem ipsi infideles potestate dominatuque Iesu Christi teneantur, caussam sanctus Thomas rationemque, edisserendo, docet. Cum enim de iudiciali eius potestate quaesisset, num ad homines porrigatur universos, affirmassetque, iudiciaria potestas consequitur potestatem regiam, plane concludit: Christo omnia sunt subiecta quantum ad potestatem, etsi nondum sunt ei subiecta quantum ad executionem potestatis (3 p. q. 39
Indeed, the new law appeared, at least indirectly, to facilitate and even in some way to encourage apostasy in places where the Catholic faithful are not numerous or where unjust marriage laws discriminate between citizens on the basis of religion. The new law also made difficult the return of baptized persons who greatly desired to contract a new canonical marriage following the failure of a preceding marriage. Finally, among other things, many of these marriages in effect became, as far as the Church is concerned, "clandestine" marriages.
Etenim e nova lege oriri videbantur, saltem oblique, commoditas ac veluti adiumentum apostasiae illis in locis ubi fideles catholici exigui sunt numero, vel ubi iniquae vigent leges matrimoniales discrimina statuentes inter cives ratione religionis; difficilis praeterea fiebat reditus horum baptizatorum qui novum contrahere exoptarent matrimonium canonicum, post prioris ruinam; denique, ut alia omittamus, horum matrimoniorum permulta devenerant de facto pro Ecclesia matrimonia sic dicta
2. Whoso turns his attention to the bitter strifes of these days and seeks a reason for the troubles that vex public and private life must come to the conclusion that a fruitful cause of the evils which now afflict, as well as those which threaten, us lies in this: that false conclusions concerning divine and human things, which originated in the schools of philosophy, have now crept into all the orders of the State, and have been accepted by the common consent of the masses.
Si quis in acerbitatem nostrorum temporum animum intendat, earumque rerum rationem, quae publice et privatim geruntur, cogitatione complectatur, is profecto comperiet, fecundam malorum causam, cum eorum quae premunt, tum eorum quae pertimescimus, in eo consistere, quod prava de divinis humanisque rebus scita, e scholis philosophorum iampridem profecta, in omnes civitatis ordines irrepserint, communi plurimorum suffragio
This manner of spreading pictures and sounds, so far as the spirit is concerned, is supremely adapted to the nature of men, as Aquinas says: "But it is natural to man to come to things of the understanding through things of sense ; for all our knowledge has its origin in a sense".24 Indeed, the sense of sight, as being more noble and more honourable than other senses,25 more easily leads to a knowledge of spiritual things.
Hic imagines vocesque propagandi modus, ad res etiam spirituales quod spectat, aptissimus est naturae hominum, secundum Aquinatis sententiam: « Est autem naturale homini, ut per sensibilia ad intelligibilia veniat ; quia omnis nostra cognitio a sensu initium habet » (S. Thom., Summ. Theol. I, q. 1, a. 9). Quin immo videndi facultas, cum nobilior et dignior sit ceteris sensibus, (cfr. ibid. I, q. 67, a.I) facilius ad spiritualium rerum cognitionem
Now, since it may be that some of the people do not know, and others do not heed, those complaints which the most loving Jesus made when He manifested Himself to Margaret Mary Alacoque, and those things likewise which at the same time He asked and expected of men, for their own ultimate profit, it is our pleasure, Venerable Brethren, to speak to you for a little while concerning the duty of honorable satisfaction which we all owe to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, with the intent that you may, each of you, carefully teach your own flocks those things which we set before you, and stir them up to put the same in practice.
Quae vero, cum sese Mariae Margaritae Alacoque conspiciendum dedit, amantissimus Iesus conquestus est, quae praeterea ab hominibus, in ipsorum demum profectum, exspectare se ac velle significavit, ea cum alii e populo fortasse adhuc ignorent, neglegant alii, placet, Venerabiles Fratres, de honestae, quae dicitur, satisfaction is officio, quo erga Cor Iesu Sacratissimum obstringimur, affari vos aliquantulum, hac quidem mente, ut gregem quisque vestrum, quicquid vobiscum communicaverimus, studiose doceatis atque ad exsequendum
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