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Charlton T. Lewis

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Hence I actually blush to think that, standing as you do first in my affections, you do not as yet surpass all in fortune.
Id mihi duabus de causis instituisse videntur, quod neque in vulgum disciplinam efferri velint neque eos, qui discunt, litteris confisos minus memoriae studere: quod fere plerisque accidit, ut praesidio litterarum diligentiam in perdiscendo ac memoriam remittant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
First, do no harm.
Sic luceat lux.tatoeba tatoeba
To the question: "Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?", Jesus replies first with the question: "Why do you call me good?
Marcellum memoria maiorum et preces Caesaris poenae magis quam infamiae
Historically, the first method of doing so was by infinitesimals.
sed amici accendendis offensionibus callidi intendere vera, adgerere falsa ipsumque et Plancinam et filios variis modis criminari.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He has loved us first and he continues to do so; we too, then, can respond with love.
haud alias intentior populus plus sibi in principem occultae vocis aut suspicacis silentii
We are to stand a siege forsooth, and truly we shall have an admirable resource in the slaves, if the unanimous feeling of this vast multitude, and that which can do so much, the first burst of indignation, be suffered to subside.
"Id autem difficile non est, cum tantum equitatu valeamus."" Simul denuntiavit, ut essent animo parati in posterum et, quoniam fieret dimicandi potestas, ut saepe rogitavissent, ne suam neu reliquorum opinionem fallerent."latin-ancient latin-ancient
Do you want the good news or the bad news first?
Omnes gentes (...) fugerunt ad fanum quod est in Carnain.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Thus do you love us, you who are the First and the Last, the Living One; you who died and are alive for evermore (cf.
Qui cum ad Cn.P praesidia venisset, incidit idem temporis ut tempestate adversa vehementique vento adflictaretur; aditusque vis tempestatis ita obscurabat ut vix proximum agnoscere
In the end Jesus says to her: "Do not sin again", but first he evokes an awareness of sin in the men who accuse her in order to stone her, thereby revealing his profound capacity to see human consciences and actions in their true light.
ergo instanti minitantique renidens Scaevinus neminem ait plura scire quam ipsum, hortaturque ultro redderet tam bono principi
If the entire Church finds in Mary her first model, all the more reason do you find her so-you as consecrated individuals and communities within the Church!
Secutus Moyses coniectura herbidi soli largas aquarum venas
We are urged to do so by an uninterrupted tradition, which from the first centuries on has found the Christian community ever vigilant in guarding this “treasure”.
cuncta impetu militum acta non parata contione, non coniunctis
Man who, in keeping with the openness of his spirit within and also with the many diverse needs of his body and his existence in time, writes this personal history of his through numerous bonds, contacts, situations, and social structures linking him with other men, beginning to do so from the first moment of his existence on earth, from the moment of his conception and birth.
Ita exiguo tempore eques pedestre, pedes equestre proelium facere coepit, usque eo ut caedem proxime a vallo fecerint. In quo proelio adversariorum ceciderunt CXXIII, compluresque armis exuti, multi vulneribus adfecti in castra sunt
When he was prostrate and powerless, the tribunes and centurions and all the others who had sufficient daring were to rush up and do the murder, the first blow being claimed by Scaevinus, who had taken a dagger from the Temple of Safety, or, according to another account, from that of Fortune, in the town of Ferentum, and used to wear the weapon as though dedicated to some noble deed.
sed plurima vis penes Treviros ac Lingonas, nec tulere moras consultandi.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The first question in the young man's conversation with Jesus: "What good must I do to have eternal life?
Caesar eo tempore cum legione una profectus ad recipiendas ulteriores civitates et rem frumentariam expediendam, qua angusta utebatur,erat ad Buthrotum, oppidum oppositum
And we do this the more gladly at the end of the fiftieth year since Our first offering of the Divine Sacrifice.
Prima luce productis omnibus copiis duplici acie instituta, auxiliis in mediam aciem coniectis, quid hostes consilii caperent
"When he was distant from them only a few days' march, embassadors came to him from their state, whose speech was as follows: ""That the Germans neither make war upon the Roman people first, nor do they decline, if they are provoked, to engage with them in arms; for that this was the custom of the Germans handed down to them from their forefathers, -to resist whatsoever people make war upon them and not to avert it by entreaty; this, however, they confessed,--that they had come hither reluctantly, having been expelled from their country."
accessit callide vulgatum, temere creditum, decimari legiones et promptissimum quemque centurionum dimitti.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The current Successor of Peter is allowing himself to be called in the first person by this requirement and is prepared to do everything in his power to promote the fundamental cause of ecumenism.
Flumen infimam vallem dividebat, quae totum paene montem cingebat, in quo positum erat praeruptum undique oppidum
If ours is indeed a time of continual movement and even at times of frenzied ''doing for the sake of doing'', then the Bishop must be the first to show by the example of his own life the need to re-establish the primacy of ''being'' over ''doing'' and, more importantly, the primacy of grace, which, in the Christian vision of life, remains the essential principle for any ''planning'' of pastoral ministry.51
litteras ad exercitus tamquam adepto principatu misit, nusquam cunctabundus nisi cum in senatu
Had those energetic men, our aediles, first taken counsel with me, I do not know whether I should not have advised them to let alone vices so strong and so matured, rather than merely attain the result of publishing what are the corruptions with which we cannot cope.
Si qua in parte nostri laborare aut gravius premi videbantur, eo signa inferri Caesar aciemque constitui iubebat; quae res et hostes ad insequendum tardabat et nostros spe auxili confirmabat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
If, therefore, esteemed and dear brothers, we honour the memory of these things, we do so to add the fullest possible historical significance to this first contact of ours, as it were, established by this letter.
sed] Arruntium Tiberius Caesar ob metum, Vitellius Cluvium nulla formidine
Our century is characterized by the mass media or means of social communication, and the first proclamation, catechesis or the further deepening of faith cannot do without these means, as we have already emphasized.
et quia vetere senatus consulto quaestio in caput domini prohibebatur, callidus et novi iuris repertor Tiberius mancipari singulos actori publico iubet, scilicet ut in Libonem ex servis salvo senatus consulto
Nevertheless, there must be no lessening of the impetus to preach the Gospel and to establish new churches among peoples or communities where they do not yet exist, for this is the first task of the Church, which has been sent forth to all peoples and to the very ends of the earth.
His datis mandatis Brundisium cum legionibus VI pervenit, veteranis III et reliquis, quas ex novo dilectu confecerat atque in itinere compleverat; Domitianas enim cohortes protinus a Corfinio inSiciliam
At first, with stones and slings, they forced the enemy's ships from the mole; and seemed to do still greater execution with their darts.
laudavimus nuper ut miram et eximiam Vespasiani liberalitatem, quod quingenta sestertia Basso donasset.latin-ancient latin-ancient
55 sinne gevind in 19 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.