disparager oor Latyn


One who disparages.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


noun verb
Charlton T. Lewis


Charlton T. Lewis


Noun verb
Charlton T. Lewis

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

detractorius · diasyrticus
one who disparages|belittles
detractator · detrectator
denotatio · detractatio · detrectatio · diasyrmos · obtrectatio · vilipensio
who disparages|belittles|diminisher
apolactizare · contemno · dehonesto · deprimo · derogo · despicio · detracto · detraho · detrecto · deturpo · elevo · obtrecto · pervello · rodo · vitupero
denotatio · detractatio · detrectatio · diasyrmos · obtrectatio · vilipensio
apolactizare · contemno · dehonesto · deprimo · derogo · despicio · detracto · detraho · detrecto · deturpo · elevo · obtrecto · pervello · rodo · vitupero


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So they ask: Don't all these things indicate that celibacy does unwarranted violence to nature and unjustifiably disparages human values which have their source in the divine work of creation and have been made whole through the work of the Redemption accomplished by Christ?
"Id cum essent plerique admirati, ""scio me,"" inquit, ""paene incredibilem rem polliceri; sed rationem consilii mei accipite, quo firmiore animo in proelium prodeatis."vatican.va vatican.va
"Do the praetorian cohorts, which have just got their two denarii per man, and which after sixteen years are restored to their homes, encounter more perils? We do not disparage the guards of the capital; still, here amid barbarous tribes we have to face the enemy from our tents."""
Cui percontationi tuae respondere et tam magnae quaestionis pondus excipere, ut aut de ingeniis nostris male existimandum [sit], si idem adsequi non possumus, aut de iudiciis, si nolumus, vix hercule auderem, si mihi mea sententia proferenda ac non disertissimorum, ut nostris temporibus, hominum sermo repetendus esset, quos eandem hanc quaestionem pertractantis iuvenis admodum audivi.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Lucanus had the stimulus of personal motives, for Nero tried to disparage the fame of his poems and, with the foolish vanity of a rival, had forbidden him to publish them.
Pars castrorum in collem leniter exurgens, pars aequo adibatur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
As it is, he has contented himself with singling out for disparagement some ancient orators, and has not dared to praise any of their successors, except generally and in terms common to all, fearing, I sup-pose, that he would offend many, if he selected a few.
quin et manu mittendi duas species institutas, ut relinqueretur paenitentiae aut novo beneficio locus.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Grant that they disparaged each other (and certainly there are some passages in their letters which show mutual ill-will), still this is the failing, not of the orator, but of the man.
iamque totis castris modesti sermones, et inserentibus se centurionibus tribunisque laudari providentia ducis quod coloniam virium et opum validam robur ac sedem bello legisset.latin-ancient latin-ancient
In music, it was first used by Richard Wagner in his polemical 1851 article "Oper und Drama", as a disparaging term for the French romanticism of Hector Berlioz and Giacomo Meyerbeer from 1830 onwards, which he regarded as a degenerated form of true romanticism.
Post finem ludicri Poppaea mortem obiit, fortuita mariti iracundia, a quo gravida ictu calcis adflicta est neque enim venenum crediderim, quamvis quidam scriptores tradant, odio magis quam ex fide: quippe liberorum copiens et amori uxoris obnoxius erat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Upon this Aper replied, You still persist, Messala, in admiring only what is old and antique and in sneering at and disparaging the culture of our own day.
Hunc cum reliquis rebus locum probabat, tum quod superioris anni munitiones integrae manebant, ut militum laborem sublevaret.latin-ancient latin-ancient
All else they were to share or divide between them according to circumstances. But as Corbulo could not endure a rival, so Paetus, who would have been sufficiently honoured by ranking second to him, disparaged the results of the war, and said repeatedly that there had been no bloodshed or spoil, that the sieges of cities were sieges only in name, and that he would soon impose on the conquered tribute and laws and Roman administration, instead of the empty shadow of a king.
legatis tantum legionum interfectis, ceterum vulgus conscientia scelerum et spe impunitatis facile accessurum.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Then, again, an ancient historian has but few disparagers, and no one cares whether you praise more heartily the armies of Carthage or Rome.
nam Germanos, qui ab ipsis sperentur, non iuberi, non regi, sed cuncta ex libidine agere; pecuniamque ac dona, quis solis corrumpantur, maiora apud Romanos, et neminem adeo in arma pronum ut non idem pretium quietis quam periculi malit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Can we doubt that there were found critics who admired Appius Caecus more than Cato? We know that even Cicero was not without his disparagers, who thought him inflated, turgid, not concise enough, but unduly diffuse and luxuriant, in short anything but Attic.
Ad ea perficienda opera C. Trebonius magnam iumentorum atque hominum multitudinem ex omni provincia vocat; vimina materiamque comportari iubet.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Be assured, my most excellent, and, as far as the age re-quires, most eloquent friends, that had you been born in the past, and the men we admire in our own day, had some god in fact suddenly changed your lives and your age, the highest fame and glory of eloquence would have been yours, and they too would not have lacked moderation and self-control. As it is, seeing that no one can at the same time enjoy great renown and great tranquillity, let everybody make the best of the blessings of his own age without disparaging other periods.
Interim acerbissime imperatae pecuniae tota provincia exigebantur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
With respectful sensitivity and missionary boldness, consecrated men and women should show that faith in Jesus Christ enlightens the whole enterprise of education, never disparaging human values but rather confirming and elevating them.
exim Cyprii tribus [de] delubris, quorum vetustissimum Paphiae Veneri auctor Aesrias, post filius eius Amathus Veneri Amathusiae et Iovi Salaminio Teucer, Telamonis patris ira profugus, posuissent.vatican.va vatican.va
12 sinne gevind in 2 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.