dressed up oor Latyn

dressed up

adjektief, werkwoord
Wearing formal (dress) clothes.

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Piotr Szelma

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dress up
one who dresses up something


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"Thanksgiving Clown": Servo dresses up as a clown, thinking it to be a Thanksgiving tradition.
On the basis of medical records and diaries, an attempt is made to reconstruct the developments that contributed to this diagnosis.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Otherwise, it would be nothing more than romantic individualism dressed up in ecological garb, locking us into a stifling immanence.
Primo concursu ab dextro cornu, ubi septima legio constiterat, hostes pelluntur atque in fugam coniciuntur; ab sinistro, quem locum duodecima legio tenebat, cum primi ordines hostium transfixi telis concidissent, tamen acerrime reliqui resistebant, nec dabat suspicionem fugae quisquam.vatican.va vatican.va
This image of the Virgin is usually dressed in purple and altars are set up to her on this day.
Equites officio functi renuntiant paucos in aedificiis esse inventos, atque hos, non qui agrorum colendorum causa remansissent (namque esse undique diligenter demigratum), sed qui speculandi causa essent remissi.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
"Hence, too, a liking sprang up for our style of dress, and the ""toga"" became fashionable. Step by step they were led to things which dispose to vice, the lounge, the bath, the elegant banquet."
Nec ullis aut gloria maior aut augustior honor, primum apud deos, quorum proferre responsa et interesse epulis ferebantur, deinde apud illos dis genitos sacrosque reges, inter quos neminem causidicum, sed Orphea ac Linum ac, si introspicere altius velis, ipsum Apollinem accepimus.latin-ancient latin-ancient
And he said to them: This is what the Lord hath spoken: To morrow is the rest of the sabbath sanctified to the Lord. Whatsoever work is to be done, do it; and the meats that are to be dressed, dress them; and whatsoever shall remain, lay it up until the morning.
nec sum ignarus esse quosdam qui Seleucia urbe Syriae accitum regnante Ptolemaeo, quem tertia aetas tulit; alii auctorem eundem Ptolemaeum, sedem, ex qua transierit, Memphim perhibent, inclutam olim et veteris Aegypti columen.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
And she put off the garments of her widowhood, and took a veil: and changing her dress, sat in the cross way, that leadeth to Thamnas: because Sela was grown up, and she had not been married to him.
commoveratque quosdam magnitudine exempli, donec ancilla ex vulnere refecta verum aperuit.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
6 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.