curses oor Latyn


tussenwerpsel, werkwoord, naamwoord
(UK, mildly vulgar) expression of surprise, contempt, outrage, disgust, boredom, frustration.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


Piotr Szelma

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Soortgelyke frases

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
Piratae Maris Caribii
curse of excommunication
of|belonging to cursing
execribilis · exsecribilis
free from a curse
resacro · resecro
one who prays or calls down curses
utter curses
exsecror · imprecor
one who detests|execrates|curses
curses · vae
subject to detestatio|curse


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"There rest they, nor their sequence change, nor place, / save when, by chance, on grating hinge the door / swings open, and a light breath sweeps the floor, / or rougher blasts the tender leaves disperse. / Loose then they flutter, for she recks no more / to call them back, and rearrange the verse; / untaught the votaries leave, the Sibyl's cave to curse."
Ibi certior ab Acilio et Murco per litteras factus de postulatis Libonis et Bibuli legionem relinquit; ipse Oricum revertitur.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
The Lord, said he, in whose sight I walk, will send his angel with thee, and will direct thy way: and thou shalt take a wife for my son of my own kindred, and of my father's house. But thou shalt be clear from my curse, when thou shalt come to my kindred, if they will not give thee one.
Karthago a Romanis deleta est.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Both victors and vanquished melted into tears, and cursed the fatality of civil strife with a melancholy joy.
Antonio vexillarios e cohortibus et partem equitum ad invadendam Italiam rapienti comes fuit Arrius Varus, strenuus bello, quam gloriam et dux Corbulo et prosperae in Armenia res addiderant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
And Lamech lived a hundred and eighty-two years, and begot a son. And he called his name Noah, saying: This same shall comfort us from the works and labours of our hands on the earth, which the Lord hath cursed.
et ille varie diserebat de magnitudine imperii sua modestia.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
And lifting on the shore / his hands, Anchises doth the gods adore. / "O Heaven!" he cries, "avert these threats; be kind / and stay the curse, and vex with plagues no more / a pious folk."
Iamque frumenta maturescere incipiebant, atque ipsa spes inopiam sustentabat, quod celeriter se habituros copiam confidebant; crebraeque voces militum in vigiliis colloquiisque audiebantur, prius se cortice ex arboribus victuros, quam Pompeium e manibus dimissuros.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
After waking up from his dream-world, Munsu realizes that the mandrake extract has cancelled out his curse and he realizes that he only has a few more days to live.
inde consilium mihi pauca de Augusto et extrema tradere, mox Tiberii principatum et cetera, sine ira et studio, quorum causas procul habeo.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
All this passed in the sight of both armies, and the more it delighted the Vitellianists, the more vehemently did the Othonianists curse the cause and author of the disaster.
sed oppidani portis sponte patefactis se suaque Romanis permisere.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Those words, then, written in Scripture, can be applied to the art of Radio: "By it we bless God and the Father ; and by it we curse men, who are made after the likeness of God.
quibus patratis nemo adeo expers misericordiae fuit quem non Britannici fortuna maerore
And now you are cursed from the ground, which has opened its mouth to receive your brother's blood from your hand.
Aggerabatur nihilo minus caespes iamque pectori usque adcreverat, cum tandem pervicacia victi inceptum
If Vitellius and his satellites were allowed to choose, what would be the temper and what the thoughts with which they would curse us? What would they wish for us but mutiny and strife, that the private should not obey the centurion, nor the centurion the tribune, that thus we should rush, horse and foot together, on our own destruction? Comrades, it is by obeying, not by questioning the orders of commanders, that military power is kept together.
quae nimia et incertum an falso iacta originem tamen e severitate ducis traxere; intentumque et magnis delictis inexorabilem scias cui tantum asperitatis etiam adversus levia credebatur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
66) We especially, the priests of the Latin Church, whose ordination rite added in the curse of the centuries the custom of anointing the priest's hands, should think about this.
igitur orta die proruunt fossas, iniciunt cratis, summa valli prensant, raro super milite et quasi ob metum
I will bless them that bless thee, and curse them that curse thee, and in thee shall all the kindreds of the earth be blessed.
Neither was the outcome dependent on the additional training of cognitive skills.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
