defense oor Latyn


/ˈdi fɛns/, /dɛˈfɛns/, /diˈfɛns/ naamwoord
The action of defending or protecting from attack, danger, or injury.

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"If, therefore, now that fortune has put you in our power, you will take this opportunity to unite with the good citizens, in the defense of the commonwealth, I am determined to give you life and money: therefore speak openly your sentiments."""
Quos quoniam fortuna in nostram detulit potestatem, si, id quod facere debetis, rem publicam cum optimo quoque defendetis, certum est vobis vitam et pecuniam donare. Quapropter quid sentiatis proloquimini.'latin-ancient latin-ancient
15. Meanwhile, and as long as oppressive persecution continues, the children of the Church, putting on the arms of light, must act with all their strength in defense of Truth and justice - it is their duty always, and today more than ever.
Interea tamen, dum opprirnendi exagitandi libido dominantur, filii Ecclesiae, si unquam alias, oportet, induti arma lucis (
Thus relying on this opinion, he thought that he could effect the whole, for he was defended by the nature of his situation, and by the position for defense of the town, where he had his camp: for, as we observed before, this country is full of hills which run in a continued chain, without any plains intervening.
Etenim et natura loci defendebantur et ipsius oppido munitione ubi castra habuit constituta. Namque ut superius demonstravimus, loca excellentia tumulis contineri, interim nulla planitie edividit; id quod eo incidit tempore.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Gregory of NeoCaesarea(11) praises Origen expressly because, with singular dexterity, as one snatches weapons from the enemy, he turned to the defense of Christian wisdom and to the destruction of superstition many arguments drawn from the writings of the pagans.
Gregorius Ncocaesariensis (Orat. paneg. ad Origen.) laudat Origenem hoc nomine, quod plura ex ethnicorum placitis ingeniose decerpta, quasi erepta hostibus tela, in patrocinium christianae sapientiae et perniciem superstitionis singulari dexteritate retorscrit. Et parem disputanda morem cum Gregorius Nazianzenus (
For the soldiers who had fled for refuge to it from the field of battle, affrighted and exhausted by fatigue, having thrown away their arms and military standards, had their thoughts more engaged on their further escape than on the defense of the camp.
Nam qui acie refugerant milites, et animo perterriti et lassitudine confecti, missis plerique armis signisque militaribus, magis de reliqua fuga quam de castrorum defensione cogitabant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
"During these transactions at Munda and Ursao, Caesar, who had returned from Gades to Hispalis, assembled the citizens, and made the following speech: ""That when he was advanced to the quaestorship, he had chosen their province in preference to all others, and during his continuance in that office, had done them every service in his power; that during his praetorship he had obtained for them from the senate the abolition of the taxes imposed by Metellus, declared himself their patron, procured their deputies a hearing at Rome, and made himself many enemies by undertaking the defense both of their private and public rights."
Dum haec ad Mundam geruntur et Ursaonem, Caesar ad Hispalim cum Gadibus se recepisset, insequenti die contione advocata: Initio quaesturae suae eam provinciam ex omnibus provinciis peculiarem sibi constituisse et quae potuisset eo tempore beneficia largitum esse.latin-ancient latin-ancient
9. In all matters, certainly, be prudent and moderate; the Church itself in defense of the truth intends to follow a responsible mode of action. Nothing, however, is so contradictory to the laws of true prudence than to allow religion to be harassed with impunity and to endanger the moral welfare of the people.
Oportet sane omnibus in rebus consilii prudentiam temperantiamque babere comites; Ecclesia ipsa vult in defensione veritatis consultam adbiberi agendi rationem : nihil tamen a germanae prudentiae legibus tam alienum, quam committere ut religio impune vexetur, populi salus in discrimen
When the battle was begun, no effort of valor was wanting to the Massilians, but, mindful of the instructions which they had a little before received from their friends, they fought with such spirit as if they supposed that they would never have another opportunity to attempt a defense, and as if they believed that those whose lives should be endangered in the battle would not long precede the fate of the rest of the citizens, who, if the city was taken, must undergo the same fortune of war.
