equipped oor Latyn


adjektief, werkwoord
Simple past tense and past participle of equip.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


Charlton T. Lewis


noun particle
Charlton T. Lewis


noun particle
Piotr Szelma

En 3 vertalings meer. Besonderhede is ter wille van die beknoptheid verborge

apparatus · instructus · ornatus

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Soortgelyke frases

equipped for yoking ten draught animals
equipped to fly
ship equipped with sleeping apartments|staterooms
well equipped|endowed
supplier of stage equipment|properties|gear|trappings
well|abundantly equipped|supplied
equiped with mail
badly equipped
semermis · semermus · semiermis · semiermus


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By using highly sophisticated systems and equipment, science and medical practice today are able not only to attend to cases formerly considered untreatable and to reduce or eliminate pain, but also to sustain and prolong life even in situations of extreme frailty, to resuscitate artifi- cially patients whose basic biological functions have undergone sudden collapse, and to use special procedures to make organs available for transplanting.
Per technicos modos apparatusque summe consummatos iam tales hodie se praebent scientia et medicina, ut non tantum insolubiles antehac dissolvere possint difficultates doloremque ipsum aut mitigare aut funditus exterminare, verum vitam etiam sustinere vel in debilitate extrema pertrahere, homines ipsos artificio quodam resuscitare quorum biologici processus primarii improvisos pertulerunt lapsus, intercedere ut transplantanda aliquando praesto sint organa.vatican.va vatican.va
Surely in this manner a new militia will come forth from the schools as if from an athletic arena or a fortress; it will be well-equipped to aid those laboring in the dust and heat and to replace those who are worn out and aged.
Hoc sane modo ex sacris illis veluti palaestris et castris nova continenter militia, eaque optime instructa, prodibit, quae suppetias veniat laborantibus in pulvere et sole, atque defessos emeritosque integra suppleat.vatican.va vatican.va
These escaped slaves were able to defeat a small force of troops sent after them from Capua, and equip themselves with captured military equipment as well as their gladiatorial weapons.
Hi effugiti servi parvas copias missas a Capua vicerunt, et arma militares a copiis acquisiverunt.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Added to this are the lack of adequate professional training and of proper equipment, the spread of a certain individualism, and also objectively unjust situations.
Huc insuper addendus est defectus consentaneae institutionis ad artem exercendam aptorumque instrumentorum et serpens illud suarum tan turn rerum studium seu individualismus, quem dicunt, et condiciones revera iniustae.vatican.va vatican.va
There is no display about their equipment: their shields alone are marked with very choice colours.
Nulla cultus jactatio; scuta tantum lectissimis coloribus distinguunt: paucis loricae: vix uni alterive cassis aut galea.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Claudius equipped galleys with three and four banks of oars, and nineteen thousand men; he lined the circumference of the lake with rafts, that there might be no means of escape at various points, but he still left full space for the strength of the crews, the skill of the pilots, the impact of the vessels, and the usual operations of a seafight.
Claudius triremis quadriremisque et undeviginti hominum milia armavit, cincto ratibus ambitu, ne vaga effugia forent, ac tamen spatium amplexus ad vim remigii, gubernantium artes, impetus navium et proelio solita.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Indeed, our faith reveals to us the presence of the spirit of Christ at work in our being, in our acting and in our living, just as the sacrament of orders has configured, equipped and molded it.
Nostra enim fides nobis operantem Christi Spiritus praesentiam revelat in nostra, qua sumus, agimus et vivimus ratione, prout eam Ordinis sacramentum configuravit, ditavit atque confinxit.vatican.va vatican.va
Electric power service has been unreliable since the Trujillo era, and as much as 75% of the equipment is that old.
Electricitatis diaconia inconstabilis est e Raphaëlis Trujillo aera et tantum quam 75% apparatuum veteres sunt.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Gotarzes meantime was offering vows to the local divinities on a mountain called Sambulos, with special worship of Hercules, who at a stated time bids the priests in a dream equip horses for the chase and place them near his temple.
interea Gotarzes apud montem, cui nomen Sanbulos, vota dis loci suscipiebat, praecipua religione Herculis, qui tempore stato per quietem monet sacerdotes ut templum iuxta equos venatui adornatos sistant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
He orders those things which are necessary for equipping ships to be brought thither from Spain.
Ea quae sunt usui ad armandas naves ex Hispania apportari iubet.latin-ancient latin-ancient
39 For you equipped me with strength for the battle; you made those who rise against me sink under me.
139 Tabescere me fecit zelus meus, quia obliti sunt verba tua inimici mei.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
38] For is it not plain that the enormous volume of goods that makes up human wealth is produced by and issues from the hands of the workers that either toil unaided or have their efficiency marvelously increased by being equipped with tools or machines?
Nonne enim oculis cernimus ingentia illa borsa, quibus hominum opes constant, procreari et prodire ex operariorum manibus, quae vel solae operantur, vel instrumentis sive machinis instructae efficientiam suam mirum in modum producunt ?vatican.va vatican.va
Institutes equipped with the necessary means should willingly assist others.
Instituta quae necessariis mediis provisa sunt libenter aliis auxilium praebeant.vatican.va vatican.va
Our equipment was destroyed.
Instrumenta nostra deleta sunt.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
In April 2009, the United Nations named the Korea Mining and Development Trading Corporation (KOMID) as North Korea's primary arms dealer and main exporter of equipment related to ballistic missiles and conventional weapons.
