dear oor Latyn


/dɪə/, /diɹ/ adjektief, werkwoord, naamwoord, bywoord
Loved; lovable.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


[ cārus ]
Having a high price, cost.
Whenever you warn someone, and he does not wish to be warned, do not stop once you have begun if he is dear to you.
Cumque mones aliquem, nec se velit ille moneri, si tibi sit carus, noli desistere coeptis.




[ grātus ]
Dear friends, this deep gratitude for a gift of divine mercy is uppermost in my heart in spite of all.
Dilectissimi, intimus animi grati sensus propter divinae misericordiae donum in corde Nostro praeter omnia antistat.

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Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn

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Soortgelyke frases

oh dear
ei · hei · oiei · vae
caritas · cāritas
dear child
beloved|dear to
very dear
ah! woe! oh dear!
dear friend
hold dear
oh! ow! oh dear! goodness gracious!
au · hau


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It is a theme particularly dear to the spirituality of the consecrated life and well expresses its meaning.
Carissimum est hoc auctoribus spiritalibus argumentum de vita consecrata cuius sensum probe
Venerable Brothers, Dear Sons and Daughters of the Church
Fratres Venerabiles, Filii Ecclesiae Filiaeque carissimae,
According to the words of St Augustine, an image dear to the ancient Fathers of the Church, the ship of the Church must not fear, because it is guided by Christ and by his Vicar: "Although the ship is tossed about, it is still a ship.
Ut ait Sanctus Augustinus, imaginem proferens, antiquis Patribus assuetam, navis Ecclesiae non habet, cur timeat, quia a Christo regitur: « Quia etsi turbatur navis, navis est
Certainly many of you, dear brothers and sisters, are trying during the Marian Year to renew your awareness of the link between the Mother of God and your own specific vocation in the Church.
Complures profecto vestrum, dilecti Fratres et Sorores, hoc anno redintegrare conantur conscientiam vinculi, quod inter Dei Matrem et propriam ipsorum in Ecclesia vocationem
Yes, my dear young friends!
Ita plane est, iuvenes amici dilecti!
Let us take our place, dear brothers and sisters, at the school of the saints, who are the great interpreters of true Eucharistic piety.
Carissimi Nostri fratres sororesque, ad disciplinam Sanctorum accedamus, qui praeclari fuerunt interpretes verae eucharisticae
Venerable Brother Cardinals, Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, All you men and women of good will,
Venerabiles Fratres Nostri, dilectissimi Fratres ac Sorores in Christo, vos universi homines bonae voluntatis!
Jesus' cry on the Cross, dear Brothers and Sisters, is not the cry of anguish of a man without hope, but the prayer of the Son who offers his life to the Father in love, for the salvation of all.
Christi clamor in cruce, carissimi Fratres ac Sorores carissimae, non angorem prodit desperantis, sed Filii precem qui Patri per amorem suam offert in omnium salutem
You are aware, dear sons and daughters, that the needs of today's world, if you experience them in heart-to-heart union with Christ, make your poverty more urgent and more deep.
Quemadmodum vos, dilecti filii et filiae, compertum habetis, hodiernae hominum consortionis necessitates, si eas cum Christo coniuncti experimini, paupertatem vestram magis urgent et perfectiorem
If we have truly contemplated the face of Christ, dear Brothers and Sisters, our pastoral planning will necessarily be inspired by the "new commandment" which he gave us: "Love one another, as I have loved you" (Jn 13:34).
Vultum Christi se reapse, carissimi Fratres et Sorores, intuiti sumus, facere non poterit ordinatio nostra pastoralis quin se moveat ad «mandatum novum» quod nobis tradidit: «Sicut dilexi vos, ut et vos diligatis invicem» (Io 13,34)
11. Meanwhile, as a presage of divine graces and in testimony of Our paternal good wishes, dear sons, and venerable brethren, We impart to you most affectionately in the Lord and to the whole Austrian nation the Apostolic Blessing.
Interim caelestium munerum auspicem et paternae benevolentiae Nostrae testem vobis omnibus, Dilecti Filii Nostri et Venerabiles Fratres, cunctaeque genti Austriacae Apostolicam Benedictionem peramanter in Domino
In this way each one of you, dear brothers and sisters, is able to realize how deep and supernatural is the reality which we experience when we follow Christ, as he invites us with the words "Follow me".
Hoc modo, dilecti Fratres et Sorores, quisque vestrum percipere potest quam altum sit quantumque naturam excedat id, quod quis experitur, cum Christum sequitur, qui invitat dicens: “Sequere me”
"""My dear Lester,"" he broke in, ""that wasn't a bomb; that was a simple statement of fact."""
"""Mi Lester,"" appellat ille, ""haec ne bomba quidem fuit, sed assertio facti."""Literature Literature
Venerable Brothers and dear sons and daughters, greetings and the apostolic blessing.
Venerabiles fratres, dilecti filii et filiae, salutem et apostolicam
The words "Follow me," spoken by Christ when He "looked upon and loved" each one of you, dear brothers and sisters, also have this meaning: you take part, in the most complete and radical way possible, in the shaping of that "new creation"(41) which must emerge from the Redemption of the world by means of the power of the Spirit of Truth operating from the abundance of the Paschal Mystery of Christ.
