constraining oor Latyn


naamwoord, adjektief, werkwoord
Present participle of constrain.

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If on the other hand a Cardinal elector is constrained to leave Vatican City because of illness, the election can proceed without asking for his vote; if however he desires to return to the place of the election, once his health is restored or even before, he must be readmitted.
Hinc leges assiduae et populare nomen, hinc contiones magistratuum paene pernoctantium in rostris, hinc accusationes potentium reorum et adsignatae etiam domibus inimicitiae, hinc procerum factiones et assiduasenatus adversus plebem
Once more Anchises bids us cross the main / and seek Ortygia, and the god constrain / by prayer to pardon and advise, what end / of evils to expect? what woes remain? / What fate hereafter shall our steps attend? / What rest for toil-worn men, and whitherward to wend?
circumdati interim custodia qui simul discubuerant, nec nisi provecta nocte omissi sunt, postquam pavorem eorum, ex mensa exitium opperientium, et imaginatus et inridens Nero satis supplicii luisse ait pro epulis consularibus.tatoeba tatoeba
Composing literature in palindromes is an example of constrained writing.
non hoc praecipuum amicorum munus est, prosequi defunctum ignavo questu, sed quae voluerit meminisse, quae mandaverit exequi.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
"But ne'er the town, by Destiny assigned, / your walls shall gird, till famine's pangs constrain / to gnaw your boards, in quittance for our slain."
Compluribus navibus fractis, reliquae cum essent funibus,ancoris reliquisque armamentis amissis ad navigandum inutiles, magna, id quod necesse erat accidere, totius exercitus perturbatio facta est. Neque enim naves erant aliae quibus reportari possent, et omnia deerant quae ad reficiendas naves erant usui, et, quod omnibus constabat hiemari in Gallia oportere, frumentum in his locis in hiemem provisum non erat.tatoeba tatoeba
They are ignorant of the laws, they do not understand the senate's decrees, they actually scoff at the civil law, while they quite dread the study of philosophy, and the opinions of the learned; and eloquence, banished, so to say, from her proper realm, is dragged down by them into utter poverty of thought and constrained periods.
Two strategies in treatment of obsessions are being described: exposure and response prevention.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Constrained by these circumstances the Menapii send embassadors to him for the purpose of suing for peace.
Haec consiliantibus eis nuntiantur aquatores ab equitatu premi nostro. Qua re cognita crebras stationes disponunt equitum et cohortium alariarum legionariasque intericiunt cohortes vallumque ex castris ad aquam ducere incipiunt, ut intra munitionem et sine timore et sine stationibus aquari possent.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Once more Anchises bids us cross the main / and seek Ortygia, and the god constrain / by prayer to pardon and advise, what end / of evils to expect? what woes remain? / What fate hereafter shall our steps attend? / What rest for toil-worn men, and whitherward to wend?
atque interim triennio exacto Ptolemaeus non studium, non preces omittere: dignitatem legatorum, numerum navium, auri pondus augebat.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
With the same insistence shown by my Predecessors, I earnestly exhort the Cardinal electors not to allow themselves to be guided, in choosing the Pope, by friendship or aversion, or to be influenced by favour or personal relationships towards anyone, or to be constrained by the interference of persons in authority or by pressure groups, by the suggestions of the mass media, or by force, fear or the pursuit of popularity.
Ad alteram partem succedunt Ubii, quorum fuit civitas ampla atque florens, ut est captus Germanorum; ii paulo, quamquam sunt eiusdem generis, sunt ceteris humaniores, propterea quod Rhenum attingunt multum ad eos mercatores ventitant et ipsi propter propinquitatem [quod] Gallicis sunt moribus
Since we cannot deal personally with every single concern — the law of human condition does not suffer it — we are sometimes constrained to use certain brothers of ours as extensions of our own body, to take care of things we would rather deal with in person if the convenience of the Church allowed it."
erat etiam tum in more publica munificentia; nec Augustus arcuerat Taurum, Philippum, Balbum hostilis exuvias aut exundantis opes ornatum ad urbis et posterum gloriam
52. In the meantime, though We are quite conscious that it is not necessary for Us to exhort you to greater and more zealous efforts but rather to bestow on you the praise which you so richly deserve, yet the very consciousness of Our Apostolic Office, of the fact that We are the Common Father of all, constrains Us to beseech you to exhibit at all times a very special and tender love toward that large family of spiritual children which is, in a very special way, committed to your immediate supervision.
