exposing oor Latyn


Present participle of expose.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


Piotr Szelma


Piotr Szelma

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

lie exposed|at the mercy o
be exposed for sale
on which slaves were exposed for sale
to expose
detego · exponere
exposed to the air
adparens · apparens
exposed to the sun
expose to a draught
expose oneself to
expose physically oneself
praebeo · prebeo


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"A thousand troopers, Tiridates said, ""would be his escort; what force of every kind was to be with Corbulo, he did not prescribe, provided they came in peaceful fashion, without breastplates and helmets."" Any human being, to say nothing of an old and wary general, would have seen through the barbarian's cunning, which assigned a limited number on one side and offered a larger on the other, expressly with a treacherous intent; for, were they to be exposed to a cavalry trained in the use of arrows, with the person undefended, numbers would be unavailing."
cuicumque mortalium, nedum veteri et provido duci, barbarae astutiae patuissent: ideo artum inde numerum finiri et hinc maiorem offerri, ut dolus pararetur; nam equiti sagittarum usu exercito si detecta corpora obicerentur, nihil profuturam multitudinem.latin-ancient latin-ancient
On the other hand, both the organization and administration of the patrimony of the Church, despite the fact that it is often beset with difficulties and hampered by obstacles and, because of this unjust law, exposed to many dangers, has not been completely deprived of a support which has its base in the common law.
Verumtamen magnae Nobis sollicitudini curaequeerant, hinc, adminiculo legis subducto, iurium et rerum omnium nulla stabilitas, illinc vero asperitates perturbationesque communium temporum; ob eamque rem quicquid auxilii ac remedii adhiberi posset, experiundum videbatur.vatican.va vatican.va
This distinction in punishment means that crime, they think, ought, in being punished, to be exposed, while infamy ought to be buried out of sight.
Diversitas supplicii illuc respicit, tanquam scelera ostendi oporteat, dum puniuntur, flagitia abscondi.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Deprived of what Revelation offers, reason has taken side-tracks which expose it to the danger of losing sight of its final goal.
Ratio, Revelatione nudata, devia itinera decucurrit, quae eandem in discrimen inferunt haud cernendi ultimam metam.vatican.va vatican.va
In effect, if it is true that We cannot exempt ourselves from the duty of religion at any period of life, in private or public affairs, so much the less should this duty be omitted at any age which is thoughtless, in which the spirit is ardent and exposed to so many inducements to evil.
Etenim si nulla vitae pars, neque publicis neque privatis in rebus vacare officio religionis potest, multo minus arcenda ab eo officio est aetas et consilii expers, et ingenio fervida, et inter tot corruptelarum illecebras constituta.vatican.va vatican.va
Celsus and Paullinus remonstrated against exposing troops wearied with a march and encumbered with baggage to any enemy, who, being himself ready for action and having marched barely four miles, would not fail to attack them, either when they were in the confusion of an advance, or when they were dispersed and busy with the work of entrenchment. Titianus and Proculus, overcome in argument, fell back on the Imperial authority.
Celso et Paulino abnuentibus militem itinere fessum, sarcinis gravem obicere hosti, non omissuro quo minus expeditus et vix quattuor milia passuum progressus aut incompositos in agmine aut dispersos et vallum molientis adgrederetur, Titianus et Proculus, ubi consiliis vincerentur, ad ius imperii transibant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
After receiving many wounds on all sides, and having forced no part of the works, when day drew nigh, fearing lest they should be surrounded by a sally made from the higher camp on the exposed flank, they retreated to their countrymen.
Multis undique vulneribus acceptis nulla munitione perrupta, cum lux appeteret, veriti ne ab latere aperto ex superioribus castris eruptione circumvenirentur, se ad suos receperunt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
A woman is left alone, exposed to public opinion with "her sin", while behind "her" sin there lurks a man - a sinner, guilty "of the other's sin", indeed equally responsible for it.
Mulier sola relinquitur, in publicum proposita iudicium cum “suo peccato”, dum latet post hoc peccatum vir peccator, qui in culpa est propter “peccatum alienum”, quin eiusdem particeps.vatican.va vatican.va
Caesar, thinking that without bridges and troops to guard them, it would not be good generalship to expose the legions to danger, sent the cavalry across the river by the fords.
Caesar nisi pontibus praesidiisque inpositis dare in discrimen legiones haud imperatorium ratus, equitem vado tramittit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
John Chrysostom states: "When you see It [the Body of Christ] exposed, say to yourself: Thanks to this body, I am no longer dust and ashes, I am no more a captive but a freeman: hence I hope to obtain heaven and the good things that are there in store for me, eternal life, the heritage of the angels, companionship with Christ; death has not destroyed this body which was pierced by nails and scourged, . . . this is that body which was once covered with blood, pierced by a lance, from which issued saving fountains upon the world, one of blood and the other of water. . .
Ioannes Chrisostomus: . . . Cum ipsum [Corpus Christi] videris propositum, tibi ipsi dic : Propter hoc Corpus non sum ego amplius terra et cinis, non ultra captivus, sed liber: ideo caelos spero et bona illic reposita me accepturum esse, immortalem vitam, Angelorum sortem, cum Christo consuetudinem : hoc Corpus clavis confixum, flagris caesum, mors non tulit; . . . hoc est illud corpus, quod cruentatum fuit, lancea perfossum, quod salutares fontes scaturivit orbi, alium sanguinis, alium aquae. . . .vatican.va vatican.va
But Christ—the "vine" from which the "branches" draw nourishment—is needed so that this cell will not be exposed to the threat of a kind of cultural uprooting which can come both from within and from without.
