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congregational church

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Ecclesiae Congregationales

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Congregational church

Any Protestant church run independently by its own congregation, especially one in the United Church of Christ, the National Association of Congregational Christian Churches, or the Conservative Congregational Christian Conference.

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Ecclesiae Congregationales


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Congregational Church

a Protestant denomination holding that each individual congregation should be self-governing

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Congregation for the Oriental Churches
Congregatio pro Ecclesiis Orientalibus


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Congregational church
Item Mauri equites qui in eodem cornu elephantis erant praesidio, deserti praecipites fugiunt.langbot langbot
The Presbyterian church was established on the island in 1858, but today almost all of the residents belong to the Congregational Christian Church.
Cerialis postero die coloniam Trevirorum ingressus est, avido milite eruendae civitatis.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In dealing with important matters concerning the separated Oriental Churches, the Council must first hear the Congregation for the Oriental Churches.
Hac oratione ab Diviciaco habita omnes qui aderant magno fletu auxilium a Caesare petere
Congregation for the Oriental Churches
illic epulante Britannico, quia cibos potusque eius delectus ex ministris gustu explorabat, ne omitteretur institutum aut utriusque morte proderetur scelus, talis dolus repertus
48-55) Congregation for the Oriental Churches (arts.
Pergamenos (eo ipso nitebantur) aede Augusto ibi sita satis adeptos
56 — The Congregation for the Oriental Churches considers those matters, whether concerning persons or things, affecting the Catholic Oriental Churches.
Itaque hercule in libris Ciceronis deprehendere licet, non geometriae, non musicae, non grammaticae, non denique ullius ingenuae artis scientiam ei
In 1997, following the publication of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the Congregation for the Clergy issued the General Directory for Catechesis, confirming the Church’s desire that the first step in catechesis should normally be aimed at conversion (cf. n.
neque aliud periclitantibus auxilii quam in fratrum constantia fuit qui vades
In matters which also affect the faithful of the Latin Church, the Congregation will proceed, if the matter is sufficiently important, in consultation with the dicastery that has competence in the same matter for the faithful of the Latin Church.
illic epulante Britannico, quia cibos potusque eius delectus ex ministris gustu explorabat, ne omitteretur institutum aut utriusque morte proderetur scelus, talis dolus repertus
To the congregation responsible for missionary activity it falls "to direct and coordinate throughout the world the work of evangelizing peoples and of missionary cooperation, with due regard for the competence of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches."
Iuba certior factus a Saburra de nocturno proelio II milia Hispanorum et Gallorum equitum, quos suae custodiae causa circum se habere consuerat, et peditum eam partem, cui maxime confidebat, Saburrae submisit; ipse cum reliquis copiis elephantisque LX lentius
Since that time a journey began which has led, among other things, in 1917, to the creation of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches(49) and the foundation of the Pontifical Oriental Institute(50) by Pope Benedict XV.
Asia et ceterae provinciae nec virorum inopes et pecunia
8. The canonical form is to be used for contracting mixed marriages, and is required for validity, without prejudice, however, to the provisions of the decree Crescens Matrimoniorum, published by the Sacred Congregation for the Eastern Churches on February 22, 1967.(
vectigal et onera commerciorum resolvimus: sint transitus incustoditi sed diurni et inermes, donec nova et recentia iura vetustate in consuetudinem
85 — It pertains to the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples to direct and coordinate throughout the world the actual work of spreading the Gospel as well as missionary cooperation, without prejudice to the competence of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches.
A controlled evaluation of a clinical rehabilitation program for patients with chronic schizophrenia is
The temptation to become isolated can be a strong one. The older churches, involved in new evangelization, may think that their mission is now at home, and thus they may risk slackening their drive toward the non-Christian world, begrudgingly conceding vocations to missionary institutes, religious congregations or other particular churches.
sedente Claudio circensibus ludis, cum pueri nobiles equis ludicrum Troiae inirent interque eos Britannicus imperatore genitus et L. Domitius adoptione mox in imperium et cognomentum Neronis adscitus, favor plebis acrior in Domitium loco praesagii acceptus
78 — Whenever it is a matter of dealing with civil governments, either in establishing or modifying particular Churches and their groupings or in the provision of these Churches, this Congregation must procede only after consultation with the Section for Relations with States of the Secretariat of State.
Missus igitur Petronius Turpilianus tamquam exorabilior et delictis hostium novus eoque paenitentiae mitior, compositis prioribus nihil ultra ausus Trebellio Maximo provinciam
161 — When the matter under consideration so requires, the Council must proceed in the exercise of its own function in consultation with the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, and, if need be, with the Congregations for the Oriental Churches and for the Evangelization of Peoples.
At Q. Titurius et L. Cotta legati, qui in Menapiorum fines legiones duxerant, omnibus eorum agris vastatis, frumentis succisis, aedificiis incensis, quod Menapii se omnes in densissimas silvas abdiderant, se ad Caesarem
At the same time, there was an acknowledgement of the wealth of experience which a particular Church can receive from Congregations of consecrated life, as a means of keeping the missionary dimension alive among the faithful.
Nacti idoneum ventum ex portu exeunt et Tauroenta, quod est castellum Massilensium, ad Nasidium perveniunt ibique naves expediunt rursusque se ad confligendum animo confirmant et consilia
75 — The Congregation for Bishops examines what pertains to the establishment and provision of particular Churches and to the exercise of the episcopal office in the Latin Church, without prejudice to the competence of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples.
Ipse dux hostium Camulogenus suis aderat atque eos
The following are members of the Commission: the Assessors and Secretaries of the Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office, of the Consistorial Congregation, of the Congregations for the Oriental Church, of the Council, for Religious, for the Propagation of the Faith, for Seminaries and University Studies, and the Substitute Secretary of Our Secretariat of State; in addition, others can be appointed according to Our wishes.
Ipse cognita locorum natura ponti castrisque praesidio sex cohortes reliquit atque omnia impedimenta et postero die omnibus copiis triplici instructa acie ad Ilerdam proficiscitur et sub castris Afranii constitit et ibi paulisper sub armis moratus facit aequo loco pugnandi
59 — The Congregation pays careful attention to communities of Oriental Christian faithful living within the territories of the Latin Church, and attends to their spiritual needs by providing visitators and even a hierarchy of their own, so far as possible and where numbers and circumstances demand it, in consultation with the Congregation competent for the establishment of particular Churches in that region.
Omnibus deinceps diebus Caesar exercitum in aciem aequum in locum produxit, si Pompeius proelio decertare vellet, ut paene castris Pompei legiones subiceret; tantumque a vallo eius prima acies aberat, uti ne telum tormento adigi
Dexter was a Baptist and, following his presidency, he renewed his association with the Baptist church in Providence, becoming the pastor of the congregation in 1669.
advenae in nos regnaverunt: libertinorum filiis magistratus mandare non, ut plerique falluntur, repens, sed priori populo factitatum est.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
81 — For the particular Churches assigned to its care, the Congregation takes care of everything with respect to the ad limina visits; so it studies the quinquennial reports, submitted in accordance with art. 32.
Nec multo post Granium Marcellum praetorem Bithyniae quaestor ipsius Caepio Crispinus maiestatis postulavit, subscribente Romano Hispone: qui formam vitae iniit, quam postea celebrem miseriae temporum et audaciae hominum
73 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.