defender oor Latyn


/dɪ`fendə(r)/ naamwoord
Someone who defends people or property.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


verb nounmanlike
someone who defends


Charlton T. Lewis


This decree is to be communicated immediately to the parties and the defender of the bond.
Quod decretum partibus et vinculi defensori statim notificetur.

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propugnator · advocatus · causidicus · conservator · custos · praeses · vindex · adsertor · cognitor · defensator · defensatrix · defenstrix · paracletus · paraclitus · protector

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Soortgelyke frases

one who preserves|defends
Defender of the Fatherland Day
Dies Defensoris Patriae
plea by defendant in reply to replication
defend|guard|protect against
defend oneself
defended a bridge alone
defend in advance
|with| the defendant being absent
absente reo|abs. re.|
defend diligently


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Meanwhile Caesar, being distressed by want of corn, recalled all his forces to the camp; and having left garrisons at Leptis, Ruspina, and Acilla, ordered Cispius and Aquila to blockade with their fleets, the one Adrumetum, the other Thapsus, and setting fire to his camp at Uzita, he set out, in order of battle, at the fourth watch, disposed his baggage on the left, and came to Agar, which had been often vigorously attacked by the Getulians, and as valiantly defended by the inhabitants.
Caesar interim quoniam inopia frumenti premebatur, copias omnes in castra conducit atque praesidio Lepti Ruspinae Acyllae relicto, Cispio Aquilaeque classe tradita, ut alter Hadrumetum, alter Thapsum mari obsiderent, ipse castris incensis quarta noctis vigilia acie instructa impedimentis in sinistra parte collocatis ex eo loco proficiscitur et pervenit ad oppidum Aggar, quod a Gaetulis saepe antea oppugnatum summaque vi per ipsos oppidanos erat defensum.latin-ancient latin-ancient
In any event, the principle set forth in the new Catechism of the Catholic Church remains valid: "If bloodless means are sufficient to defend human lives against an aggressor and to protect public order and the safety of persons, public authority must limit itself to such means, because they better correspond to the concrete conditions of the common good and are more in conformity to the dignity of the human person".48
Quidquid id est, valet etiamnum in novo Catholicae Ecclesiae Catechismo significatum principium, ex quo: “Si instrumenta incruenta sufficiunt ad vitas humanas defendendas ab aggressore et ad ordinem publicum tuendum simulque personarum securitatem, auctoritas his utatur instrumentis, utpote quae melius respondeant concretis boni communis condicionibus et sint dignitati personae humanae magis consentanea” (Catechismus Catholicae Ecclesiae, 2267)
Caesar, after he discovered through the Ubian scouts that the Suevi had retired into their woods, apprehending a scarcity of corn, because, as we have observed above, all the Germans pay very little attention to agriculture, resolved not to proceed any further; but, that he might not altogether relieve the barbarians from the fear of his return, and that he might delay their succors, having led back his army, he breaks down, to the length of 200 feet, the further end of the bridge, which joined the banks of the Ubii, and at the extremity of the bridge raises towers of four stories, and stations a guard of twelve cohorts for the purpose of defending the bridge, and strengthens the place with considerable fortifications.
Caesar, postquam per Vbios exploratores comperit Suebos sese in silvas recepisse, inopiam frumenti veritus, quod, ut supra demonstravimus, minime omnes Germani agriculturae student, constituit non progredi longius; sed, ne omnino metum reditus sui barbaris tolleret atque ut eorum auxilia tardaret, reducto exercitu partem ultimam pontis, quae ripas Vbiorum contingebat, in longitudinem pedum ducentorum rescindit atque in extremo ponte turrim tabulatorum quattuor constituit praesidiumque cohortium duodecim pontis tuendi causa ponit magnisque eum locum munitionibus firmat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
These truths she has always taught, and has sustained them as a dogma of faith, and whensoever heretics or innovators have attacked the liberty of man, the Church has defended it and protected this noble possession from destruction.
Neque id solum: sed contra dicentibus haereticis no varumque opinionum fautoribus, patrocinium libertatis Ecclesia suscepit, hominisque tam grande, bonum ab interitu
The Council strives to ensure that the rights of the family be acknowledged and defended even in the social and political realm. It also supports and coordinates initiatives to protect human life from the first moment of conception and to encourage responsible procreation.
Adnititur ut iura familiæ, etiam in vita sociali et politica, agnoscantur et defendantur; incepta quoque ad humanam vitam inde a conceptione tuendam et ad procreationem responsabilem fovendam sustinet atque