Aprili 2009 Consociatio Nationum Corporationem Venditionis Minarum Coreae primam Boreocoreanam armorum societatem mercatoriam et praecipuam societatem exportatoriam instrumentorum cum missilibus ballisticis ac armis usitatis relatorum appellavit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In a special way, careful and stringent checks must be made, with the help of trustworthy individuals of proven technical ability, in order to ensure that no audiovisual equipment has been secretly installed in these areas for recording and transmission to the outside.
Peculiarem in modum accuratae et rigidae recognitiones peragantur, opem quoque adhibentibus personis rectae fidei et probatae peritiae technicae, ne in praedictis locis subdole instrumenta audiovisifica collocentur ad negotia exscribenda et foras transmittenda.vatican.va vatican.va
This end would clearly be assisted if, in countries where Catholics employ the latest radio equipment and have day-to-day experience, appropriate study and training courses could be arranged, by means of which learners from other countries also could acquire that skill which is indispensable if radio religious programmes are to attain the best artistic and technical standards.
Quam ad rem sane expedit, ut apud Nationes, in quibus catholici recentioribus huius artis instrumentis utuntur eorumque diuturno usu ceteris praestant, opportuna per certum tempus de hac re habeantur studia exercitationesque, quorum ope ex aliis etiam Nationibus candidati illam valeant adipisci peritiam, quae requiritur, ut radiophonicae de re religiosa transmissiones ad optima ingenuae artis praescripta technicorumque rationes redigantur.vatican.va vatican.va
Finally, as to the choice of candidates for the episcopate, while knowing your difficulties in this regard, I would like to remind you that they should be worthy priests, respected and loved by the faithful, models of life in the faith, and that they should possess a certain experience in the pastoral ministry, so that they are equipped to address the burdensome responsibility of a Pastor of the Church [45].
Cum tandem agitur de candidatis ad episcopatum seligendis, etiamsi vestras novimus de hac re difficultates, memorare cupimus necesse esse ut ii sacerdotes sint digni, venerati et a fidelibus amati, nec non exemplo sint vitae in fide, ipsique aliquam habeant in pastorali ministerio peritiam et ideo aptiores sint ad graves aggrediendas responsalitates Pastoris Ecclesiae.[vatican.va vatican.va
Hence it is not remarkable that a very large number of houses have, within a short period of time, been equipped with receiving sets, by which, as it were through secret windows opening on to the world, contact is made night and day with the active life of men of different civilizations, languages and races. This is brought about by the countless wireless programmes which cover news, interviews, talks, and items conveying useful and pleasant information derived from public events, the arts, singing, and orchestral music.
Nihil mirum igitur, si permultae domus celerrime fuerint undisonis scriniis instructae, quibus efficitur, ut inde quasi quaedam arcana fenestella pateat in orbem terrarum, qua diu noctuque actuosa vita hominum diversi cultus ingenii, diversi sermonis et generis attingatur; hoc fit per innumerabiles radiophonicas transmissiones certa ratione propositas, quibus comprehenduntur novi eventus, colloquia, sermones, res ad cognoscendum utiles et iucundae, artificia, cantus, modi musici.vatican.va vatican.va
She attempted to continue the study of multiple ionization, but this was impossible without the sophisticated equipment she had access to while in England.
Obiectatio illa probari non potuit, tamen dispersit celeriter totum in Londinium.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Moreover, We desire to extend Our thanks to all upright directors and producers of radio programmes for their fair assessment of the needs of the Church to which many of them have borne testimony, either by freely assigning a suitable time for the propagation of God's Word, or by supplying the necessary equipment.
Praeterea grata prosequi voluntate percupimus universos probos radiophonicarum transmissionum auctores ac moderatores ob rectam Ecclesiae necessitatum aestimationem, quam ex iisdem plures testati sunt, sive Dei propagando verbo libenter opportuna tempora assignantes, sive necessaria artis adiumenta suppeditantes.vatican.va vatican.va
This in turn has obscured the true dignity of reason, which is no longer equipped to know the truth and to seek the absolute.
Proximum fuit ut vera rationis dignitas offunderetur, quae nempe facultatem amisit verum cognoscendi et absolutum vestigandi.vatican.va vatican.va
The motive for equipping this fleet was, to say nothing of the natural vanity of this people, a desire to intercept, by this alarming demonstration, the supplies that were approaching from Gaul.
Causa instruendae classis super insitam genti vanitatem ut eo terrore commeatus Gallia adventantes interciperentur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Having entered upon this resolution, he sends the baggage of the whole army to Labienus, in the territories of the Treviri and orders two legions to proceed to him: he himself proceeds against the Menapii with five lightly-equipped legions.
Hoc inito consilio totius exercitus impedimenta ad Labienum in Treveros mittit duasque legiones ad eum proficisci iubet; ipse cum legionibus expeditis quinque in Menapios proficiscitur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Next, as several expeditions against Tacfarinas had proved the uselessness of following up the enemy's desultory movements with the attack of heavy troops from a single point, he summoned to his aid king Ptolemaeus and his people, and equipped four columns, under the command of his lieutenants and tribunes.
dein quia pluribus adversum Tacfarinatem expeditionibus cognitum non gravi nec uno incursu consectandum hostem vagum, excito cum popularibus rege Ptolemaeo quattuor agmina parat, quae legatis aut tribunis data; et praedatorias manus delecti Maurorum duxere: ipse consultor aderat omnibus.latin-ancient latin-ancient
57 sinne gevind in 26 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.