counsel with oor Latyn

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Charlton T. Lewis

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The internal purpose of the evangelical counsels leads to the discovery of yet other aspects that emphasize the close connection of the counsels with the economy of the Redemption.
Eo cum venisset, animum advertit ad alteram fluminis ripam magnas esse copias hostium instructas. Ripa autem erat acutis sudibus praefixis munita, eiusdemque generis sub aqua defixae sudes flumine
Absent in body, We shall be with you in thought and in heart, and We shall aid you on every occasion with Our counsel and with Our authority.
Cedant arma
Had those energetic men, our aediles, first taken counsel with me, I do not know whether I should not have advised them to let alone vices so strong and so matured, rather than merely attain the result of publishing what are the corruptions with which we cannot cope.
Equites ab eo missi flumen transeunt et, cum de tertia vigilia Petreius atque Afranius castra movissent, repente sese ad novissimum agmen ostendunt et magna multitudine circumfusa morari atque iter impedire incipiunt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Nero waited in the hope that Vestinus also, the consul, whom he thought an impetuous and deeply disaffected man, would be involved in the charge. None however of the conspirators had shared their counsels with him, some from old feuds against him, most because they considered him a reckless and dangerous associate.
Eodem die ab exploratoribus certior factus hostes sub monte consedisse milia passuum ab ipsius castris octo, qualis esset natura montis et qualis in circuitu ascensus qui cognoscerent misit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Thereby young men acquired from the first great experience and confidence, and a very large stock of discrimination, for they were studying in broad daylight, in the very thick of the conflict, where no one can say anything foolish or self-contradictory without its being refuted by the judge, or ridiculed by the opponent, or, last of all, repudiated by the very counsel with him.
simul ipsius Thraseae venerabilis species obversabatur; et erant qui Helvidium quoque miserarentur, innoxiae adfinitatis poenas daturum.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Otho was inclined to risk a decisive battle. His brother Titianus, and Proculus, the prefect of the Praetorian Guard, ignorant and therefore impatient, declared that fortune, the Gods, and the genius of Otho, were with their counsels, and would be with their enterprises.
Eodem tempore D. Laelius cum classe ad Brundisium venit eademque ratione, qua factum a Libone antea demonstravimus, insulam obiectam portui Brundisino tenuit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Ore cannot sufficiently recommend to priests a life lived in common and directed entirely toward their sacred ministry; the practice of having frequent meetings with a fraternal exchange of ideas, counsel and experience with their brother priests; the movement to form associations which encourage priestly holiness.
captus in eo proelio Mariccus; ac mox feris obiectus quia non laniabatur, stolidum vulgus inviolabilem credebat, donec spectante Vitellio interfectus
She at her Baiae was increasing the magnificence of her fishponds, when I was planning in my counsels his adoption with a proconsul's powers and a consul-elect's rank and every other step to empire.
Simili ratione Pompeius confecto eius diei itinere in suis veteribus castris ad Asparagium consedit. Eius milites, quod ab opere integris munitionibus vacabant, alii lignandi pabulandique causa longius progrediebantur, alii, quod subito consilium profectionis ceperant magna parte impedimentorum et sarcinarum relicta, ad haec repetenda invitati propinquitate superiorum castrorum, depositis in contubernio armis, vallum relinquebant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
And although many of the emperor's household and knights and senators were said to have supported him with their wealth and helped him with their counsels, no inquiry was made.
Quibus omnibus rebus permoti equites Treveri, quorum inter Gallos virtutis opinio est singularis, qui auxilii causa a civitate missi ad Caesarem venerant, cum multitudine hostium castra [nostra] compleri, legiones premi et paene circumventas teneri, calones, equites, funditores, Numidas diversos dissipatosque in omnes partes fugere vidissent, desperatis nostris rebus domum contenderunt: Romanos pulsos superatosque,castris impedimentisque eorum hostes potitos civitati renuntiaverunt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
By practising the evangelical counsels, the consecrated person lives with particular intensity the Trinitarian and Christological dimension which marks the whole of Christian life.
Marcus in equis
"Nay, Juno, too, who now, in mood malign, / earth, sea and sky is harrying, shall incline / to better counsels, and unite with me / to cherish and uphold the imperial line, / the Romans, rulers of the land and sea, / lords of the flowing gown. So standeth my decree."
Commisso ab equitibus proelio signa legionum duarum procul ab utrisque conspiciuntur, quas C. Fabius ulteriore ponte subsidio nostris miserat suspicatus fore id, quod accidit, ut duces adversariorum occasione et beneficio fortunae ad nostros opprimendos uterentur.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
"Nay, Juno, too, who now, in mood malign, / earth, sea and sky is harrying, shall incline / to better counsels, and unite with me / to cherish and uphold the imperial line, / the Romans, rulers of the land and sea, / lords of the flowing gown. So standeth my decree."
