contrite oor Latyn


/kɒnˈtɹaɪt/, /ˈkɒntɹaɪt/, /kənˈtɹɑɪt/ adjektief, naamwoord
Sincerely penitent or feeling regret or sorrow, especially for one’s own actions; apologetic.

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But the essential act of penance, on the part of the penitent, is contrition, a clear and decisive rejection of the sin committed, together with a resolution not to commit it again,(185) out of the love which one has for God and which is reborn with repentance.
Essentialis tamen Paenitentiae actus in paenitente est contritio, manifesta id est ac firma repudiatio peccati admissi una cum proposito iterum illud non committendi (185) ob amorem, qui in Deum dirigitur quique renascitur cum
Understood in this way, contrition is therefore the beginning and the heart of conversion, of that evangelical metanoia which brings the person back to God like the prodigal son returning to his father, and which has in the sacrament of penance its visible sign and which perfects attrition.
Sic sane intellecta, contritio est principium et veluti anima conversionis, illius videlicet mutationis, quae in Evangelio metdnoia dicitur, quae ad Deum hominem reducit, perinde ac filium prodigum, redeuntem ad patrem, quaeque in Sacramento Paenitentiae habet adspectabile suum signum, ipsam attritionem
And the church's custom shows that such an examination is necessary, because no one who is conscious of being in mortal sin, however contrite he may believe himself to be, is to approach the holy eucharist without having first made a sacramental confession.
Ecclesiastica autem consuetudo declarat, eam probationem necessariam esse, ut nullus sibi conscius peccati mortalis, quantumvis sibi contritus videatur, absque praemissa sacramentali confessione ad sacram Eucharistiam accedere debeat”
I would rather feel contrition than know how to define it.
Opto magis sentire compunctionem quam scire definitionem.Literature Literature
The sacramental formula "I absolve you" and the imposition of the hand and the Sign of the Cross made over the penitent show that at this moment the contrite and converted sinner comes into contact with the power and mercy of God.
Sacramentalis formula: « Ego te absolvo ... ) et manus impositio et signum crucis super paenitentem ductum, testantur eo ipso temporis momento peccatorem, contritum et conversum, obviam procedere potentiae et misericordiae
Then, by means of an act of perfect contrition, the authentic conversion of the heart is accomplished: this is the evangelical "metanoia."
Tunc per actum contritionis perfectae vera cordis conversio efficitur, quae est evangelica « metanoia »
b) As far as possible, including cases of imminent danger of death, there should be a preliminary exhortation to the faithful “that each person take care to make an act of contrition”.(
b) Quantum autem fieri potest, etiam cum proximum mortis instat periculum, fidelibus ipsis “praemittatur exhortatio ut actum contritionis quisque elicere curet”
O Mother of Christ, to the Messiah - priest you gave a body of flesh through the anointing of the Holy Spirit for the salvation of the poor and the contrite of heart; guard priests in your heart and in the Church, O Mother of the Savior.
Mater Christi, Messiae Sacerdoti propter Sancti Spiritus unctionem corpus carneum tradidisti ut pauperes et contriti corde salvi fierent; tuere in corde tuo et in Ecclesia sacerdotes, Mater
Without a true conversion, which implies inner contrition, and without a sincere and firm purpose of amendment, sins remain "unforgiven," in the words of Jesus, and with him in the Tradition of the Old and New Covenants.
Sine vera conversione, quae interiorem postulat contritionem, et sine sincera et firma voluntate mutationem faciendi, peccata « retenta sunt », ut Iesus affirmat et cum eo traditio Veteris et Novi
But we all to well to recall and emphasize the fact that contrition and conversion are even more a drawing near to the holiness of God, a rediscovery of one's true identity, which has been upset and disturbed by sin, a liberation in the very depth of self and thus a regaining of lost joy, the joy of being saved,(187) which the majority of people in our time are no longer capable of experiencing.
Expedit tamen reminisci et animadvertere contritionem et conversionem multo magis esse aeeessum ad Dei sanctitatem, deteetionem novam interioris veritatis, euiusque peccato conturbatae et eversae, liberation em in parte intima cuiusque ae proinde reeuperationem gaudii amissi, gaudii de salvatione (187), quo maximam partem homines nostri temporis iam nesciunt
For there are not lacking among the clergy those who adapt themselves according to their bent to works of more apparent than real solidity - but not so numerous perhaps are those who, after the example of Christ, take to themselves the words of the Prophet: "The Spirit of the Lord hath anointed me, hath sent me to evangelize the poor, to heal the contrite of heart, to announce freedom to the captive, and sight to the blind" (Luke iv., 18-19).
Non enim de clero desunt, qui, pro cuiusque ingenio, operam forte navent rebus adumbratae potius quam solidae utilitatis: at verum non adeo multi numerentur, qui, ad Christi exemplum, sibi sumant Prophetae dictum : Spiritus Domini unxit me, evangelizare pauperibus misit me, sanare contritos corde, praedicare captivis remissionem et coecis visum [33]
Through the centuries, the celebration of the Sacrament of Penance has developed in different forms, but it has always kept the same basic structure: it necessarily entails not only the action of the minister – only a Bishop or priest, who judges and absolves, tends and heals in the name of Christ – but also the actions of the penitent: contrition, confession and satisfaction.
Paenitentiae sacramenti celebratio saeculorum decursu diversas formas se manifestandi experta est, usque tamen eandem servans fundamentalem structuram, quae necessario, praeter ministri actionem - scilicet Episcopi tantum vel presbyteri, qui iudicat et absolvit, curat et sanat in Christi nomine - paenitentis actus complectitur: contritionem, confessionem et
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