Ibi C. Caninium Rebilum legatum cum legionibus reliquit; ipse cum equitatu antecedit ad castra exploranda Cornelia, quod is locus peridoneus castris
Her presence brings about the rebirth, the resurrection, of each individual in Christ; and the man who is reborn and rises again in Christ never feels himself constrained from without. He feels himself free in the very depth of his being, and freely raised up to God. And thus he affirms and develops that side of his nature which is noblest and best.
rapta statim arma, sine more et ordine militiae, ut praetorianus aut legionarius insignibus suis distingueretur: miscentur auxiliaribus galeis scutisque, nullo tribunorum centurionumve adhortante, sibi quisque dux et instigator; et praecipuum pessimorum incitamentum quod boni
Orders had been given to slay but few, and to constrain the rest by fear to transfer their allegiance.
Is adesse penetrali deam intelligit, vectamque bubus feminis multa cum veneratione prosequitur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Dragged by her tresses from Minerva's fane, / Cassandra comes, the Priameian maid, / stretching to heaven her burning eyes in vain, / her eyes, for bonds her tender hands constrain.
recentia haec: quid si memoria eorum moreretur qui sub Capitolio et arce Romana manibus eorundem perissent satis: fruerentur sane vocabulo civitatis: insignia patrum, decora magistratuum ne vulgarent.tatoeba tatoeba
Dragged by her tresses from Minerva's fane, / Cassandra comes, the Priameian maid, / stretching to heaven her burning eyes in vain, / her eyes, for bonds her tender hands constrain.
ibi ambiguus, an illam sedem bello deligeret, circumspecta infrequentia militis, satisque magnis documentis temeritatem Petil[l]ii coercitam, unius oppidi damno servare universa statuit.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Their sacred calling constrains them to proclaim clearly and openly that unhealthy and impure entertainment destroys the moral fibre of a nation.
Civilis instare fortunae, Cerialis abolere ignominiam: Germani prosperis feroces, Romanos pudor
Already they had settled themselves in houses, had sown the fields, and were cultivating the soil as if it had been their ancestors', when Dubius Avitus, who had succeeded Paulinus in the province, by threatening them with a Roman attack if they did not retire into their old country or obtain a new territory from the emperor, constrained Verritus and Malorix to become suppliants.
At Romae nihil trepidationis; Ceriales ludi ex more spectabantur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The symbol is clear: man was in no position to discern and decide for himself what was good and what was evil, but was constrained to appeal to a higher source.
qua occasione Caesar, validus alioqui spernendis honoribus et respondendum ratus iis quorum rumore arguebatur in ambitionem flexisse, huiusce modi orationem coepit: 'scio, patres conscripti, constantiam meam a plerisque desideratam quod Asiae civitatibus nuper idem istud petentibus non sim
But now I am constrained to confess, whether I will or no, that the judgments of God oppose greater and greater resistance to my efforts, so that I see no way of escaping them.
atrox ibi caedes, et Tungrarum cohortium praefecti sustentata diu acie telis
"But ne'er the town, by Destiny assigned, / your walls shall gird, till famine's pangs constrain / to gnaw your boards, in quittance for our slain."
Magnam eo die pietatis eloquentiaeque famam Vipstanus Messala adeptus est, nondum senatoria aetate, ausus pro fratre Aquilio Regulo deprecari.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
While attending the Sunday liturgy at the port city of Hippo, he was called out from the assembly by the Bishop and constrained to receive ordination for the exercise of the priestly ministry in that city.
hos ira, odium, ultionis cupiditas ad virtutem accendit: illi per fastidium et contumacia
This state of affairs is troubling consciences, perplexing some priests and young aspirants to the priesthood; it is a cause for alarm in many of the faithful and constrains Us to fulfill the promise We made to the Council Fathers. We told them that it was Our intention to give new luster and strength to priestly celibacy in the world of today.
ceterum Neroni odium adversus Vestinum ex intima sodalitate coeperat, dum hic ignaviam principis penitus dognitam despicit, ille ferociam amici metuit, saepe asperis facetiis inlusus, quae ubi multum ex vero traxere, acrem sui memoriam
The soldiers in fact were not under the control of the generals, but the generals were themselves constrained to follow the furious impulses of the soldiers.
Perfecto ponte, magnis quinque civitatibus ad amicitiam adiunctis, expedita re frumentaria, exstinctis rumoribus de auxiliis legionum, quae cum Pompeio per Mauritaniam venire dicebantur, multae longinquiores civitates ab Afranio desciscunt et Caesaris amicitiam sequuntur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Some of them, not wishing to be subjected to undue control exercised over the life of the Church, and eager to maintain total fidelity to the Successor of Peter and to Catholic doctrine, have felt themselves constrained to opt for clandestine consecration.
At omnium impeditis animis Dumnorix cum equitibus Aeduorum a castris insciente Caesare domum discedere
27 sinne gevind in 9 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.