Commisso proelio Massiliensibus res nulla ad virtutem defuit; sed memores eorum praeceptorum, quae paulo ante ab suis aeceperant, hoc animo decertabant, ut nullum aliud tempus ad conandum habituri viderentur, et quibus in pugna vitae periculum accideret, non ita multo se reliquorum civium fatum antecedere existimareut, quibus urbe capta eadem esset belli fortuna patienda.latin-ancient latin-ancient
This method of conducting a war was new and unusual, as well on account of the number of forts, the extent and greatness of the works, and the manner of attack and defense, as on account of other circumstances.
Erat nova et inusitata belli ratio cum tot castellorum numero tantoque spatio et tantis munitionibus et toto obsidionis genere, tum etiam reliquis rebus.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Thirdly, care will need to be taken lest, contrary to the very nature of the human spirit, the legitimate defense of the uniqueness and originality of Indian thought be confused with the idea that a particular cultural tradition should remain closed in its difference and affirm itself by opposing other traditions.
Tertio, cavebitur ne legitima proprietatis singularitatisque Indianae philosophiae expostulatio cum sententia illa confundetur, culturalem scilicet traditionem sua in diversitate concludi debere eamque per dissidentiam cum ceteris traditionibus emergere, quod quidem naturae humani spiritus ipsi est
They, having assembled no troops, as they relied on the defense of their position, retreat into the woods and morasses, and convey thither all their property.
Illi nulla coacta manu loci praesidio freti in silvas paludesque confugiunt suaque eodem conferunt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
But the soldiers of the veteran legion, who had also struggled, not only with the inclemency of the weather, but by laboring at the pump, thought it their duty to remit nothing of their former valor: and having protracted the beginning of the night in settling the terms, under pretense of surrendering, they obliged the pilot to run the ship aground: and having got a convenient place on the shore, they spent the rest of the night there, and at day-break, when Otacilius had sent against them a party of the horse, who guarded that part of the coast, to the number of four hundred, beside some armed men, who had followed them from the garrison, they made a brave defense, and having killed some of them, retreated in safety to our army.
At veteranae legionis milites, item conflictati et tempestatis et sentinae vitiis, neque ex pristina virtute remittendum aliquid putaverunt, et tractandis condicionibus et simulatione deditionis extracto primo noctis tempore gubernatorem in terram navem eicere cogunt, ipsi idoneum locum nacti reliquam noctis partem ibi confecerunt et luce prima missis ad eos ab Otacilio equitibus, qui eam partem orae maritimae asservabant, circiter CCCC, quique eos armati ex praesidio secuti sunt, se defenderunt et nonnullis eorum interfectis incolumes se ad nostros receperunt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
These punishments are imposed by the just and merciful judgment of God for the purification of souls, the defense of the sanctity of the moral order and the restoration of the glory of God to its full majesty.
Quae poenae iusto et misericordi iudicio Dei imponuntur ad purificandas animas et sanctitatem ordinis moralis defendendam, et ad gloriam Dei in plenam eius maiestatem
12. Nor should there be omitted earnest prayers of supplication to the new-born Redeemer through His Blessed Mother that the Catholic religion, which is the most secure foundation of human society and civilized culture, may enjoy due liberty in all nations and that those "who suffer persecution for justice' sake" (Matt. 5, 10), those who because of their courageous defense of the rights of the Holy Church are confined to prison, or are driven forth and banished from their homes, and those also who, exiled from their fatherlands, wander about in wretchedness or still languish in captivity, may receive heavenly consolations and be granted at length that good fortune which they have been awaiting with such burning desire and ardent longing.
Neque praetermittatur a nato Redemptore ab eiusque Divina Matre supplicibus efflagitare precibus, ut catholica religio, quae humanae societatis est civilisque cultus tutissimum fundamentum, in omnibus Nationibus debita libertate fruatur, utque ii; « qui persecutionem patiuntur propter iustitiam » (Matth. 5, 10), ii qui ob fortiter vindicata sanctissima Ecclesiae iura in carceribus detinentur, vel extorres e sua sede deturbati sunt, atque ii etiam, qui exsules e patriis laribus misere vagantur, vel adhuc in captivitate iacent, supernis afficiantur solaciis, idque tandem auspicato habeant, quod flagrantissimis votis incensoque desiderio
Defensive wall
Moenialangbot langbot
Every man said the same to his comrade, companion, and friend, beseeching him not to disappoint the expectation of those who had chosen him in preference to others for the defense of the common interest.
Eadem suum quisque contubernalem, amicum, notum prosequens erat obtestatus, ne suam atque omnium falleret opinionem, quorum iudicio delectus ad pugnam proficisceretur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Defenses against human errors are preserved.
