diseased oor Latyn


Affected with or suffering from disease.

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Affected with of suffering from disease




Affected with of suffering from disease

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causarius · conturbatus · morbidus

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disease in private parts
inflicted with various inflammatory skin diseases|psoriasis
disease of intestines
medical science dealing with childhood diseases
Lyme disease
slight case of disease
skin disease
alphos · alphus · lichen
disease of trees
remedy|medicine for bowel|stomach|abdomen pains|disease


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Parkinson's disease
Quibus iniuriis permotus Caesar legiones tres Massiliam adducit; turres vineasque ad oppugnationem urbis agere, naves longas Arelate numero XII facere instituit.langbot langbot
They should give a special place in their ministry to the poorest and most abandoned of the sick, such as the elderly, and those who are handicapped, marginalized, or terminally ill, and to the victims of drug abuse and the new contagious diseases.
Itaque multis militibus partim interfectis partim suorum ruina oppressis, qui velocitate effugere poterant, armis tamen proiectis vallem transgressi nihil ex loco superiore inermi proficere poterant.vatican.va vatican.va
You understand, Venerable Brethren, what this disease is - apostasy from God, than which in truth nothing is more allied with ruin, according to the word of the Prophet: "For behold they that go far from Thee shall perish" (Ps. 1xxii., 17).
Clamore sublato fita coniuratis impetus universis.vatican.va vatican.va
Although believed to be originally native to Asia, the disease was accidentally introduced into America and Europe, where it has devastated native populations of elms that did not have resistance to the disease.
plerique interficiendos censebant, turbidos,infidos, sanguine ducum pollutos: vicit ratio parcendi, ne sublata spe veniae pertinaciam accenderent: adliciendos potius in societatem.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Every year more than 8700 people are killed by tobacco caused rated diseases.
delecta longiore via cetera adcelerantur: etenim attulerant exploratores festam eam Germanis noctem ac sollemnibus epulis ludicram.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This moral condemnation also regards procedures that exploit living human embryos and fetuses-sometimes specifically "produced" for this purpose by in vitro fertilization-either to be used as "biological material" or as providers of organs or tissue for transplants in the treatment of certain diseases.
Quibus ex rebus sibi eam dignitatem quae est per gentes clarissima notissimaque, conciliavit adulescentulusque atque eques Romanus triumphavit.vatican.va vatican.va
Quorum perturbatione nostrorum animi adeo sunt incitati ut paene eodem tempore ex omnibus partibus, primi tamen editissimum castrorum locum caperent; ex quo decurrentes magnam multitudinem hostium in castris interfecerunt.langbot langbot
The loss of forests and woodlands entails the loss of species which may constitute extremely important resources in the future, not only for food but also for curing disease and other uses.
ille multum de clementia principis praefatus aqua atque igni Silano interdicendum censuit ipsumque in insulam Gyarum relegandum.vatican.va vatican.va
The only check a government can command in this case is that of force; but force cannot be constantly employed, nor is it always available yet the people continue to be undermined as by a secret disease, they become discontented with everything, they proclaim the right to act as they please, they stir up rebellions, they provoke revolutions, often of extreme violence, in the State; they overthrow all rights human and divine.
Pompeianis magnam res ad receptum difficultatem afferebat.vatican.va vatican.va
But we know also that such new opinions can entice the incautious; and therefore we prefer to withstand the very beginnings rather than to administer the medicine after the disease has grown inveterate.
atque illi recentem gloria et inclinatione quadam etiam hostium Corbulonem praetulere.vatican.va vatican.va
He contracted an incurable disease.
Quam ob rem placuit ei ut ad Ariovistum legatos mitteret, qui ab eo postularent uti aliquem locum medium utrisque conloquio deligeret: velle sese de re publica et summis utriusque rebus cum eo agere.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
350 million suffer from rare disease worldwide.
curam navium Moschus libertus retinebat ad observandam honestiorum fidem immutatus.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Most writers, however, agree in stating that once a disease, which horribly disfigured the body, broke out over Egypt; that king Bocchoris, seeking a remedy, consulted the oracle of Hammon, and was bidden to cleanse his realm, and to convey into some foreign land this race detested by the gods.
ut inter paucos et sententiae diversos, quibusdam coalitam libertate inreverentiam eo prorupisse frementibus, [ut] vine an aequo cum patronis iure agerent [sententiam eorum] consultarent ac verberibus manus ultro intenderent, impudenter vel poenam suam ipsi suadentes.latin-ancient latin-ancient
She died suddenly from heart disease.
