explosion oor Latyn


/ɪkˈspləʊ.ʒən/, /ɪkˈspləuʒn/, /ɛkˈsploʊ.ʒən/ naamwoord
A violent release of energy (sometimes mechanical, nuclear, or chemical.)

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violent release of energy


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explosive material
Materia displosiva


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Between 1793 and 1815 the Royal Navy lost 344 vessels due to non-combat causes: 75 by foundering, 234 shipwrecked and 15 from accidental burnings or explosions.
Ab anno 1793 usque ad 1815 Regia Classis perdidit 344 naves (quorum 254 submersae sunt a fluctibus, 75 a navibus hostilibus, 15 ob incendia fortuita).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The principal new feature has been the explosion of worldwide interdependence, commonly known as globalization.
Praecipua novitas fuit effusio interdependentiae in toto orbe, quae hodie ubique appellatur globalizatio.vatican.va vatican.va
2] He spoke in similar terms to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations about the potential for an “ecological catastrophe under the effective explosion of industrial civilization”, and stressed “the urgent need for a radical change in the conduct of humanity”, inasmuch as “the most extraordinary scientific advances, the most amazing technical abilities, the most astonishing economic growth, unless they are accompanied by authentic social and moral progress, will definitively turn against man”.[
2] Apud sedem consociationis compendiatis litteris FAO appellatae etiam est effatus, “ex effectibus industriae cultus [...] verum damnum oriri posse oecologicum”, quandoquidem palam significabat “hominum agendi modum necessario instanterque mutari funditus debere”, cum “perquam mirae scientiae progressiones, mirifica technicae inventa, extraordinaria oeconomica incrementa, nisi cum vero sociali moralique progressu coniungeretur, verterent tandem adversus hominem”.[vatican.va vatican.va
Explosive material
Materia displosivalangbot langbot
Both concepts therefore contain a revolutionary potential of enormous explosive force.
Bini itaque illi conceptus in se potestatem eversivam continent alicuius ingentis explosivae potentiae.vatican.va vatican.va
Around four hours after the explosion, the ship snapped in two pieces and went down.
Nati post duodeviginti menses in mare descendunt et ibi hiemant.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Explosive Teeth.
Dentes purgantur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It is not difficult to be tempted to use the same methods and attacks against life also where there is a situation of "demographic explosion".
Facile quis induci potest ut ad easdem confugiat rationes vitaeque violationes etiam in “demographicae explosionis” casibus.vatican.va vatican.va
Finally, H.R. 2279 would require certain facilities holding flammable or explosive materials to report on those holdings to state and local officials.
Anno 296 a.C.n. aedilis e multis fenerationis statuam Romuli et Remi aedificari iussit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The first proto-eyes evolved among animals 600 million years ago about the time of the Cambrian explosion.
Primi oculi primitivi evoluti sunt in animalibus abhinc 600 milliones annorum tempore procursus Cambriani.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 1956, there was an unsuccessful attempt to plant explosives at the Bonfire site, and, in the late 1970s, a College Station police officer was fired after trying to ignite the bonfire several days ahead of schedule.
Tum ad annum 1947 munere metallici vitam egit, sed aliquamdiu officio laboris atque militia fungebatur et tum captivus belli fuit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A highly explosive chemical which produces flames that burn out instantly was used.
Denique Semeutemis maximum incendium facit, quem Imuthes extinguit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
That terrible night which threatened an explosion of crime was tranquillised by a mere accident.
Noctem minacem et in scelus erupturam fors lenivit: nam luna claro repente caelo visa languescere.latin-ancient latin-ancient
14 sinne gevind in 11 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.