Violatio humanitatis facinus contra humanitatem appellatur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
But there exist many other beneficent activities-such as the Leagues of Fathers of Families, for the defense of scholastic liberty and religious instruction, the union of citizens for the defense of the family and the sanctity of matrimony, and of public morality, which can be reorganized about the central nucleus of Catholic Action.
Sed plura alia exstant incepta atque consociationes, — ut Foedera patrumfamilias ad tuendam scholasticam libertatem religiosamque institutionem, Sodalitas civium ad familiam, nuptiarumque sanctitudinem moresque publicos integre servanda — quae per Actionem Catholicam explicari possunt, eiusque centrali moderamine
Wherefore, it is the glory of philosophy to be esteemed as the bulwark of faith and the strong defense of religion.
Quam ad rem, magna est philosophiae laus, quod fidei propugnaculum ac veluti firmum religionis munimentum
19. Finally, in everything pertaining to the protection and defense of our ancestral religion and faith, to the growth of Catholic institutions, or even to the discipline of clergy, hold periodic conferences so that in common discernment you will recognize those matters which are especially compelling and timely.
Demum de iis omnibus, quae vel ad religionis fideique avitae tutelam, vel ad institutorum catholici nominis incrementum, vel etiam ad Cleri utriusque disciplinam pertinent, optimum sane saluberrimumque fore arbitramur, Venerabiles Fratres, si Consilia identidem inter vos conferre consueveritis, ea communi iudicio decreturi, quae vel necessaria vel magis opportuna
It is all the more significant that, next to the Church, the other defensive bulwark for Lithuanians was the family: yes, the Christian family, the true "domestic Church",(4) solidly anchored to the values of the faith, and living in love, sacrifice and in mutual giving.
Hoc vero eo significantius apparet, quod, simul cum Ecclesia, alterum praesidium Lithuanis fuit familia: sane quidem, familia christiana, vera “Ecclesia domestica”(Lumen Gentium, 11), firmiter religata ad bona fidei, quae inb amore vivit, in incommodo, in mutua
They were descended from the Cimbri and Teutones, who, when they were marching into our province and Italy, having deposited on this side the river Rhine such of their baggage-trains as they could not drive or convey with them, left 6,000 of their men as a guard and defense for them.
Ipsi erant ex Cimbris Teutonisque prognati, qui, cum iter in provinciam nostram atque Italiam facerent, iis impedimentis quae secum agere ac portare non poterant citra flumen Rhenum depositis custodiam [ex suis] ac praesidium VI milia hominum una reliquerant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
To it they retreated, and from it they made defense if any superior force attacked them; and from it they sallied out either to repel or pursue the enemy.
Huc se referebant; hinc, si qua maior oppresserat vis, propugnabant; hinc ad repellendum et prosequendum hostem procurrebant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Consequently, circumstances or intentions can never transform an act intrinsically evil by virtue of its object into an act "subjectively" good or defensible as a choice.
Propterea, rerum adiuncta vel intentiones, numquam actum ob obiectum suum intrinsece pravum convertere poterunt in actum “subiective” probum, vel qui defendi possit velut
When it almost touched the enemy's walls, and Caesar, according to his usual custom, kept watch at the work, and encouraged the soldiers not to discontinue the work for a moment: a little before the third watch they discovered that the mound was sinking, since the enemy had set it on fire by a mine; and at the same time a shout was raised along the entire wall, and a sally was made from two gates on each side of the turrets. Some at a distance were casting torches and dry wood from the wall on the mound, others were pouring on it pitch, and other materials, by which the flame might be excited, so that a plan could hardly be formed, as to where they should first run to the defense, or to what part aid should be brought.
Cum is murum hostium paene contingeret, et Caesar ad opus consuetudine excubaret milites que hortaretur, ne quod omnino tempus ab opere intermitteretur, paulo ante tertiam vigiliam est animadversum fumare aggerem, quem cuniculo hostes succenderant, eodemque tempore toto muro clamore sublato duabus portis ab utroque latere turrium eruptio fiebat, alii faces atque aridam materiem de muro in aggerem eminus iaciebant, picem reliquasque res, quibus ignis excitari potest, fundebant, ut quo primum curreretur aut cui rei ferretur auxilium vix ratio iniri posset.latin-ancient latin-ancient
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