explore oor Latyn


/ɪkˈsplɔː/, /ɪkˈsplɔːr/ werkwoord, naamwoord
(intransitive, obsolete) To seek for something or after someone.

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to examine or investigate something systematically


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Explorers of New Zealand
Exploratores Novae Zelandiae
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Explorers of Africa
Exploratores Africae
German explorers
Exploratores Germanici
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Exploratio Oceaniae
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Exploratores Australiae


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Category:Polar exploration
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Dora the Explorer
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But Germanicus also bestowed attention on other wonders. Chief of these were the stone image of Memnon, which, when struck by the sun's rays, gives out the sound of a human voice; the pyramids, rising up like mountains amid almost impassable wastes of shifting sand, raised by the emulation and vast wealth of kings; the lake hollowed out of the earth to be a receptacle for the Nile's overflow; and elsewhere the river's narrow channel and profound depth which no line of the explorer can penetrate.
Ceterum Germanicus aliis quoque miraculis intendit animum, quorum praecipua fuere Memnonis saxca effigies, ubi radiis solis icta est, vocalem sonum reddens, disiectasque inter et vix pervias arenas instar montium eductae pyramides certamine et opibus regum, lacusque effossa humo, superfluentis Nili receptacula; atque alibi angustiae et profunda altitudo, nullis inquirentium spatiis penetrabilis.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The Association for Promoting the Discovery of the Interior Parts of Africa (commonly known as the African Association), founded in London on 9 June 1788, was a British club dedicated to the exploration of West Africa, with the mission of discovering the origin and course of the Niger River and the location of Timbuktu, the "lost city" of gold.
Adsociatio Africana, vulgo African Association sed nomine pleno Association for Promoting the Discovery of the Interior Parts of Africa, Londinii die 9 Iunii 1788 constituta est ad partes interiores Africae occidentalis explorandas, et praesertim ad fontes fluvii Nigri situmque urbis Timbuctu revelandas.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, the exploration of the African coast by the Portuguese was soon accompanied by the evangelization of the regions of Sub-Saharan Africa.
XV et XVI saeculis, ab Africanum litus lustrantibus Lusitanis, mox evangelicus nuntius in regiones infra Saharam inductus est.vatican.va vatican.va
Hawthorne went on to write full-length "romances", quasi-allegorical novels that explore the themes of guilt, pride, and emotional repression in New England.
Hawthorne usitate longas romanticas scripsit, mythistorias quasi allegoricas, quae culpam, superbiam, repressionemque animi motus in sua Nova Anglia exquirunt.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
32] Recently, however, the Directory for the Pastoral Ministry of Bishops explored more specifically the duty of charity as a responsibility incumbent upon the whole Church and upon each Bishop in his Diocese,[33] and it emphasized that the exercise of charity is an action of the Church as such, and that, like the ministry of Word and Sacrament, it too has been an essential part of her mission from the very beginning.[
32] Verumtamen Directorium pastoralis Episcoporum ministerii recens investigavit altius et subtilius officium caritatis tamquam intrinsecum totius Ecclesiae opus et Episcopi propria in dioecesi [33] et inculcavit caritatis exercitationem actum esse Ecclesiae ut talis atque, prout ministerium Verbi Sacramentorumque, participem esse essentiae primitivorum eius operum.[vatican.va vatican.va
Together with Philibert Commerson, Véron was one of the main scientists that accompanied Louis Antoine de Bougainville on his voyage of exploration.
Véron celeberrime magnitudinem Oceani Pacifici computavit; qui et Philibertus Commerson erant inter principales scientiae peritos qui Ludovicum Antonium de Bougainville per eius navigationem explorationis comitati sunt.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Champlain was the first European to explore and describe the Great Lakes, and published maps of his journeys and accounts of what he learned from the natives and the French living among the Natives.
Camplenius fuit primus Europaeus qui Magnos Lacus exploravit et descripsit, et chartas suorum itinerum relationesque vitae cum indigenis et Francicis qui inter eos habitabant protulit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Man today, especially in the context of highly developed technical and industrial civilization, has become the explorer of nature on a grand scale, often treating it in a utilitarian way, thus destroying many of its treasures and attractions and polluting the natural environment of earthly existence.
