eagle's oor Latyn


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Piotr Szelma

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African hawk eagle
Hieraaetus spilogaster
Imperial Eagle
Aquila heliaca
Greater Spotted Eagle
Clanga clanga
serpent eagle
Circaetus gallicus
short-toed harrier-eagle
Circaetus gallicus
like that of an eagle
snake eagle
Circaetus gallicus
Lesser Spotted Eagle
Clanga pomarina
lesser spotted eagle
Aquila pomarina


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Despite statements by coach Doug Pederson that Huff would still play the following week, Huff was released by the Eagles on November 3.
Ex quibus si qua oppida vi ceperat, cum aliquis ex ea civitate optime de Cn.Pompeio meritus civis esset, propter pecuniae magnitudinem alia qua ei inferebatur causa, ut eo de medio sublato ex eius pecunia latronum largitio fieret.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The eagle is king of birds.
Ad quem (Antiochum) cum legati venissent Romani, qui de eius voluntate explorarent darentque operam, consiliis clandestinis ut Hannibalem in suspicionem regi (Antiocho) adducerent, tamquam ab ipsis corruptus alia atque antea sentiret, neque id frustra fecissent...Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
To Valens were entrusted the picked troops of the army of Lower Germany with the eagle of the 5th legion and the auxiliary infantry and cavalry, to the number of 40,000 armed men; Caecina commanded 30,000 from Upper Germany, the strength of his force being one legion, the 21st.
nec minus saevum spectaculum erant ipsi, tergis ferarum et ingentibus telis horrentes, cum turbam populi per inscitiam parum vitarent, aut ubi lubrico viae vel occursu alicuius procidissent, ad iurgium, mox ad manus et ferrum transirent.latin-ancient latin-ancient
An eagle is flying in the sky.
At Quadratus cognoscens proditum Mithridaten et regnum ab interfectoribus obtineri, vocat consilium, docet acta et an ulcisceretur consultat.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
An eagle flies in the sky.
De cuius adventu ut cognovit Cassius, legiones quas secum habuerat equitatumque in hiberna distribuit; ipse omnibus suis rebus celeriter correptis Malacam contendit ibique adverso tempore navigandi navis conscendit, ut ipse praedicabat, ne se Lepido et Trebonio et Marcello committeret, ut amici eius dictitabant, ne per eam provinciam minore cum dignitate iter faceret cuius magna pars ab eo defecerat, ut ceteri existimabant, ne pecunia illa ex infinitis rapinis confecta in potestatem cuiusquam veniret.tatoeba tatoeba
Six centurions of the first rank were killed, and some of the standards taken; but the eagle was saved by Atilius Verus, the centurion of the first company, who, after making a great slaughter among the enemy, at last fell.
Ceterum ubi compositos firmis ordinibus sequi rursus videre, in fugam versi, non agminibus, ut prius, nec alius alium respectantes: rari e vitabundi in vicem longinqua atque avia petiere.latin-ancient latin-ancient
He himself, with a larger army, invaded the Marsi, whose leader, Mallovendus, whom we had lately admitted to surrender, pointed out a neighbouring wood, where, he said, an eagle of one of Varus's legions was buried and guarded only by a small force.
Eitis militibus naves eadem nocte Brundisium a Caesare remittuntur, ut reliquae legiones equitatusque transportari possent.latin-ancient latin-ancient
"And while our men were hesitating [whether they should advance to the shore], chiefly on account of the depth of the sea, he who carried the eagle of the tenth legion, after supplicating the gods that the matter might turn out favorably to the legion, exclaimed, ""Leap, fellow soldiers, unless you wish to betray your eagle to the enemy."
proconsul tamen Bithyniae et mox consul vigentem se ac parem negotiis ostendit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The Flavianist generals on their arrival at Carsulae took a few days for repose, while the eagles and standards of the legions were coming up.
Sed fama classis amissae ut Germanos ad spem belli, ita Caesarem adcoercendum erexit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The eagle does not catch flies.
non crediderim ad ostentandam saevitiam movendasque populi offensiones concessam filio materiem, quamquam id quoque dictum est.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Golden eagle
Hoc cum esset modo pugnatum continenter horis quinque nostrique gravius a multitudine premerentur, consumptis omnibus telis gladiis destrictis impetum adversus montem in cohortes faciunt, paucisque deiectis reliquos sese convertere cogunt.langbot langbot
Then returning to the camp, he saw the broken companies of the legions, which had been captured at Bonna and Novesium, with but few soldiers round the standards, and the eagles all but surrounded by the foe.
Partem tributorum Sarmatae, partem Quadi, ut alienigenis, imponunt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
One of the eagle's wings was broken.
postulatusque apud consules a patre interfectae, postquam tribunatu abierat, sententia patrum et lege de sicariis condemnatur.tatoeba tatoeba
