dispensing oor Latyn


Present participle of dispense.

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Piotr Szelma


Charlton T. Lewis

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who arranges|manages|dispenses
office of Roman Curia issuing dispensations|appointments
architriclinus · claustrarius · claviger · dispensator · largitor · promocondus · valvarius
diribeo · dispendo · dispenso · largior
dispense with
abdere · abicio · adimere · relegare · supersido
dispensation of animal food
dispensatio · indultum · licentia · vacatio
dispensatio · indultum · licentia · vacatio
architriclinus · claustrarius · claviger · dispensator · largitor · promocondus · valvarius


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To him turns the Church, which is the heart of humanity, to implore for all and dispense to all those gifts of the love which through him "has been poured into our hearts."
Ob eas causas ei munitioni quam fecerat T. Labienum legatum praeficit; ipse in Italiam magnis itineribus contendit duasque ibi legiones conscribit et tres, quae circum Aquileiam hiemabant, ex hibernis educit et, qua proximum iter in ulteriorem Galliam per Alpes erat, cum his quinque legionibus ire contendit.vatican.va vatican.va
It receives all the acts together with the votum of the bishop and the remarks of the defender of the bond, weighs them according to its own special procedure, and, if the case warrants it, submits a petition to the Supreme Pontiff requesting the dispensation.
Atque haec principes in consiliis contionibusque agitabant: populum Romanum paulatim in consuetudinem eius regni occupandi venire.vatican.va vatican.va
3. The Church, taking into account the nature and circumstances of times, places and persons, is prepared to dispense from both impediments, provided there is a just cause.
Nam etsi sine ullo periculo legionis delectae cum equitatu proelium fore videbat, tamen committendum non putabatut, pulsis hostibus, dici posset eos ab se per fidem in conloquio circumventos.vatican.va vatican.va
Seafarers are not bound by the laws of fast and abstinence prescribed in can. 1251; they are advised, however, when taking advantage of this dispensation, to undertake a comparable work of piety in place of abstinence, and, as far as possible, to observe both laws on Good Friday in memory of the sufferings and death of Jesus Christ; 3.
Tunc composito agmine incedunt, cuius frontem et terga Aorsi, media cohortes et Bosporani tutabantur nostris in armis.vatican.va vatican.va
29. To confessors approved by their respective ordinaries We grant faculties for commuting the above works enjoined by Us for other works of piety, and this concession shall be applicable not only to regulars of both sexes but to all others who cannot perform the works prescribed, and We do grant faculties also to dispense from Communion children who have not yet been admitted to it.
Nam et Secundo purus et pressus et, in quantum satis erat, profluens sermo non defuit, et Aper omni eruditione imbutus contemnebat potius litteras quam nesciebat, tamquam maiorem industriae et laboris gloriam habiturus, si ingenium eius nullis alienarum artium adminiculis inniti videretur.vatican.va vatican.va
The Church is the visible dispenser of the sacred signs, while the Holy Spirit acts in them as the invisible dispenser of the life which they signify.
Exim biduum criminibus obiciendis statuitur utque sex dierum spatio interiecto reus per triduum defenderetur.vatican.va vatican.va
In this case true inculturation necessarily entails a serious and open interreligious dialogue, which "is not in opposition to the mission ad gentes" and "does not dispense from evangelization".
Hos cum Suebi multis saepe bellis experti propter amplitudinem gravitatem civitatis finibus expellere non potuissent, tamen vectigales sibi fecerunt ac multo humiliores infirmiores redegerunt.vatican.va vatican.va
From what is given in can. 1374, the defender of the bond, if he prudently thinks that either the flaws or the lack of a dispensation are not certain, must appeal to the judge of second instance, to whom the acts must be sent and who must be informed that a documentary process is involved.
multisque patrum orantibus ponerent odia in perniciem itura, mansere infensi ac minitantes donec magistratu abirent.vatican.va vatican.va
The Druids do not go to war, nor pay tribute together with the rest; they have an exemption from military service and a dispensation in all matters.
