courage oor Latyn


/ˈkʌrɪdʒ/ werkwoord, naamwoord
The quality of a confident character not to be afraid or intimidated easily but without being incautious or inconsiderate.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


[ virtūs ]
quality of a confident character
They will fight with great courage to protect the encampment.
Magna cum virtute pugnabunt ut castra servent.


quality of a confident character


noun particlevroulike
quality of a confident character
All who were able bore arms, and a number, more than proportionate to the population, had the courage to do so.
Multitudinem obsessorum omnis aetatis, virile ac muliebre secus, sexcenta milia fuisse accepimus: arma cunctis, qui ferre possent, et plures quam pro numero audebant.

En 11 vertalings meer. Besonderhede is ter wille van die beknoptheid verborge

animus · cervix · audacia · ferocia · fiducia · mens · animositas · constantia · ferocitas · fortitude · militia

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

as symbol of indomitable courage or durability
full of courage
alacer · alacris · animosus · audaculus · audax · audens · confirmatus · ferox · fidens · fortis · magnanimus
take courage
confortor · exorior
Truth and Courage
veritas et fortitudo
light, truth, courage
lux, veritas, virtus
dare|have courage
audeo · audo
with truth and courage
veritate et virtute
have the courage
audeo · invado


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Rather, why should not these noble arts strive particularly to this end, that they spread the teaching of God and of His Son, Jesus Christ, "and instil into minds that Christian truth which alone can provide the strength from above to the mass of men, aided by which they may be able with calmness and courage, to overcome the crises and endure the severe trials of the age in which we now live?"
Quin immo, cur ad hoc potissimum non contendant hae nobiles artes, ut nempe Dei eiusque Filii Iesu Christi doctrinam propagent, « christianamque fidem illam mentibus inculcent, quae una potest hominum multitudinibus supernam praebere vim, qua adiutae sereno animo virtuteque consentanea queant superare discrimina, angores vero tolerare praesentis huius aetatis nostrae »? (Sermo ad sodales Radiophonicae Societatis Italiae, d. 3 Decembris, a. 1944 habitus: Discorsi e Radiomessaggi di Sua Santità Pio XII, vol. VI,
Moreover, Populorum Progressio repeatedly underlines the urgent need for reform[54], and in the face of great problems of injustice in the development of peoples, it calls for courageous action to be taken without delay.
Litterae encyclicae praeterea hae in populorum progressione reformationum necessitatem subinde extollunt [54] atque postulant ut pro gravibus quaestionibus iniquitatis in populorum progressione animose prompteque
They fought with terrible courage and doubtful result, till Carenes, who having beaten down all resistance had advanced too far, was surprised by a fresh detachment in his rear.
nec detrectavit pugnam Gotarzes deminutis hostibus ferox; concursumque magna caede et ambiguo eventu, donec Carenem profligatis obviis longius evectum integer a tergo globus circumveniret.latin-ancient latin-ancient
51. Equally conspicuous for fortitude were the many, both clergy and laity, of the eparchy of Chelm, who with unconquerable courage resisted the persecutors of the Catholic faith.
Nec minore animi fortitudine praestitere non pauci e Chelmensi Eparchia, qui ex sacro, ex laicorumque ordine, catholicae fidei insectatoribus virtute invicta
Sad situations of crisis invite consecrated persons courageously to proclaim their faith in Christ's Death and Resurrection, that they may become a visible sign of the passage from death to life.
Acerbae condiciones et discrimina consecratas personas fortiter ad fidem de morte deque Christi resurrectione proclamandam impellunt, ut conspicuum fiant ipsae signum transitus a morte ad
It is a heritage of firmness and courage, in professing the truth which shows the dignity of the human mind.
Est hereditas firmitatis et fortitudinis in profitenda veritate, quae excelsitatem animi denotat
Today we must courageously face a situation which is becoming increasingly diversified and demanding, in the context of "globalization" and of the consequent new and uncertain mingling of peoples and cultures.
Hodie contra magno est animo obviam alicui condicioni procedendum, quae magis usque variatur ac difficilior redditur propter rerum complexionem totum iam orbem in unum veluti globum includentium ac propter novum mutabilemque populorum et culturarum contextum quo illa
