defend oneself oor Latyn

defend oneself

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


Charlton T. Lewis

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a paper of pardon to defend oneself
charta pardonationis se defendendo


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In the richer countries, on the contrary, excessive prosperity and the consumer mentality, paradoxically joined to a certain anguish and uncertainty about the future, deprive married couples of the generosity and courage needed for raising up new human life: thus life is often perceived not as a blessing, but as a danger from which to defend oneself.
In regionibus autem lucupletioribus nimia prosperitas et mentis habitus in consumenda bona proclivis, coniunctus — quod mirum est — cum anxietate quadam et incertitudine quod ad futurum atiinet tempus, coniugibus magnanimitatem et fidentiam auferunt novas vitas human as procreandi: quo fit ut vita saepe aestimetur non benedictio sed periculum
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