despoiling oor Latyn


Present participle of despoil.

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Piotr Szelma

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abigo · carpo · clepo · denudo · depeculo · depeculor · depopulo · depopulor · despolio · despolior · dispolio · exinanio · expilo · exuo · populo · populor · praedo · praedor · reperio · spolio
she who despoils
despolator · despoliator · devirginator
one who plunders or despoils


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For by the articles of this decree not only is the Church despoiled of all the property, whether real or movable, which she holds by the strongest of titles, but she is deprived of all power of acquiring anything for the future.
Etenim, huius praescripto legis, non solum quascumque res Ecclesia mobiles immobiles obtinet, ex earum possessione, quamvis optimo iure parta, detruditur; verum etiam quaevis ei potestas adimitur quidquam sibi in posterum
For, as we have said, the purpose of the authors of this wicked law is not, as they would make out, to separate the Church of Portugal, which they despoil and oppress, from the Republic, but from the Vicar of Christ.
Hoc enim auctoribus nefariae legis propositum est, quod diximus: non a Republica (ut videri volunt) separare Ecclesiam Lusitanam, quam despoliant opprimuntque, sed a Vicario Iesu
Deprived of such care and entered upon contrary to the will of God, matrimony is reduced to the service of various passions, is deprived of necessary heavenly aids, and is despoiled of that common life which is of greatest concern to man, i.e., religion. Of necessity it produces bitter fruit, to the great harm of the family and of the state.
His demotum conditionibus maritale coniugium, in servitutem redactum variarum libidinum, contra Dei voluntatem initum, itaque adiumentis despoliatum caelestibus iisque pernecessariis, sublata etiam communione vitae in eo, quod hominum interest maxime, id est in religione, fructus acerbissimos gignat necesse est, ad extremam familiarum civitatumque
The enslavement of man despoiled of his rights, the denial of the transcendental origin of the State and its authority, the horrible abuse of public power in the service of a collectivistic terrorism, are the very contrary of all that corresponds with natural ethics and the will of the Creator.
Iura esse, cuiusque propria, erepta, ideoque cives in servitutem redigi; primariam ac supremam Civitatis eiusque potestatis originem detrectari; ac nefande prorsus publicam potestatem sceleribus inservire, communi conspiratione perpetrandis; haec omnia, dicimus, naturali morum disciplinae divinique Creatoris voluntati vehementissime
On the other hand, to find ever new ways of despoiling nature, purely for the sake of new consumer items and quick profit, would be, in human terms, less worthy and creative, and more superficial.
At contra minus est dignum et ingeniosum leviusque instare ut vastationis naturae inveniantur formae, oblaturae tantum consumendi ac subitaneum profectum habendi
Even the gods fell victims to the plunder; for the temples in Rome were despoiled and the gold carried off, which, for a triumph or a vow, the Roman people in every age had consecrated in their prosperity or their alarm.
inque eam praedam etiam dii cessere, spoliatis in urbe templis egestoque auro, quod triumphis, quod votis omnis populi Romani aetas prospere aut in metu sacraverat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
How otherwise can you be mine or I yours unless you be despoiled of your own will both inwardly and outwardly?
Alioquin quomodo poteris esse meus et ego tuus, nisi fueris ab omni propria voluntate intus et foris spoliatus?Literature Literature
5. We are sure that the same faith in and love for our Divine Redeemer still inspire the hearts of this people even though the champions of atheistic communism attempt with every possible stratagem to despoil their minds of the religion of their forefathers.
Non dubitamus autem eandem fidem eandemque erga Divinum Redemptorem caritatem adhuc huius populi permovere animos, quamvis communismi athei fautores artibus omnibus enisi sint avitam religionem e mentibus
8. Lastly, it is not enough for the Republic, after having despoiled her of her property, to impose an almost slavish yoke upon the Church of Portugal; it even, on the one hand, strives as far as it can, to tear her from the bosom of Catholic unity and from the arms of the Roman Church, and on the other to prevent the Apostolic See from exercising its solicitude and its authority in the religious affairs of Portugal.
Postremo parum est quod Ecclesiae Lusitanae, suis despoliatae bonis, servile prope iugum imponit Respublica, nisi etiam nitatur, quantum potest, hinc ipsam e gremio catholicae unitatis deque complexu Ecclesiae Romanae divellere, illinc impedire, quominus religiosis Lusitaniae rebus Apostolica Sedes auctoritatem providentiamque suam
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