crowd in oor Latyn

crowd in

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


Charlton T. Lewis

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in crowds
congregatim · frequenter · gregatim
in hosts|hordes|crowds
in|to the crowd|multitude|world
volgo · vulgo
in order to capture the crowd
ad captandumvulgus


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The Alexandrians, endeavoring to escape, threw themselves in crowds over the rampart in the quarter next the river.
at Dolabella contracto quod erat militum, terrore nominis Romani et quia Numidae peditum aciem ferre nequeunt, primo sui incessu solvit obsidium locorumque opportuna permunivit; simul princpes Musulamiorum defectionem cooptantis securi percutit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Titus Labienus walked forward from the crowd, and in submissive terms began to speak of peace, and to argue with Vatinius.
quis additus miles nuntios, introitus, aperta secreta velut in annalis referebat, ultroque struebantur qui monerent perfugere ad Germaniae exercitus vel celeberrimo fori effigiem divi Augusti amplecti populumque ac senatum auxilio vocare.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Then they will not merely speak words of human wisdom, but "in simplicity and godly sincerity,"[24] imitating the example of Jesus Christ, Who, though He revealed "things hidden since the foundation of the world,"[25] yet spoke "all . . . things to the crowds in parables, and without parables . . . did not speak to them."[
mox Caecina inter Hostiliam, vicum Veronensium, et paludes Tartari fluminis castra permuniit, tutus loco, cum terga flumine, latera obiectu paludis
These proceedings are speedily announced to Vercingetorix by rumor and his messengers. Around him all the Arverni crowd in alarm, and solemnly entreat him to protect their property, and not to suffer them to be plundered by the enemy, especially as he saw that all the war was transferred into their country.
et propria vi Crispus incubuerat delatorem fratris sui pervertere, traxeratque magnam senatus partem, ut indefensum et inauditum dedi ad exitium postularent.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The Church promotes those aspects of human behaviour which favour a true culture of peace, as opposed to models in which the individual is lost in the crowd, in which the role of his initiative and freedom is neglected, and in which his greatness is posited in the arts of conflict and war.
quidam vinctum ac mox dimissum tradidere ademptis bonis in locum regiae
Shortly afterwards, on 17 May 1925, the same Pope canonized her before an immense crowd in St Peter's Basilica, highlighting the splendour of her virtues and the originality of her doctrine. Two years later, on 14 December 1927, in response to the petition of many missionary Bishops, he proclaimed her patron of the missions along with St Francis Xavier.
si quos propinquus sanguis aut fides sua patronos dedit, quantum quisque eloquentia et cura valet, iuvate periclitantem: ad eundem laborem, eandem constantiam accusatores
Our men resolutely stood the charge, and did not crowd together in one place, as commonly happens from surprise in engagements between the horse, whose numbers prove injurious to themselves.
Burrum tamen et Senecam multa rerum experientia cognitos; et imperatori quantum ad robur deesse, cum octavo decimo aetatis anno Cn. Pompeius, nono decimo Caesar Octavianus civilia bella sustinuerint? pleraque in summa fortuna auspiciis et consiliis quam telis et manibus geri.latin-ancient latin-ancient
As they assembled round the place in great crowds, Pompey quitting his litter put himself under their protection.
iam reseratam Italiam, impulsas Vitellii res audietis.latin-ancient latin-ancient
In many large arenas the crowd is seated in a contiguous circuit all the way around the sport field, and so the wave is able to travel continuously around the arena; in discontiguous seating arrangements, the wave can instead reflect back and forth through the crowd.
Nudi juvenes, quibus id ludicrum est, inter gladios se atque infestas frameas saltu jaciunt.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Meanwhile Scipio's men, of the fourth and sixth legions, left him in crowds, some deserting to Caesar's camp, others fleeing to such places as were most convenient for them.
ipsi manus propria pedites, eques a Sarmatis Iazugibus erat, impar multitudini hostium, eoque castellis sese defensare bellumque ducere statuerat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The rest crowded round the general's tribunal in a dense mass.
Gignit et Oceanus margarita, sed subfusca ac liventia.latin-ancient latin-ancient
They settle on hilltops in areas densely crowded by Palestinians.
mutatisque saepius locis tandem apud promunturium Miseni consedit in villa cui L. Lucullus quondam dominus.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
At Rome indeed hurrying crowds are a familiar sight, from the extent of the city no one knows on what business each citizen is bent; but there, as they lounged in promiscuous crowds in the fields or on the shore, they had to bear day and night alike the patronising smiles and the supercilious insolence of hall-porters, till even this was forbidden them, and those whom Sejanus had not deigned to accost or to look on, returned to the capital in alarm, while some felt an evil joy, though there hung over them the dreadful doom of that ill-starred friendship.