Providerant conditores ex diversitate morum crebra bella: inde cuncta quamvis adversus longum obsidium; et a Pompeio expugnatis metus atque usus pleraque monstravere.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Since, therefore, the integral confession of serious sins is by divine decree a constitutive part of the Sacrament, it is in no way subject to the discretion of pastors (dispensation, interpretation, local customs, etc.).
quidam militum iuxta rogum interfecere se, non noxa neque ob metum, sed aemulatione decoris et caritate principis.vatican.va vatican.va
Therefore, it is your responsibility to firmly shut the door against all those modes of conduct which gradually devitalize the strength of religious discipline, namely, practices which are dangerous to religious life, unnecessary dispensations, and privileges not properly approved.
innoxia adhuc ac praecalida et libata gustu potio traditur Britannico; dein, postquam fervore aspernabatur, frigida in aqua adfunditur venenum, quod ita cunctos eius artus pervasit, ut vox pariter et spiritus [eius] raperentur.vatican.va vatican.va
Other reasons equally grave, however, founded upon the supreme good of society which must be preserved at all costs demand that in particular cases a dispensation from the law be granted especially when you, Venerable Brethren, recognize the strict necessity of it for the good of souls and the interest of your churches, and you request such a dispensation.
Postremo deserunt tribunal, ut quis praetorianorum militum amicorumve Caesaris occurreret, manus intentantes, causam discordiae et initium armorum, maxime infensi Cn. Lentulo, quod is ante alios aetate et gloria belli firmare Drusum credebatur et illa militiae flagitia primus aspernari.vatican.va vatican.va
13. It cannot, of course, be denied that the dispensation of these treasures is the particular and peculiar right of Jesus Christ, for they are the exclusive fruit of His Death, who by His nature is the mediator between God and man.
Quo proelio sublati Helvetii, quod quingentis equitibus tantam multitudinem equitum propulerant, audacius subsistere non numquam et novissimo agmine proelio nostros lacessere coeperunt.vatican.va vatican.va
While the faculties of individual bishops of dispensing, according to the decree Christus Dominus, number 8b, remain unchanged, pastors also for just cause and in accordance with the prescriptions of the Ordinary may grant to individual faithful as well as individual families dispensation or commutation of abstinence and fast into other pious practices. The superior of a religious house or clerical institute enjoys the same faculties for his subjects.
ea sententia valuit, quia plurima auctoritas penes Abdagaesen et Tiridates ignavus ad pericula erat.vatican.va vatican.va
Thus it can truly be said that "the glory of God is the living man, yet man's life is the vision of God" 260: man, living a divine life, is the glory of God, and the Holy Spirit is the hidden dispenser of this life and this glory.
At non frater eius, cognomento Felix, pari moderatione agebat, iam pridem Iudaeae impositus et cuncta malefacta sibi impune ratus tanta potentia subnixo.vatican.va vatican.va
Episcopal conferences are to issue regulations determining, for their region or territory, a uniform method by which a marriage that has been publicly contracted after a dispensation from the canonical form was obtained, is registered in the books prescribed by canon law.
Insuper Theologicae Facultates Cecoslovachiae ab iisdem nomina trahunt; atque noti Conventus Oecumenici Valehradii habiti, cum Ecclesiis orthodoxis Slavicis, tempore Episcopi Antonii Stojan, veneratae memoriae, duorum horum Sanctorum “scholae” fructus fuerunt.vatican.va vatican.va
During the vacancy of the Apostolic See, laws issued by the Roman Pontiffs can in no way be corrected or modified, nor can anything be added or subtracted, nor a dispensation be given even from a part of them, especially with regard to the procedures governing the election of the Supreme Pontiff.
Cartimandua Brigantibus imperitabat, pollens nobilitate; et auxerat potentiam, postquam capto per dolum rege Carataco instruxisse triumphum Claudii Caesaris videbatur.vatican.va vatican.va