Against such policies, there is a need to defend the primary competence of the family in the area of sexuality[111], as opposed to the State and its restrictive policies, and to ensure that parents are suitably prepared to undertake their responsibilities.
Quibus obsistere debet primaria potestas hoc in campo familiarum [111], quod ad Statum attinet eiusque politicas restrictivas, necnon congrua parentum
All Bishops, in fact, must promote and defend the unity of faith and the discipline which is common to the whole Church, and foster every activity which is common to the whole Church, especially in efforts to increase faith and to make the light of truth shine on all people.(
Etenim omnes Episcopi fidei unitatem ac cunctae Ecclesiae communem disciplinam promovere ac tueri itemque quamque operam universae Ecclesiae communem provehere debent, quibus opera est potissimum danda ut fides adolescat et cunctis hominibus plenae veritatis lux oriatur.(
The rest formed into a body, and being alarmed by the unexpected danger, wrapped their left arms in their cloaks, and drew their swords, and in this manner, depending on the nearness of their camp, defended themselves against the Spaniards, and the horse, and made good their retreat to the camp, where they were protected by the cohorts which were on guard.
Reliqui coeunt inter se et repentino periculo exterriti sinistras sagis involvunt gladiosque destringunt atque ita se a cetratis equitibusque defendunt castrorum propinquitate confisi seque in castra recipiunt et ab eis cohortibus, quae erant in statione ad portas, defenduntur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
He is received into the town of Hispalis by night, surprises the sentinels and garrison, shuts the gates, and begins to defend the place.
rursus Hispalim oppidum denuo noctu per murum recipitur. Praesidium, vigiles iugulant, portas praecludunt, de integro pugnare coeperunt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
I defended myself.
Me ipsum defendi.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
(72) More than anyone else, the supreme pastors and teachers of the Church of God, the guardians and interpreters of the patrimony of the faith and of holy Christian practices, promoted, defended, and restored ecclesiastical celibacy in successive eras of history, even when they met opposition from the clergy itself and when the practices of a decadent society did not favor the heroic demands of virtue.
Opera enim potissimum horum Dei Ecclesiae Pastorum et magistrorum, quippe qui pretiosi fidei thesauri sanctorumque morum christianorum tutores atque interpretes essent, factum est, ut sacri caelibatus usus proveheretur, defenderetur et revocaretur insequentibus temporum aetatibus, tum etiam cum ipse sacerdotum ordo lapsique hominum mores virtuti ac fortitudini nullo prorsus modo
She listens to conscience and not to power, and in this way she defends the poor and the downtrodden.
Ea conscientiae praebet aures, non potestatibus, et hac in re pauperes et despectos
The men that landed at Berck discovered a seaplane anchorage, but it was too heavily defended for them to risk any attack.
Sicut avus Numa Pompilius, Ancus erat tranquillus piusque, sed bellum ut fines defenderet gerere debuit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It receives all the acts together with the votum of the bishop and the remarks of the defender of the bond, weighs them according to its own special procedure, and, if the case warrants it, submits a petition to the Supreme Pontiff requesting the dispensation.
Ideoque acta omnia cum voto Episcopi et animadversionibus Defensoris Vinculi accipit et, iuxta peculiarem procedendi modum, perpendit atque, si casus ferat, Summo Pontifici petitionem ad dispensationem impetrandam
Society as a whole, and the state in particular, are obliged to defend and promote the common good.
Tota societas – et in ea potissimum Status – commune bonum defendere ac promovere
"The Bituriges threw themselves at the feet of all the Gauls, and entreat that they should not be compelled to set fire with their own hands to the fairest city of almost the whole of Gaul, which was both a protection and ornament to the state; they say that ""they could easily defend it, owing to the nature of the ground, for, being inclosed almost on every side by a river and a marsh, it had only one entrance, and that very narrow."" Permission being granted to them at their earnest request, Vercingetorix at first dissuades them from it, but afterward concedes the point, owing to their entreaties and the compassion of the soldiers."
Procumbunt omnibus Gallis ad pedes Bituriges, ne pulcherrimam prope totius Galliae urbem, quae praesidio et ornamento sit civitati, suis manibus succendere cogerentur: facile se loci natura defensuros dicunt, quod prope ex omnibus partibus flumine et palude circumdata unum habeat et perangustum aditum. Datur petentibus venia dissuadente primo Vercingetorige, post concedente et precibus ipsorum et misericordia vulgi.latin-ancient latin-ancient