Nostrae aetatis homo, praesertim in provincia technici cultus atque industriae quaestuosae usquequaque progressae, factus maximum in modum est explorator ipsius naturae, quam haud raro ad proprias utilitates tractat, dum sic plures eius opes ac venustates delet et loca ipsa naturalia suae terrestris vitae coinquinat.vatican.va vatican.va
Thousands of years before the arrival of European explorers, the Ancestral Puebloans and the Fremont people lived in what is now known as Utah, some of which spoke languages of the Uto-Aztecan group.
Antequam Europaei alios oceanos invenerunt, nomen oceani ipsum significavit aquas praeter Fretum Gaditanum quas hodie Atlanticas appellamus.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the United States in the 1850s and 1860s, the explorers Elisha Kane and Isaac Israel Hayes both claimed to have seen part of this elusive body of water.
In Civitatibus Foederatis decenniis 186 et 187, Elisha Kane et Isaac Israel Hayes exploratores ambo adfirmaverunt se hanc partem huius fallacis corporis aquae vidisse.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Stargates are commonly used by Earth humans, Goa'ulds and Wraiths as seen in the Stargate TV-series to travel and explore Milky Way and Pegasus.
In Stargates sunt communiter per Terram homines, Goa'ulds et Wraiths sicut patet in Stargate programmata teleuisiua ire et explorare Via Lactea et Pegasus.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Category:American explorers
Categoria:Exploratores Civitatibus Foederatis oriundilangbot langbot
Scipio being in readiness to pursue him, detached his cavalry and a considerable number of light infantry to explore Domitius's route.
Scipio ad sequendum paratus equitum magnam partem ad explorandum iter Domitii et cognoscendum praemisit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
(Review of book exploring Charles Darwin's opposition to polygenism.)
(Recognitio libri qui Caroli Darwin detractionem polygenismi investigat.)WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
(80) Obviously, this pastoral work on all levels also includes exploring the matter with families, which are often indifferent or even opposed to the idea of a priestly vocation.
80) Ut par est, hac in subtili opera pastorali, etiam labor qui familias sensibiles reddit includitur, saepe indifferentes si non prorsus contrarias ad propositum vocationis sacerdotalis.vatican.va vatican.va
John Lawson (1674? – 1711) was an English explorer, naturalist and writer.
Ioannes Lawson (1674?–1711) fuit explorator, naturalista, et scriptor Britannicus.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Category:Dutch explorers
Categoria:Exploratores Nederlandicilangbot langbot
Category:Italian explorers
Categoria:Exploratores Italicilangbot langbot
Social doctrine is built on the foundation handed on by the Apostles to the Fathers of the Church, and then received and further explored by the great Christian doctors.
In fundamento ipso, quod sive Apostoli sive Ecclesiae Patres tradiderunt, nititur doctrina socialis, quod deinceps susceperunt pervestigaruntque eximii christiani Doctores.vatican.va vatican.va
Exploration, by earth scientists, and petroleum engineering are the oil and gas industry's two main subsurface disciplines, which focus on maximizing economic recovery of hydrocarbons from subsurface reservoirs.
Exploratio a physicis telluris et ingeniaria petrolei sunt duae industriae petrolei et gasii disciplinae subsuperficiei praecipuae, quae recuperationem hydrocarboneorum e lacubus sub superficie repertorum ad maximum augere conantur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Its story, about a band of explorers and a wicked space tyrant who pretends to be nice, has a comic-book feeling.
Tentator est, qui homines a vita spirituali distrahit per blandimenta rerum mundanorum, vel faciens ut res malae bonae videantur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Coming on the heels of the signing of the Civil Rights Act of 1965, the novel, widely studied in American schools, includes an elaborate description of incestuous rape and explores the conventions of beauty established by a historically racist society, painting a portrait of a self-immolating black family in search of beauty in whiteness.
Sub Actum Iurum Civilium 1965 signatum, haec mythistoria, late in scholis Americanis nunc lectis, elaboratam raptus incesti descriptionem comprehendit, ac mores pulchritudinis a societate rassista institutos investigat, effigiem pingens familiae atrae se immolantis quae pulchritudinem in albitudine petit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A radically phenomenalist or relativist philosophy would be ill-adapted to help in the deeper exploration of the riches found in the word of God.
Philosophia prorsus phaenomenorum aut rerum aequivocarum haud idonea erit quae hoc suppeditet auxilium divitiis verbi Dei altius perscrutandis.vatican.va vatican.va
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