Scarce stand the vessels hauled upon the beach, / and bent on marriages the young men vie / to till new settlements, while I to each / due law dispense and dwelling place supply, / when from a tainted quarter of the sky / rank vapours, gathering, on my comrades seize, / and a foul pestilence creeps down from high / on mortal limbs and standing crops and trees, / a season black with death, and pregnant with disease.
ac tum invitata ad epulas erat, ut occultando facinori nox adhiberetur.tatoeba tatoeba
Scarce stand the vessels hauled upon the beach, / and bent on marriages the young men vie / to till new settlements, while I to each / due law dispense and dwelling place supply, / when from a tainted quarter of the sky / rank vapours, gathering, on my comrades seize, / and a foul pestilence creeps down from high / on mortal limbs and standing crops and trees, / a season black with death, and pregnant with disease.
Quod ubi Caesar comperit, omnibus iis rebus confectis, quarum rerum causa exercitum traducere constituerat, ut Germanis metum iniceret, ut Sugambros ulcisceretur, ut Ubios obsidione liberaret, diebus omnino XVIII trans Rhenum consumptis, satis et ad laudem et ad utilitatem profectum arbitratus se in Galliam recepit pontemque rescidit.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
In these duties, which devolve upon them with the procreation of their children, let the heads of families know that there are the same rights inherent both by nature and justice, and that they are of such a kind that no one can free himself from them, since it is impossible by any human power to be dispensed from those duties which man owes to God.
Hic quantum in bello fortuna possit et quantos adferat casus cognosci potuit.vatican.va vatican.va
with which the Apostolic Constitution Pastor Bonus is amended and certain competences transferred from the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments to the new Office set up at the Tribunal of the Roman Rota for processes of dispensation from ratified and non-consummated marriage and for cases concerning the nullity of sacred ordination.
Hisce de causis, Venerabiles Fratres, opportunum duximus vos, ac per vos vestrates omnes, ad piam eiusmodi precationem impense adhortari; neque dubitamus vos, commendationi huic Nostrae libenter, ut soletis, respondentes, uberes esse fructus collecturos.vatican.va vatican.va
This however does not infringe on the proper and exclusive competence of the Congregations for the Doctrine of the Faith and for the Causes of Saints, of the Apostolic Penitentiary, the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura or the Tribunal of the Roman Rota, as well as of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments for what pertains to dispensation from a marriage ratum et non consummatum.
exquisitum aliquid placebat, quod turbaret mentem et mortem differret.vatican.va vatican.va
When there is proof from a certain and authentic document, not subject to any contradiction or exception, that a diriment impediment exists, and when it is also equally certain and clear that no dispensation from these impediments has been given, in these cases the formalities laid down in law can be omitted and the Ordinary, after the parties have been summoned and the Defender of the Bond has intervened, can declare the marriage null.
et ne quis necessariorum iuvaret periclitantem maiestatis crimina subdebantur, vinclum et necessitas silendi.vatican.va vatican.va
After receiving a petition proposed according to the norm of can. 1362, the eparchical bishop or the judicial vicar or a judge designated by him can declare the nullity of a marriage by sentence if a document subject to no contradiction or exception clearly establishes the existence of a diriment impediment or a defect of legitimate form, provided that it is equally certain that no dispensation was given, or establishes the lack of a valid mandate of a proxy. In these cases, the formalities of the ordinary process are omitted except for the citation of the parties and the intervention of the defender of the bond.
Cunctae earum regionum praefecturae libentissimis animis eum recipiunt exercitumque eius omnibus rebus iuvant.vatican.va vatican.va
118 — For the internal forum, whether sacramental or non-sacramental, it grants absolutions, dispensations, commutations, validations, condonations, and other favours.
Neque tamen usquam diutius moratus est quam necessitas urbanarum seditionum pati videbatur.vatican.va vatican.va
72 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.