Hic negotium meum est!tatoeba tatoeba
The call to the way of the evangelical counsels springs from the interior encounter with the love of Christ, which is a redeeming love.
Eorum omnium commodorum et immemores et ingratos in se et in populum Romanum hoc bello et praeterito tempore
The matter in hand is extremely difficult, and one the accomplishment of which, as We have repeatedly stated, surpasses all human efforts; but it is most holy and desirable, and in perfect harmony with the counsels of Divine Goodness.
Neque vero conspectum aut impetum nostrorum tulerunt, primisque deiectis reliqui se verterunt et loco
It concerns the interests of the Commonwealth, it concerns the honour due to Vespasian, that he should be met by those whom the Senate counts to be peculiarly blameless, and who may fill the Emperor's ear with honourable counsels.
Cuando Flor de Luna fue superada por otras especies medicinales en 1800, la gente la empezó a usarla para fines horticulturales.latin-ancient latin-ancient
She appeared before the committee on March 26, 1952, with Simon H. Rifkind as her legal counsel.
Communis Conventus jurum hominis praesentem universalem Declarationem pronuntiat ut communis perfectus qui petatur ab omnibus populis et omnibus nationibus , ut societatis singuli homines et omnes partes , habentes hanc declarationem constanter in mente , institutione et educatione conantur ut horum jurum libertatumque respectus evolvatur , et firmentur ordinis nationalis et internationalis consiliorum incessu gratia et universalis veraque admotio tam in ipsarum sociarum civitatum populationibus quam in finium populationibus quae eorum jurisdictioni subactae sunt .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Why does the Latin Catholic Church link this gift not only with the life of those who accept the strict programme of the evangelical counsels in Religious Institutes but also with the vocation to the hierarchical and ministerial priesthood?
hinc superbus ac publici servitii victor Capitolium adiit, grates exsolvit, seque in omnes libidines effudit, quas male coercitas qualiscumque matris reverentia
Another with a diseased hand, at the counsel of the same God, prayed that the limb might feet the print of a Caesar's foot.
His quam longissime possent egredi iussis, cum iam ex diei tempore coniecturam ceperat in castra perventum, isdem sublicis, quarum pars inferior integra remanebat, pontem reficere coepit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The West has also known, down the centuries, a variety of other expressions of religious life, in which countless persons, renouncing the world, have consecrated themselves to God through the public profession of the evangelical counsels in accordance with a specific charism and in a stable form of common life,for the sake of carrying out different forms of apostolic service to the People of God.
Consultant quos memoravi quonam modo ea plurium auditu
After this he was greater than ever, and though his counsels were ruinous, he was listened to with confidence, as a man who had no care for himself.
ac tum invitata ad epulas erat, ut occultando facinori nox adhiberetur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
3. When, in Our time, people desire to attempt difficult enterprises with the united counsel and strength of several persons, we have seen societies everywhere established, of which some have been formed for this very purpose, viz., to serve for the propagating of religion in certain countries.
cetera non ambigua sunt, magnas eas copias per plana etiam ac foro propinqua habitavisse, unde Tuscum vicum e vocabulo advenarum
This gift finds its full realization in the unreserved giving of the whole of one's human person, in a spirit of the love of a spouse, to Christ and, with Christ, to all those to whom he sends men and women totally consecrated to him in accordance with the evangelical counsels.
finis Neronis ut laetus primo gaudentium impetu fuerat, ita varios motus animorum non modo in urbe apud patres aut populum aut urbanum militem, sed omnis legiones ducesque conciverat, evulgato imperii arcano posse principem alibi quam Romae
Their associations with others, prejudice, the counsel, advice and example of others, and finally an ill advised shame have dragged them to the side of the impious; but their wills are not so depraved as they themselves would seek to make people believe.
Keep, Conscript Fathers, preserve a man of such ready counsels, that every age may be furnished with its teacher, and that our young men may imitate Regulus, just as our old men imitate Marcellus and Crispus.
Asiaticus (is enim libertus) malam potentiam servili supplicio expiavit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The profession of the evangelical counsels shows each of you how with the help of the Spirit you can put to death(92) everything that is contrary to life and serves sin and death; everything that is opposed to true love of God and others.
Conatus est Caesar reficere pontes; sed nec magnitudo fluminis permittebat, neque ad ripam dispositae cohortes adversariorum perfici patiebantur. Quod illis prohibere erat facile cum ipsius fluminis natura atque aquae magnitudine, tum quod ex totis ripis in unum atque angustum locum tela iaciebantur; atque erat difficile eodem tempore rapidissimo flumine opera perficere et tela
65 sinne gevind in 22 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.