The use of these instruments by professionals in communication and their reception by the public demand both a work of education in a critical sense, which is animated by a passion for the truth, and a work of defence of liberty, respect for the dignity of individuals, and the elevation of the authentic culture of peoples which occurs through a firm and courageous rejection of every form of monopoly and manipulation.
In communicationis mediis adhibendis et recipiendis, labor tam ad sensum criticum ardenti veritatis amore animatum educans, quam ad libertatem defendendam, ad dignitatem personalem observandam, ad authenticam populorum culturam elevandam urgens est, omnem monopolii et manipulationis formam firmo et forti reiiciens
The wisdom and great heart of Bishop Valancius, which found a generous and courageous echo in your forefathers, ensured that even in those difficult times the seed of God's Word was not lost, that Word around which the unity of the Nation was formed.
Effecerunt quoque prudentia et magnanimitas Antistitis Valančius, quibus maiores vestri liberaliter sane fortiterque responderunt, ut vel iis gravibus omnibus temporibus Verbi Dei semen haud interiret, circa quod tota sociabatur Natio sua in summa
And yet the courage and the serenity with which so many of our brothers and sisters suffering from serious disabilities lead their lives when they are shown acceptance and love bears eloquent witness to what gives authentic value to life, and makes it, even in difficult conditions, something precious for them and for others.
Fortitudo ex contrario illa ac serenitas, quibus fratres tot nostri sororesque, gravibus laborantes impeditionibus, a nobis scilicet recepti ac dilecti, suam producunt vitam, testimonium revera singulariter reddunt efficax verorum bonorum quibus vita cuiusque definitur atque etiam difficilioribus in adiunctis cara sibi et aliis
30) Nay, more, having made themselves sharers in the divine virtue which resides in the Church, they will triumph over the craft of their adversaries by wisdom, and over their violence by courage.
III, 15) facile cavebunt magistros
If, therefore, it should happen to any one to be compelled to prefer one or the other, viz., to disregard either the commands of God or those of rulers, he must obey Jesus Christ, who commands us to "give to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's,"(18) and must reply courageously after the example of the Apostles: "We ought to obey God rather than men."(
Si cui igitur usuveniat, ut alterutrum malle cogatur, scilicet aut Dei aut principum iussa negligere, Iesu Christo parendum est reddere iubenti quae sunt Caesaris Caesari, quae sunt Dei Deo (Matth. XXII, 21), atque ad exemplum Apostolorum animose respondendum: obedire, oportet Deo magis quam hominibus (
The courageous witness of so many martyrs of our century, including members of Churches and Ecclesial Communities not in full communion with the Catholic Church, gives new vigour to the Council's call and reminds us of our duty to listen to and put into practice its exhortation.
Strenuum tot martyrum huius saeculi testimonium, ad alias quoque Ecclesias et Communitates ecclesiales pertinentium, non in plena cum Ecclesia catholica communione, hortationi conciliari novam inicit vim nosque obligationis commonefacit eandem hortationem accipiendi et
Still, as I have said, compared with his successors, he is far superior to all in the variety of his learning, the charm of his wit, and the solidity of his very strength. Not one of them has Aper had the courage to mention, and, so to say, to bring into the field.
Ceterum, ut dixi, sequentibus comparatus et varietate eruditionis et lepore urbanitatis et ipsarum virium robore multum ceteros superat, quorum neminem Aper nominare et velut in aciem educere sustinuit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
On the other hand, authentic ecclesial pedagogy displays its realism and wisdom only by making a tenacious and courageous effort to create and uphold all the human conditions-psychological, moral and spiritual-indispensable for understanding and living the moral value and norm.
Altera vero ex parte vera paedogagia ecclesialis demonstrat suam cum rebus congruentiam sapientiamque dumtaxat officium fovendo tenax ac magnanimum illas condiciones omnes humanas inducendi ac fulciendi — psychologicas, morales, spiritales — quae pernecessariae sunt ad intellegendum morale bonum ac normam et ad inde
Accordingly, they fought with so much resolution, that neither the art nor address of the Egyptians, a maritime and seafaring people, could avail them, nor the multitude of their ships be of service to them; nor the valor of those selected for this engagement be compared to the determined courage of the Romans.