In verbis « sequere me », quae Christus protulit cum unumquemque et unamquamque vestrum, dilecti Fratres et Sorores, « intuitus est et dilexit », haec etiam inest significatio : partem habe, modo quam plenissimo et efficacissimo, in formanda illa «nova creatura » [41], quae e redemptione mundi appareat oportet virtute Spiritus Veritatis, operantis ex mysterii paschalis Christi
And the venerable and dear brothers, deserves separate reflection.
Id quod, Venerabiles ac Dilecti Fratres, aliquam seorsum meretur
The importance of the unity of the Priests with their own Bishop on this point is confirmed by the words of Saint Ignatius of Antioch: "Strive to do all things in the harmony of God, with the Bishop presiding to represent God, the presbyters representing the council of the apostles, and the deacons, so dear to me, entrusted with the service of Jesus Christ" (Epistula ad Magnesios, VI, 1: Patres Apostolici I, ed. Funk, p. 235).
Quale propterea momentum hic habeat sacerdotum coniunctio cum Episcopis, confirmatur verbis Sancti Ignatii Antiocheni: “ Hortor, ut in concordia Dei omnia peragere studeatis, episcopo praesidente loco Dei et presbyteris loco senatus apostolici, et diaconis mihi suavissimis concreditum habentibus ministerium Iesu Christi ”
Dear Uncle thinks that he is an English spy.
Parentes eius adhuc Anglicanismo adhaerebant.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
"Ye too, my servants, hearken my commands. / Outside the city is a mound, where, dear / to Ceres once, but now deserted, stands / a temple, and an aged cypress near, / for ages hallowed with religious fear."
"Vos, famuli, quae dicam, animis advertite vestris. / Est urbe egressis tumulus templumque vetustum / desertae Cereris, juxtaque antiqua cupressus / religione patrum multos servata per annos."tatoeba tatoeba
Dear Brothers, while we express the hope that thanks to your generous commitment, there will be among the clergy and among the people entrusted to your care a salutary increase of devotion to Mary with undoubted profit for the Church and for society, we cordially impart our special apostolic blessing to yourselves and to all the faithful people to whom you devote your pastoral zeal.
Dum igitur exoptamus, ut vestra, Venerabiles Fratres, annitente diligentia, Deiparae Virgins cultus apud clerum populumque vestris curis concreditum salutari provehatur incremento, ideoque in maius Ecclesiae et hominum societatis bonum vertat, vobismet ipsis et cunctis, quos pastorali sollicitudine contingitis, peculiarem Benedictionem Apostolicam amanter
On many occasions, Dear Son and Venerable Brethren, we have expressed to you our earnest desire of seeing the wisdom of St. Thomas reinstated in Catholic schools, and everywhere treated with the highest consideration.
Non semel vobis, dilecte Fili Noster et Venerabiles Fratres, significavimus quantopere Nos optemus ut sancti Thomae sapientia in scholis catholicis restituatur et maximo ubique in honore
I will continue our dialogue, dear young people, the future and hope of the Church and of humanity, listening to your expectations in the desire to help you encounter in ever greater depth the living Christ, eternally young.
Vobiscum - carissimi adulescentes - qui estis futura aetas et Ecclesiae totiusque mundi spes, pergemus colloqui et exspectationes vestras exaudire unde possimus adiuvare vos ad altius usque Christum viventem cognoscendum qui sempiternus est
Our sorrow was increased when We saw many young people of excellent character and fervent zeal and capable of performing much good if properly directed, and who are also very dear to Us, carelessly attracted to such an erroneous program.
Eoque acerbior dolor Noster erat, quia incaute hac falsa via plurimos videbamus allici iuvenes Nobis carissimos, quorum multi electo ingenio, fervido zelo et capaces bonum efficaciter operandi, si recte
Before We conclude Our treatment of the concept of this type of devotion and its excellence in Christian life, which We have offered for your consideration - a subject at once attractive and full of consolation - by virtue of the Apostolic office which was first entrusted to Blessed Peter after he had made his threefold profession of love, We think it opportune to exhort you once again venerable brethren, and through you all those dear children of Ours in Christ, to continue to exercise an ever more vigorous zeal in promoting this most attractive form of piety; for from it in our times also We trust that very many benefits will arise.
Antequam scribendi finem facimus de germana huiusmodi cultus ratione eiusque christiana praestantia, quas hactenus vobis considerandas proposuimus — pulcherrimas sane ac solacii plenas — Nos, Apostolici muneris conscientia ducti, quod quidem primum Beato Petro concreditum est post triplicem in Christum Dominum amoris professionem peractam, opportunum ducimus vos iterum, Venerabiles Fratres, ac per vos universos quotquot in Christo habemus dilectissimos filios adhortari, ut contentiore usque studio suavissimam hanc religionis formam promovere studeatis; hinc enim nostris etiam temporibus utilitates plurimas orituras esse
How often, dear brother and sisters, have I experienced this, and drawn from it strength, consolation and support!
Quotiens, cari fratres ac sorores, hoc idem sumus experti indeque vires et consolationem et sustentationem sumus consecuti!
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