ears oor Latyn


werkwoord, naamwoord
Third-person singular simple present indicative form of ear.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


verb noun
plural nom. or acc. of auris
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plural of [i]EAR[/i]

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Again, is there an accomplishment, the fame and glory of which are to be compared with the distinction of the orator, who is an illustrious man at Rome, not only with the busy class, intent on public affairs, but even with people of leisure, and with the young, those at least who have a right disposition and a worthy confidence in themselves? Whose name does the father din into his children's ears before that of the orator? Whom, as he passes by, do the ignorant mob and the men with the tunic oftener speak of by name and point out with the finger? Strangers too and foreigners, having heard of him in their towns and colonies, as soon as they have arrived at Rome, ask for him and are eager, as it were, to recognise him.
ac primo boves ipsos, mox agros, postremo corpora coniugum aut liberorum servitio tradebant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
I awoke, and then fell asleep again, and dreamed a dream: Seven ears of corn grew up upon one stalk, full and very fair. Other seven also thin and blasted, sprung of the stalk: And they devoured the beauty of the former: I told this dream to the conjecturers, and there is no man that can expound it.
Is adesse penetrali deam intelligit, vectamque bubus feminis multa cum veneratione prosequitur.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
We hear with ears.
non alia exul visentium oculos maiore misericordia adfecit.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Everything, however, was softened down for the emperor's ears, and Suetonius was retained in the government; but as he subsequently lost a few vessels on the shore with the crews, he was ordered, as though the war continued, to hand over his army to Petronius Turpilianus, who had just resigned his consulship.
opportunos magnis conatibus transitus rerum, nec cunctatione opus, ubi perniciosior sit quies quam temeritas.latin-ancient latin-ancient
"But when the baggage was clogged in the mud and in the fosses, the soldiers around it in disorder, the array of the standards in confusion, every one in selfish haste and all ears deaf to the word of command he ordered the Germans to charge, exclaiming again and again, ""Behold a Varus and legions once more entangled in Varus's fate."" As he spoke, he cut through the column with some picked men, inflicting wounds chiefly on the horses."
dein princeps curam tabularum publicarum a quaestoribus ad praefectos transtulit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
There both teachers' lips and students' ears are inclined to godlessness. We are referring to those schools which are unjustly called neutral or lay.
Neque erat quisquam omnium, quin in eius diei casu suarum omnium fortunarum eventum consistere existimaret. Nam et honesti ex iuventute et cuiusque aetatis amplissimi nominatimevocati atque obsecrati naves conscenderant ut, si quid adversi accidisset, ne ad conandum quidem sibi quicquam reliqui fore viderent; si superavissent, vel domesticis opibus vel externis auxiliis de salute urbis confiderent.vatican.va vatican.va
Seven ears of corn came up upon one stalk full and fair. Then seven other ears sprung up thin and blasted, and devoured all the beauty of the former.
His rebus cognitis Caesar legiones equitatumque revocari atque in itinere resistere iubet, ipse ad naves revertitur; eadem fere quae ex nuntiis litterisque cognoverat coram perspicit, sic ut amissis circiter XL navibus reliquae tamen refici posse magno negotio viderentur.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Not a voice was heard from the people or even from the rabble. Everywhere were terror-stricken countenances, and ears turned to catch every sound.
Dum haec opera quae ante dixi fiebant a legionibus, interim pars acie ante opus instructa sub hoste stabat; equites barbari levisque armaturae proeliis minutis comminus dimicabant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
So they gave him all the strange gods they had, and the earrings which were in their ears: and he buried them under the turpentine tree, that is behind the city of Sichem.
Cum a meridie prope ad solis occasum dubia victoria pugnaretur, Germani una in parte confertis turmis in hostes impetum fecerunt eosque propulerunt; quibus in fugam coniectis sagittarii circumventi interfectique sunt.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
7. The most deeply impressive of these prophetic utterances is surely that warning of Joel which is constantly ringing in our ears in the course of the Lenten liturgy: "Now therefore, says the Lord, Be converted to me with all your heart, in fasting and in weeping and in mourning.
Caesar novo genere pugnae oblato cum animum adverteret ordines suorum in procurrendo turbari--pedites enim, dum equites longius ab signis persequuntur, latere nudato a proximis Numidis iaculis vulnerabantur, equites autem hostium pilum militis cursu facile vitabant--edicit per ordines nequis miles ab signis IIII pedes longius procederet.vatican.va vatican.va
Throughout the conspiracy nothing, it was certain, fell with more terror on the ears of Nero, who was as unused to be told of the crimes he perpetrated as he was eager in their perpetration.