Itaque hoc animo est decertatum, ut neque maritimis nauticisque sollertia atque ars praesidium ferret, neque numero navium praestantibus multitudo prodesset, neque electi ad virtutem e tanta multitudine viri virtuti nostrorum possent adaequare.latin-ancient latin-ancient
"That as much as he admired the greatness of their courage, since neither the fortifications of the camp, nor the height of the mountain, nor the wall of the town could retard them; in the same degree he censured their licentiousness and arrogance, because they thought that they knew more than their general concerning victory, and the issue of actions: and that he required in his soldiers forbearance and self-command, not less than valor and magnanimity."""
Quanto opere eorum animi magnitudinem admiraretur, quos non castrorum munitiones, non altitudo montis, non murus oppidi tardare potuisset, tanto opere licentiam arrogantiamque reprehendere, quod plus se quam imperatorem de victoria atque exitu rerum sentire existimarent; nec minus se ab milite modestiam et continentiam quam virtutem atque animi magnitudinem desiderare.latin-ancient latin-ancient
May the Lord open our hearts, convert our minds and inspire in us concrete, courageous steps, capable if necessary of breaking through clichés, easy resignation or stalemate.
Recludat corda nostra Dominus, mentes nostras convertat atque certa promptaque nos doceat incepta, quae, si opus fuerit, locos communes, animi remissiones vel stativas mansiones dissipare
"They have also those songs of theirs, by the recital of which (""baritus,"" they call it), they rouse their courage, while from the note they augur the result of the approaching conflict."
Sunt illis haec quoque carmina, quorum relatu, quem baritum vocant, accendunt animos, futuraeque pugnae fortunam ipso cantu augurantur: terrent enim trepidantve, prout sonuit acies.latin-ancient latin-ancient
But the enemy, after some time had elapsed, when our men were off their guard, and occupied in the fortification of the camp, rushed out of the woods, and making an attack upon those who were placed on duty before the camp, fought in a determined manner; and two cohorts being sent by Caesar to their relief, and these severally the first of two legions, when these had taken up their position at a very small distance from each other, as our men were disconcerted by the unusual mode of battle, the enemy broke through the middle of them most courageously, and retreated thence in safety.
At illi intermisso spatio imprudentibus nostris atque occupatis in munitione castrorum subito se ex statione pro castris collocati, acriter pugnaverunt, duabusque missis subsidio cohortibus a Caesare atque eis primis legionum duarum, cum hae perexiguo intermisso loci spatio inter se constitissent, novo genere pugnae perterritis nostris per medios audacissime perruperunt seque inde incolumes receperunt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Courage of Lassie
Courage of Lassielangbot langbot
Keep you your arms and your courage, leave it to me to plan, and to guide your valour.
vobis arma et animus sit: mihi consilium et virtutis vestrae regimen relinquite.latin-ancient latin-ancient
63. We think, beloved sons, that we cannot reinforce this fatherly exhortation of ours and bring it to an end more fittingly than by these admonitions of the same Apostle of the Gentiles: "Be on the watch, stand firm in the faith, play the man, be full of courage."[
Paternam hanc adhortationem Nostram, dilecti filii, nullo Nos aptiore modo confirmare ac concludere posse putamus, nisi hisce eiusdem Apostoli gentium admonitionibus: «Vigilate, state in fide, viriliter agite, et confortamini» [30]
It is our ardent wish that all should at last hear that warning, as with anxious mind We behold peoples engaged in a fearful preparation for war while in certain places a horrible fury of slaughter is already reaping its harvest of courageous, youthful lives.
Nos ut monitoriam eiusmodi vocem omnes tandem exaudiant vehementer optamus, dum anxio animo cernimus formidolosa contentionum studia commovere populos, atque alicubi etiam horriferam internecionis Erinnyn animosae iuventutis metere
It is precisely from obedience to God-to whom alone is due that fear which is acknowledgment of his absolute sovereignty-that the strength and the courage to resist unjust human laws are born.
Ex ipsa Deo obtemperatione – cui tribuendus est uni ille timor qui secum fert eiusdem absoluti dominatus agnitionem – vis animusque oriuntur iniquis hominum legibus
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