At Romae nihil trepidationis; Ceriales ludi ex more spectabantur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Man is experiencing a new loneliness; it is not in the face of a hostile nature which it has taken him centuries to subdue, but in an anonymous crowd which surrounds him and in which he feels himself a stranger.
mota et Dacorum gens numquam fida, tunc sine metu, abducto e Moesia
And now they were pouring into the Palace in crowds, with loud shoutings, when some companies of soldiers rushed out and dispersed the tumultuous throng with blows, and at the point of the sword.
Equites cum intrare fumum et flammam densissimam timerent ac, si qui cupidius intraverant, vix suorum ipsi priores partes animadverterent equorum, insidias veriti liberam facultatem sui recipiendi Bellovacis dederunt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Caesar, at first, laughed at his ostentation, in crowding his army into so narrow a place, where no enemy, in his right senses, would have ventured: while, in the mean time, Pharnaces continued his march, and began to ascend the steep hill on which Caesar was posted.
quot proeliis adversus Cimbros Teutonosque, quantis exercituum nostrorum laboribus quove eventu Germanica bella tractaverimus, satis clarum.latin-ancient latin-ancient
"As they, returning, sport with joyous cry, / and flap their wings and circle in the sky, / e'en so thy vessels and each late-lost crew / safe now and scatheless in the harbour lie, / or, crowding canvas, hold the port in view."
nec ceteri sententias aperiebant: sed invisum memoria delationum expositumque ad invidiam Marcelli nomen inritaverat Caecinam, ut novus adhuc et in senatum nuper adscitus magnis inimicitiisclaresceret.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
"As they, returning, sport with joyous cry, / and flap their wings and circle in the sky, / e'en so thy vessels and each late-lost crew / safe now and scatheless in the harbour lie, / or, crowding canvas, hold the port in view."
quies provinciae quamquam remoto consulari mansit: rexere legati legionum, pares iure, Coelius audendo potentior.tatoeba tatoeba
Immediately they ran in crowds to the general's pavilion, when he required them all to take an oath that they would not desert nor betray the army nor the generals, nor form any design distinct from the general interest.
tum quasi gesta bello expositurus, vocat senatum et triumphale decus Petronio Turpi[li]ano consulari, Cocceio Nervae praetori designato, Tigellino praefecto praetorii tribuit, Tigellinum et Nervam ita extollens, ut super triumphales in foro imagines apud Palatium quoque effigies eorum sisteret.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Of these the chief were that no Senator should enter the house of a pantomime player, that Roman knights should not crowd round them in the public streets, that they should exhibit themselves only in the theatre, and that the praetors should be empowered to punish with banishment any riotous conduct in the spectators.
Vt Sinopen venere, munera preces mandata regis sui Scydrothemidi adlegant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
When one of these works was accomplished so effectually, that no boat could pass out at all, and when the other was commenced, the Alexandrians sallied, in crowds from the town, and drew up in an open place, over against the intrenchment we had cast up at the head of the bridge. At the same time they stationed at the mole the vessels which they had been wont to make pass under the bridge, to set fire to our ships of burden.
Mox Ioannes, missis per speciem sacrificandi qui Eleazarum manumque eius obtruncarent, templo potitur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The perpetrators of the deed carried the heads of the slain to Otho, as being the heads of public enemies; but, lost among the crowd of greater criminals, in the vast confusion of events, they were neither rewarded by Otho nor punished by Vitellius.
1 Year mortality is high (30%) and a substantial number of patient will not regain their previous level of activities.latin-ancient latin-ancient
In 1900, 40 police officers were sworn in to provide additional control for the carnival crowds.
Solutum, ut in quibusdam fluminum, et mutabile, ut res poscit, hinc vel illinc remigium.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the afternoon, when thousands of people were crowded there.
Intra eas silvas hostes in occulto sese continebant; in aperto loco secundum flumen paucae stationes equitum videbantur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A part was then slain by the infantry when they were crowding upon one another in the narrow passage of the gates; and a part having got without the gates, were cut to pieces by the cavalry: nor was there one who was anxious for the plunder.
Nam Vologeses casum invadendae Armeniae obvenisse ratus, quam a maioribus suis possessam externus rex flagitio obtineret, contrahit copias fratremque Tiridaten deducere in regnum parat, ne qua pars domus sine imperio ageret.latin-ancient latin-ancient
73 sinne gevind in 18 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.