Driven from their purpose by the jealousy with which every one sought the chief honour for his own legion, they turned to other thoughts, and set up in one spot the three eagles, with the ensigns of the cohorts.
accesserat cohors militum, centuriones tribunique et maerens Burrus ac laudans.latin-ancient latin-ancient
"See yon twelve swans, in jubilant array, / whom late Jove's eagle scattered through the sky; / now these alight, now those the pitch survey."
igitur firmatae stationes densioribus globis; et ingruebat nox nimbo atrox, hostisque clamore turbido, modo per vastum silentium, incertos obsessores effecerat, cum Sabinus circumire, hortari, ne ad ambigua sonitus aut simulationem quietis casum insidiantibus aperirent, sed sua quisque munia servarent immoti telisque non in falsum iactis.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
And Moses went up to God; and the Lord called unto him from the mountain, and said: Thus shalt thou say to the house of Jacob, and tell the children of Israel: You have seen what I have done to the Egyptians, how I have carried you upon the wings of eagles, and have taken you to myself.
post ubi pleraque telorum turribus pinnisque moenium inrita haerebant et desuper saxis vulnerabantur, clamore atque impetu invasere vallum, adpositis plerique scalis,alii per testudinem suorum; scandebantque iam quidam, cum gladiis et armorum incussu praecipitati sudibus et pilis obruuntur, praeferoces initio et rebus secundis nimii.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
From them the fire passed to the colonnades adjoining the temples; the eagles supporting the pediment, which were of old timber, caught the flames.
sed nihil compositum miraculi causa, verum audita scriptaque senioribus tradam.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Then they displayed from the walls the olive branches and chaplets of suppliants, and when Antonius had ordered that the discharge of missiles should cease, they brought out the eagles and standards.
nec multo post ereptus amitae libertus Paris quasi iure civili, non sine infamia principis, cuius iussu perpetratum ingenuitatis iudicium erat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The sun and the moon, the cedar and the little flower, the eagle and the sparrow: the spectacle of their countless diversities and inequalities tells us that no creature is self-sufficient.
Haec in contione questus ex provincia fugit.vatican.va vatican.va
The first and twentieth legions were led back by their officer Caecina to the canton of the Ubii, marching in disgrace, since sums of money which had been extorted from the general were carried among the eagles and standards.
Haec atque talia vulgantibus, Nero et iuventutem proximas per provincias quaesitam supplendis Orientis legionibus admovere legionesque ipsas pro[p]ius Armeniam collocari iubet, duosque veteres reges Agrippam et [Ant]iochum expedire copias, quis Parthorum fines ultro intrarent, simul pontes per amnem Euphraten iungi; et minorem Armeniam Aristobulo, regionem Sophenen Sohaemo cum insignibus regiis mandat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The men of the 1st, overthrowing the foremost ranks of the 21st, carried off the eagle. The 21st, infuriated by this loss, not only repulsed the 1st, and slew the legate, Orfidius Benignus, but captured many colours and standards from the enemy.
Caesar, cum constituisset hiemare in continenti propter repentinos Galliae motus, neque multum aestatis superesset, atque id facile extrahi posse intellegeret, obsides imperat et quid in annos singulos vectigalis populo Romano Britannia penderet constituit; interdicit atque imperat Cassivellauno, ne Mandubracio neu Trinobantibus noceat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
"The Vitellianists indeed, they said, ""gained no bloodless victory; their cavalry was defeated, a legion lost its eagle."
Sub vesperum consilio convocato cohortatus ut ea quae imperasset diligenter industrieque administrarent, naves, quas Metiosedo deduxerat, singulas equitibus Romanis attribuit, et prima confecta vigilia quattuor milia passuum secundo fluminesilentio progredi ibique se exspectari iubet.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Caecina read the letter confidentially to the eagle and standardbearers, and to all in the camp who were least tainted by disloyalty, and urged them to save the whole army from disgrace, and themselves from destruction.
nam vis innumera, Lugii aliaeque gentes, adventabant, fama ditis regni, quod Vannius triginta per annos praedationibus et vectigalibus auxerat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Eight eagles, seen to fly towards the woods and to enter them, caught the general's eye.
quin et parte eiusdem epistulae increpuit amicitias muliebris, Fufium consulem oblique perstringens.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The eagle is the queen of the winds.
Caesar acceptis litteris hora circiter XI diei statim nuntium in Bellovacos ad M. Crassum quaestorem mittit, cuius hiberna aberant ab eo milia passuum XXV; iubet media nocte legionem proficisci celeriterque ad se venire.tatoeba tatoeba
65 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.