The centurion had actually added, as something highly meritorious, his own language in all its brutality, and some utterances of the dying man in which, at first feigning loss of reason, he imprecated in seeming madness fearful things on Tiberius, and then, when hope of life was gone, denounced him with a studied and elaborate curse.
Cassius fidei magis quam virtuti legionum confidebat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
She then regales the judge with 13 curses.
Hac re nuntiata Caesari classes circum insulas portusque disposuit, quo tutius commeatus subportari posset.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Curse of the Jade Scorpion
Nostri ceciderunt III, saucii XII pedites et equites V. Eius diei insequenti tempore pristina consuetudine pro muro pugnari coeptum est.langbot langbot
And he answered her: Thou knowest that Esau, my brother, is a hairy man, and I am smooth: if my father should feel me, and perceive it, I fear lest he will think I would have mocked him, and I shall bring upon me a curse instead of a blessing.
Quod fuit illis conandum atque omni ratione efficiendum; sed totius diei pugna atque itineris labore defessi rem in posterum diem distulerunt. Caesar quoque in proximo colle castra ponit.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
"On the days of the games which interrupted the trial, Lepida went into the theatre with some ladies of rank, and as she appealed with piteous wailings to her ancestors and to that very Pompey, the public buildings and statues of whom stood there before their eyes, she roused such sympathy that people burst into tears and shouted, without ceasing, savage curses on Quirinus, ""to whose childless old-age and miserably obscure family, one once destined to be the wife of Lucius Caesar and the daughter-in-law of the Divine Augustus was being sacrificed."" Then, by the torture of the slaves, her infamies were brought to light, and a motion of Rubellius Blandus was carried which outlawed her."
contra alii fatum quidem congruere rebus putant, sed non e vagis stellis, verum apud principia et nexus naturalium causarum; ac tamen electionem vitae nobis relinquunt, quam ubi elegeris, certum imminentium ordinem.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing".47
igitur contumaciam eius insectari, vetus Augustae odium, recentem Liviae conscientiam exagitare, ut superbam fecunditate, subnixam popularibus studiis inhiare dominationi apud Caesarem
Cursing and lying and killing and theft and adultery have overflowed: and blood hath touched blood.
Mox civili inter nos bello, postquam in dicionem M. Antonii provinciae cesserant, rex Parthorum Pacorus Iudaea potitus interfectusque a P. Ventidio, et Parthi trans Euphraten redacti: Iudaeos C. Sosius
And to Adam he said: Because thou hast hearkened to the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee, that thou shouldst not eat, cursed is the earth in thy work: with labour and toil shalt thou eat thereof all the days of thy life.
Praeruptus locus erat utraque ex parte derectus ac tantum in latitudinem patebat, ut tres instructae cohortes eum locum explerent, ut neque subsidia ab lateribus submitti neque equites laborantibus usui esse possent.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
The curse of usury was indeed of old standing in Rome and a most frequent cause of sedition and discord, and it was therefore repressed even in the early days of a less corrupt morality.
Nam ut commutato consilio iter in provinciam converteret, id ne metu quidem necessario faciendum existimabat; cum infamia atque indignitas rei et oppositus mons Cevenna viarumque difficultas impediebat, tum maxime quod abiuncto Labieno atque eis legionibus quas una miserat vehementer timebat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Then shall you curse the evil hour,
illa spe ultionis oblata parat accusatores ex clientibus suis Iturium et Calvisium, non vetera et saepius iam audita deferens, quod Britannici mortem lugeret aut Octaviae iniurias evulgaret, sed destinavisse eam Rubellium Plautum, per maternam originem pari ac Nero gradu a divo Augusto, ad res novas extollere coniugioque eius et imperio rem publicam rursus invadere.Literature Literature
And Noah awaking from the wine, when he had learned what his younger son had done to him, he said: Cursed be Canaan, a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren.
nam priores duces, ubi impetrandotriumphalium insigni sufficere res suas crediderant, hostem omittebant; iamque tres laureatae in urbe statuae et adhuc raptabat Africam Tacfarinas, auctus Maurorum auxiliis qui, Ptolemaeo Iubae filio inventa incurioso, libertos regios et servilia imperia bello mutaverant.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Curse him for his choice of you!
Chamavorum quondam ea arva, mox Tubantum et post Usiporum fuisse.Literature Literature
Now therefore cursed shalt thou be upon the earth, which hath opened her mouth and received the blood of thy brother at thy hand.
Sed utrum Aravisci in Pannoniam ab Osis, Germanorum natione, an Osi ab Araviscis in Germaniam commigraverint, cum eodem adhuc sermone, institutis, moribus utantur, incertum est: quia, pari olim inopia ac libertate, eadem utriusque ripae bona malaque erant.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
47 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.