circoquoque ac theatris et amoenitate urbis emollitos aut valetudinibus fessos: sed addito spatio rediturum et his robur meditatione belli; nec procul Germaniam, unde vires; Britanniam freto dirimi, iuxta Gallias Hispaniasque, utrimque viros equos tributa, ipsamque Italiam et opes urbis; ac si inferre arma ultro velint, duas classis vacuumque Illyricum mare.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Cognitive neuroscientists investigate the neural correlates of psychological processes in humans using neural imaging tools, and neuropsychologists conduct psychological assessments to determine, for instance, specific aspects and extent of cognitive deficit caused by brain damage or disease.
quod ubi auditum vulgatumque, maerere socii, fremere legiones.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Yet as even bodily disorders of long standing and growth can be checked only by sharp and painful treatment, so the fever of a diseased mind, itself polluted and a pollution to others, can be quenched only by remedies as strong as the passions which inflame it.
Nam sicut magno accidit casu ut in ipsum incautum etiam atque imparatum incideret, priusque eius adventus ab omnibus videretur, quam fama ac nuntius adferretur: sic magnae fuit fortunae omni militari instrumento, quod circum se habebat, erepto, raedis equisque comprehensis ipsum effugere mortem.latin-ancient latin-ancient
On the other hand, the Church does not consider at all illicit the use of those therapeutic means necessary to cure bodily diseases, even if a foreseeable impediment to procreation should result there from—provided such impediment is not directly intended for any motive whatsoever.
Hi omnes lingua, institutis, legibus inter se differunt.vatican.va vatican.va
Major health problems (1992 data) are preventable diseases, mainly malaria (increasingly chloroquine resistant), parasitic disease, upper respiratory infections, gastroenteritis, and complications of pregnancy.
ipse inter primores equo insigni adire, memorare veteres Gallorum glorias quaeque Romanis adversa intulissent; quam decora victoribus libertas, quanto intolerantior servitus iterum victis.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Everyone knows well that, very often, children can avoid the transient attack of a disease outside their own home, but cannot escape it when it lurks within the home itself.
Cuius orationem Caesar interpellat: se non maleficii causa ex provincia egressum, sed uti se a contumeliis inimicorum defenderet, ut tribunos plebis in ea re ex civitate expulsos in suam dignitatem restitueret, ut se et populum Romanum factione paucorum oppressum in libertatem vindicaret.vatican.va vatican.va
Peoples, as we know, engaged with all their energy in the effort and struggle to overcome everything which condemns them to remain on the margin of life: famine, chronic disease, illiteracy, poverty, injustices in international relations and especially in commercial exchanges, situations of economic and cultural neo-colonialism sometimes as cruel as the old political colonialism.
"An dubitamus quin nefario facinore admisso Romani iam ad nos interficiendos concurrant? Proinde, si quid in nobis animi est, persequamur eorum mortem qui indignissime interierunt, atque hos latrones interficiamus."" Ostendit cives Romanos, qui eius praesidi fiducia una erant: magnum numerum frumenti commeatusque diripit, ipsos crudeliter excruciatos interficit."vatican.va vatican.va
Plague (disease)
aderatque iis clarus per illas gentes et nobis quoque fidus nomine Boiocalus, vinctum se rebellione Cherusca iussu Arminii referens, mox Tiberio et Germanico ducibus stipendia meruisse, et quinquaginta annorum obsequio id quoque adiungere, quod gentem suam dicioni nostrae subiceret.langbot langbot
Gastroesophageal reflux disease
Idem annus novas caerimonias accepit addito sodalium Augustalium sacerdotio, ut quondam Titus Tatius retinendis Sabinorum sacris sodalis Titios instituerat.langbot langbot
Scarce stand the vessels hauled upon the beach, / and bent on marriages the young men vie / to till new settlements, while I to each / due law dispense and dwelling place supply, / when from a tainted quarter of the sky / rank vapours, gathering, on my comrades seize, / and a foul pestilence creeps down from high / on mortal limbs and standing crops and trees, / a season black with death, and pregnant with disease.
Quid faciant leges, ubi sola pecunia regnat, aut ubi paupertas vincere nulla potest. (Petronius)tatoeba tatoeba
Scarce stand the vessels hauled upon the beach, / and bent on marriages the young men vie / to till new settlements, while I to each / due law dispense and dwelling place supply, / when from a tainted quarter of the sky / rank vapours, gathering, on my comrades seize, / and a foul pestilence creeps down from high / on mortal limbs and standing crops and trees, / a season black with death, and pregnant with disease.
illa contra sibi quoque destinatam mortem adseverat manumque percussoris exposcit.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Clinical pathology (US, UK, Ireland, Commonwealth, Portugal, Brazil, Italy, Japan, Peru), Laboratory Medicine (Austria, Germany, Romania, Poland, Eastern Europe), Clinical analysis (Spain) or Clinical/Medical Biology (France, Belgium, Netherlands, North and West Africa...), is a medical specialty that is concerned with the diagnosis of disease based on the laboratory analysis of bodily fluids, such as blood, urine, and tissue homogenates or extracts using the tools of chemistry, microbiology, hematology and molecular pathology.
Quo facto complures equites Romani senatoresque perterriti ex proelio se receperunt, ne [a] militibus qui ex tanta victoria licentiam sibi adsumpsissent immoderate peccandi impunitatis spe propter maximas res gestas, ipsi quoque interficerentur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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