dearest oor Latyn


/ˈdɪəɹɪst/ naamwoord, adjektief
Superlative form of dear.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


[ vīta ]
noun verb
Charlton T. Lewis

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Actually, enlightened by divine grace and moved by affection for her, God's Mother and our own dearest Mother, they have contemplated in an ever clearer light the wonderful harmony and order of those privileges which the most provident God has lavished upon this loving associate of our Redeemer, privileges which reach such an exalted plane that, except for her, nothing created by God other than the human nature of Jesus Christ has ever reached this level.
Quin immo, divina collustrati gratia pietateque erga eam permoti, quae Dei Parens est suavissimaque Mater nostra, clariore cotidie luce mirabilem illam privilegiorum concordiam ac cohaerentiam contemplati sunt, quae Providentissimus Deus almae huic Redemptoris nostri sociae impertiit, et quae talem attigere celsissimum verticem, qualem praeter ipsam nemo a Deo creatus, excepta humana Iesu Christi natura, assecutus est
30. Meanwhile may the Apostolic Benediction be for you an omen of heavenly graces, which in testimony of Our most special benevolence, We impart with much affection in the Lord both to you, Venerable Brothers and beloved sons, and to the whole and dearest Chinese nation.
Interea autem caelestium gratiarum auspex et conciliatrix esto Apostolica Benedictio, quam peculiarissimae benevolentiae Nostrae testem, tum vobis, Venerabiles Fratres ac dilecti filii, tum carissimae Sinensium genti universae peramanter in Domino
"It's one of our fondest, dearest pop culture memories."
"Unus est ex nostris carissimis dilectissimisque culturae popularis memoriis."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This is my dearest son.
Hic est meus carissimus filius.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
We know the nature and extent of the difficulties under which these dearest sons of Ours are laboring, as they strive continually and effectually to promote in their own countries and throughout the world the material and moral interests of the working people.
Novimus quot quantisque pressi difficultatibus dilectissimi hi filii Nostri efficaciter conati sint et acriter adhuc conentur, tum intra fines nationis cuiusque suae, tum in terrarum orbe universo, ut operariorum iura vindicent eorumque fortunas et mores ad meliora
All the nobler was the example set by a freedwoman at such a crisis in screening strangers and those whom she hardly knew, when freeborn men, Roman knights, and senators, yet unscathed by torture, betrayed, every one, his dearest kinsfolk. For even Lucanus and Senecio and Quintianus failed not to reveal their accomplices indiscriminately, and Nero was more and more alarmed, though he had fenced his person with a largely augmented guard.
postero cum ad eosdem cruciatus retraheretur gestamine sellae (nam dissolutis membris insistere nequibat), vinclo fasciae, quam pectori detraxerat, in modum laquei ad arcum sellae restricto indidit cervicem et corporis pondere conisa tenuem iam spiritum expressit, clariore exemplo libertina mulier in tanta necessitate alienos ac prope ignotos protegendo, cum ingenui et viri et equites Romani senatoresque intacti tormentis carissima suorum quisque pignorum proderent.latin-ancient latin-ancient
For Pompey, though beaten in no engagement, yet was obliged to shift his ground, and leave Italy, from the precedent established by your conduct. Caesar commited me, whom he considered his dearest friend, and the provinces of Sicily and Africa, without which he was not able to protect Rome or Italy, to your protection.
Pompeius enim nullo proelio pulsus vestri facti praeiudicio demotus Italia excessit; Caesar me, quem sibi carissimum habuit, provinciam Siciliam atque Africam, sine quibus urbem atque Italiam tueri non potest, vestrae fidei commisit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
In opening Our heart to you, We realize that through you We are addressing all the sons of God's Church, and it is Our dearest hope that Our voice will be heard even by those who are outside the open fold of Christ.