ibi pauci dies ad requiem sumpti, et Minicius Iustus praefectus castrorum legionis septimae, quia adductius quam civili bello imperitabat, subtractus militum irae ad Vespasianum missus est.latin-ancient latin-ancient
I start from sleep, the parapet ascend, / and from the sloping roof with eager ears attend.
Nec Narisci Quadive degenerant.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
This request, addressed to the Apostle Philip by some Greeks who had made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem for the Passover, echoes spiritually in our ears too during this Jubilee Year.
Vos vero, [viri] disertissimi, ut potestis, ut facitis, inlustrate saeculum nostrum pulcherrimo genere dicendi.vatican.va vatican.va
They were all kept at a distance by the intimate friends of Vitellius; for the Emperor's ears were so formed, that all profitable counsels were offensive to him, and that he would hear nothing but what would please and ruin.
Inertes undae superiacta ut solido ferunt; periti imperitique nandi perinde attolluntur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Ruth the Moabite said to Naomi, "Let me now go to the field, and glean among the ears of grain after him in whose sight I find favor."
Duae alae cum perfuga missae incauto hosti circumfunduntur.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Finally this church instils into one's mind the desire for that heavenly home, where one may enjoy for all eternity the gifts, which the eye cannot see, about which the ear cannot hear, nor can they be adequately represented by any thought; indeed, "the building we have from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens" (2 Cor 5:1).
Ita mobilitatem equitum, stabilitatem peditum in proeliis praestant, ac tantum usu cotidiano et exercitatione efficiunt uti in declivi ac praecipiti loco incitatos equos sustinere et brevi moderari ac flectere et per temonem percurrere et in iugo insistere et se inde in currus citissime recipere consuerint.vatican.va vatican.va
For the time will come when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own likings, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander into myths.
Claudius, defunctis regibus aut ad modicum redactis, Iudaeam provinciam equitibus Romanis aut libertis permisit, e quibus Antonius Felix per omnem saevitiam ac libidinem ius regium servili ingenio exercuit, Drusilla Cleopatrae et Antonii nepte in matrimonium accepta, ut eiusdem Antonii Felix progener, Claudius nepos esset.vatican.va vatican.va
Thus the age of our orators, in conforming itself to the ear and the taste of such a class, has advanced in beauty and ornateness.
Itaque constituunt illis locis excedere et in Celtiberiam bellum transferre.latin-ancient latin-ancient
And if the servant shall say: I love my master and my wife and children, I will not go out free: His master shall bring him to the gods, and he shall be set to the door and the posts, and he shall bore his ear through with an awl: and he shall be his servant for ever.
restitit tamen senatus et opperiendum imperatorem censuit, quod unum urgentium malorum suffugium in tempus erat.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
We see with our eyes, we hear with our ears, we touch with our skin, we smell with our nose, and we taste with our tongue.
Sunt aliae causae, magnae et graves, quas vobis aperiri aequum est, quoniam quidem ego iam meum munus explevi, et quod mihi in consuetudine est, satis multos offendi, quos, si forte haec audierint, certum habeo dicturos me, dum iuris et philosophiae scientiam tamquam oratori necessariam laudo, ineptiis meis plausisse.""Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Long-eared owl
nam beneficia eo usque laeta sunt dum videntur exolvi posse: ubi multum antevenere pro gratia odium redditur.langbot langbot
The very large lop ears, which are usually also tasseled, are the most distinctive feature.
In his erant legionibus hominum milia tria CC; reliqui vulneribus ex proeliis et labore ac magnitudine itineris confecti consequi non potuerant.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
For myself, let it be enough to take a side in the private disputes of our own time. In these, if at any time necessity has compelled us on behalf of an imperilled friend to offend the ears of the powerful, our loyalty must be approved, our liberty of speech condoned.
sed praecipuum ipse Vitellius ostentum erat, ignarus militiae, improvidus consilii, quis ordo agminis, quae cura explorandi, quantus urgendo trahendove bello modus, alios rogitans et ad omnis nuntios vultu quoque et incessu trepidus, dein temulentus.latin-ancient latin-ancient
But the evils which We then deplored have so rapidly increased that We are again compelled to address you, as though we heard the voice of the prophet ringing in Our ears: "Cry, cease not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet."(
Tum ex omni parte lapidibus coniectis deturbati, turrisque succensa est.vatican.va vatican.va
As a process, ear training is in essence the inverse of sight-reading, the latter being analogous to reading a written text aloud without prior opportunity to review the material.
Exim Romanus laudat iuvenem omissis praecipitibus tuta et salutaria capessentem.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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