It may also be attributed to the prayers of the holy martyr that Melety Smotritzky, who had been the bitter rival of Josaphat for possession of the see of Polotsk, returned to the Catholic faith in 1627 and, after a period of vacillation, for the rest of his life stoutly defended the return of the Ruthenians to the Catholic Church.
Pari modo quod Meletius Smotrytskyj, acerrimus ad Polocensem obtinendam sedem Iosaphati competitor, anno MDCXXVII ad catholicam fidem rediit, et licet aliquandiu in utramque vacillavissei partem, mox tamen pactum Ruthenorum reditum ad Catholicae Ecclesiae gremium strenuo animo ad mortem usque tutatus est, id quoque sanctissimi huius martyris patrocinio tribuendum esse
Thus relying on this opinion, he thought that he could effect the whole, for he was defended by the nature of his situation, and by the position for defense of the town, where he had his camp: for, as we observed before, this country is full of hills which run in a continued chain, without any plains intervening.
Etenim et natura loci defendebantur et ipsius oppido munitione ubi castra habuit constituta. Namque ut superius demonstravimus, loca excellentia tumulis contineri, interim nulla planitie edividit; id quod eo incidit tempore.latin-ancient latin-ancient
68] At times we see an obsession with denying any pre-eminence to the human person; more zeal is shown in protecting other species than in defending the dignity which all human beings share in equal measure.
68] Animadvertitur nonnumquam ardor personae humanae quodvis privilegium negandi, atque pro aliis speciebus decertatur, quod non efficimus tuendae inter homines paris dignitatis
These words become charged with even stronger warning, when we think that, instead of bread and cultural aid, the new States and nations awakening to independent life are being offered, sometimes in abundance, modern weapons and means of destruction placed at the service of armed conflicts and wars that are not so much a requirement for defending their just rights and their sovereignty but rather a form of chauvinism, imperialism, and neocolonialism of one kind or another.
109) Quae verba maiorem vim hortatoriam accipiunt, cum videmus potius quam panem et auxilia humani cultus novis Civitatibus et nationibus, ad libertatem quodammodo expergiscentibus, nova arma, interdum copiose, praeberi, necnon instrumenta ad destruendum apta, quae proeliis armatorum et bellis inserviunt, nec tantum legitimis iuribus et liberae summaeque rerum potestati defendendis destinantur quantum suae cuiusque patriae amorem immodicum, nimiam imperandi cupiditatem, novam quandam varii generis colonicarn dicionem
22) For, as the enemies of the Catholic name, when about to attack religion, are in the habit of borrowing their weapons from the arguments of philosophers, so the defenders of sacred science draw many arguments from the store of philosophy which may serve to uphold revealed dogmas.
20). Profecto sicut inimici catholici nominis, adversus religionem pugnaturi, bellicos apparatus plerumque a philosophica ratione mutuantur, ita divinarum scientiarum defensores plura e philosophiae penu depromunt, quibus revelata dogmata valeant
Bishops will not fail to encourage and support them and the schools or academic institutions where they work, so that they can carry out their service to the People of God in fidelity to Tradition and with attentiveness to changing historical circumstances.119 Whenever appropriate, Bishops must firmly defend the unity and integrity of the faith, judging with authority what is or is not in conformity with the word of God.120
Episcopi offerre ne cessent tam illis quam etiam institutis scholasticis et academicis, quibus illi inserviunt, confirmationem animi et subsidium, ut opus in utilitatem Populi Dei explicare possint, servantes fidelitatem erga Traditionem et attendentes praecipuis historiae momentis.119 Cum opportunum visum fuerit, Episcopi unitatem et integritatem fidei firmiter tueantur, cum auctoritate discernentes quid sit Verbo Dei conforme vel
29. The more boldly haters of God and enemies of Christian teaching attack Jesus Christ and the Church He founded, the more readily must priests and all Catholics, by spoken word, popular writings, and good example, resist them, respectful ever of individuals, but defending the truth.
Quo audentius Dei osores christianaeque doctrinae inimici Iesum Christum impugnant ab eoque conditam Ecclesiam, eo alacrius debent non modo sacerdotes, sed quotquot etiam catholico censentur nomine, qua contionibus, qua scriptis in vulgus editis, qua praeclaro potissimum praestantique exemplo suo adversus eos repugnare, personis semper parcentes, sed defendentes
Only the defendant knew of this condition.
Primum consulatum suffectum esse ita constat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This decree is to be communicated immediately to the parties and the defender of the bond.
Quod decretum partibus et vinculi defensori statim
202 sinne gevind in 9 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.