embrace closely oor Latyn

embrace closely

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Piotr Szelma


Piotr Szelma

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The love of the Catholic Church stood by the cradle of your State, and since the time when she received you into her maternal arms has never ceased to hold you in a close embrace, to foster you, and to load you with good things.
nec iam sisti poterat, cum Senecae ac Burro visum, ne utraque pervinceret, alterum concedere.vatican.va vatican.va
Everything was in an uproar with their tumultuous cries and their appeals to each other, which were not, like those of a popular assembly or a mob, the discordant expressions of an idle flattery; on the contrary, as soon as they caught sight of any of the soldiers who were flocking in, they seized him, gave him the military embrace, placed him close to Otho, dictated to him the oath of allegiance, commending sometimes the Emperor to his soldiers, sometimes the soldiers to their Emperor.
tum, circumspectis munimentis et quae expugnationi idonea provisis, hortatur milites, ut hostem vagum neque paci aut proelio paratum, sed perfidiam et ignaviam fuga confitentem exuerent sedibus gloriaeque pariter et praedae consulerent.latin-ancient latin-ancient
In his pastoral concern he should be especially close with paternal affection to all who have embraced the religious life in the profession of the evangelical counsels and who offer their valuable service to the Church.
Galliae super memoriam Vindicis obligatae recenti dono Romanae civitatis et in posterum tributi levamento.vatican.va vatican.va
3 sinne gevind in 2 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.