Ac dum vobis pandimus animum, Nobis videmur per vos alloqui Ecclesiae Dei filios universos; immo spem fovemus, ut vox Nostra ad eos quoque perveniat, qui extra Christi ovilis aperta ostia
To all of you, dearest brothers and sisters, I send my Apostolic Blessing.
Vobis omnibus, Fratres ac dilecti Filii, Apostolicam nostram Benedictionem
2. The Church is most successful in this work of sanctification when it is possible for her, through the mercy of God, to hold up to the imitation of the faithful one or other of her dearest children who has made himself conspicuous by the practice of every virtue.
Ecclesia vero huiusmodi sanctificationis opus apud universos omnes felicissime persequitur, quoties, Dei beneficio ac munere, ei contingit alios ex aliis egregios filios ad imitandum vulgo proponere, qui in omnium exercitatione virtutum admirabiles
Through her maythey steadfastly endeavour for that most desirable of all blessings, therestoration of the liberty of our Mother, the Church, and the tranquilpossession of her rights - rights which have no other object than the carefuldirection of men's dearest interests, from the exercise of which individuals andnations have never suffered injury, but have derived, in all time, numerous andmost precious benefits.
Ab ipsa eo impensius contendant, quod bonis omnibus exoptatissimum esse debet, ut Ecclesia mater libertate potiatur tranquilleque fruatur sua; quam non alio illa refert nisi ad summas hominum procurandas rationes, a qua singuli et civitates nulla usquam damna, plurima omni tempore et maxima beneficia
36. To Our dearest Mexican children, who are such a part of the cares and of the affectionate solicitudes of Our Pontificate, We renew the appeal to unity, to charity, to peace, in the apostolic labor of Catholic Action, which must give back Christ to Mexico and restore there peace and also temporal prosperity.
Carissimos ergo Mexici filios, qui tantam curarum sollicitudinumque Nostri Pontificatus partem constituunt, rursus vehementerque adhortamur ad unitatem, ad caritatem, ad pacem, in laborioso apostolatu Catholicae Actionis, quae Mexico Christum restituet ac terrenam insuper conciliabit
Brothers and dearest sons and daughters, in this awesome moment for us, yet a moment enriched by God's promise, we extend our greeting to all of our sons and daughters: we wish we could see all of them face to face, embrace them, give them courage and confidence, while asking for their understanding and prayers for us.
Hac hora, quae Nobis est causa trepidationis, sed qua simul divinis promissionibus confortamur, cunctis filiis Nostris salutem dicimus: velimus profecto universi hic praesentes adsint, ut eos contueamur et complectamur, eorum animos confirmantes et fiduciam iis infundentes atque pro Nobis petentes benevolentiam et
And the last word from our lips will be your sweet name, O Queen of the Rosary of Pompei, O dearest Mother, O Refuge of Sinners, O Sovereign Consoler of the Afflicted.
Et postremum labiorum nostrorum erit effatum suave tuum nomen, o Regina Rosarii Pompeiani, o cara Mater nostra, o peccatorum Refugium, o Princeps maerentium
On the 300th anniversary of the death of Christ's unconquered athlete, Andrew Bobola, We desire to direct his martyrdom and holiness of life to the devout and reverent meditation of all Catholics throughout the world and particularly of the children of Our dearest Poland for whom the Saint is a glorious and shining example of Christian fortitude.
Invicti athletae Christi, Andreae Bobolae, martyrium vitaeque sanctitatem, tertio exacto saeculo ab eius obitu, pia mente pioque animo recolant cupimus omnes, quotquot ubique terrarum catholico gloriantur nomine; imprimis vero carissimae Nobis Poloniae filii, quibus ipse est decus excelsumque christianae fortitudinis
19. We, therefore, exhort you, dearest Sons and Venerable Brothers, as well as your priests, who are co-workers with you, to continue as you have in the past to feed with loving and watchful care the flock which God has confided to you.
Vos igitur, Dilecti Filii Nostri, Venerabiles Fratres, itemque sacerdotes Dei [1], operis socios consòrtesque vestri, apostolicis verbis collaudando hortamur, pergatis amanter pascere, ut adhuc fecistis, qui in vobis est gregem
16 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.