Familia “cellula” exstat praecipua societatis: at Christo opus est - tamquam “vite” ex qua sucum excipiunt “palmites” -, ut cellula ista intus forisque a quadam culturali evulsione arceatur.vatican.va vatican.va
Finally, Spurinna himself, not so much reproaching them with their error as exposing it by his arguments, conducted them all back to Placentia, except some scouts whom he left, in a less turbulent temper and more amenable to command.
ipse postremo Spurinna, non tam culpam exprobrans quam rationem ostendens, relictis exploratoribus ceteros Placentiam reduxit minus turbidos et imperia accipientis.latin-ancient latin-ancient
My wife and children whom, were it a question of your glory, I would willingly expose to destruction, I now remove to a distance from your fury, so that whatever wickedness is thereby threatened, may be expiated by my blood only, and that you may not be made more guilty by the slaughter of a great-grandson of Augustus, and the murder of a daughter-in-law of Tiberius.
coniugem et liberos meos, quos pro gloria vestra libens ad exitium offerrem, nunc procul a furentibus summoveo, ut quidquid istud sceleris imminet, meo tantum sanguine pietur, neve occisus Augusti pronepos, interfecta Tiberii nurus nocentiores vos faciant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The unarmed provinces with Italy at their head were exposed to any kind of slavery, and were ready to become the prize of victory.
inermes provinciae atque ipsa in primis Italia, cuicumque servitio exposita, in pretium belli cessurae erant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Later on again, when a licentious sort of liberty was attributed to man by a set of men who gloried in the name of philosophers,(4) and a new right, as they call it, against the natural and divine law began to be framed and sanctioned, Pope Pius VI, of happy memory, at once exposed in public documents the guile and falsehood of their doctrines, and at the same time foretold with apostolic foresight the ruin into which the people so miserably deceived would be dragged.
Postquam vero ab iis, qui philosophorum nomine gloriabantur, eflfenis quaedam libertas homini attributa est, et ius novum, ut aiunt, contra naturalem divinamque legem confingi et sanciri coeptum est, fel. mem.vatican.va vatican.va
Some were afraid of seeming to expose the emperor to odium; the majority felt safe in numbers, while Thrasea was supported by his usual firmness of spirit, and a determination not to let his fame perish.
his atque talibus recitatis et offensione manifesta, non ideo aut consules mutavere relationem aut Thrasea decessit sententia ceterive quae probaverant deseruere, pars, ne principem obiecisse invidiae viderentur, plures numero tuti, Thrasea sueta firmitudine animi et ne gloria intercideret.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Though Caesar was accustomed to victory, yet he felt incredible joy at the present success; because he had so speedily put an end to a very great war. The remembrance, too, of the danger to which he had been exposed, enhanced the pleasure, as he had obtained an easy victory in a very difficult conjuncture.
Tali victoria totiens victor Caesar incredibili est laetitia adfectus, quod maximum bellum tanta celeritate confecerat, +quodque subiti periculi recordatione laetior quod+ victoria facilis ex difficillimis rebus acciderat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Gen 1:26), the human being is exposed to more humiliating and degrading forms of "manipulation", that most assuredly reduce the individual to a slavery to those who are stronger.
Gen. 1, 26), nec agnoscitur nec amatur, persona humana in maxime indecoras et aberrantes a vero formas “abiecti instrumenti” proicitur, quibus servus misere efficitur a potentiore pendens.vatican.va vatican.va
The rest indeed did not express their opinions, but the name of Marcellus, exposed as it was to odium from the hateful recollection of his career as an informer, had roused in Caecina, who was an unknown man, and had lately been made a Senator, the hope of distinguishing himself by making great enemies.
nec ceteri sententias aperiebant: sed invisum memoria delationum expositumque ad invidiam Marcelli nomen inritaverat Caecinam, ut novus adhuc et in senatum nuper adscitus magnis inimicitiis claresceret.latin-ancient latin-ancient
When the battle was going on in every direction, the rest of the night being now spent, and fresh hopes of victory always arose before the enemy: the more so on this account because they saw the coverings of our towers burnt away, and perceived, that we, being exposed, could not easily go to give assistance, and they themselves were always relieving the weary with fresh men, and considered that all the safety of Gaul rested on this crisis; there happened in my own view a circumstance which, having appeared to be worthy of record, we thought it ought not to be omitted.
Cum in omnibus locis consumpta iam reliqua parte noctis pugnaretur, semperque hostibus spes victoriae redintegraretur, eo magis, quod deustos pluteos turrium videbant nec facile adire apertos ad auxiliandum animadvertebant, semperque ipsi recentes defessis succederent omnemque Galliae salutem in illo vestigio temporis positam arbitrarentur, accidit inspectantibus nobis quod dignum memoria visum praetereundum non existimavimus.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Why should he hazard the loss of any of his men, even in a successful battle? Why should he expose soldiers to be wounded, who had deserved so well of him? Why, in short, should he tempt fortune? especially when it was as much a general's duty to conquer by tactics as by the sword.
Cur etiam secundo proelio aliquos ex suis amitteret? cur vulnerari pateretur optime de se meritos milites? cur denique fortunam periclitaretur? praesertim cum non minus esset imperatoris consilio superare quam gladio.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Next was exposed an abuse, hitherto the subject of many a whispered complaint.
Exim promptum quod multorum intimis questibus tegebatur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
28. Today also, as We have said, Venerable Brothers, the Catholic religion in many places has been exposed to grave danger. It is necessary, therefore, to defend it by every available means, to explain it, to propagate it.
Cum autem hodie quoque, ut diximus, Venerabiles Fratres, catholica religio multis locis grave in discrimen sit adducta, eam omni ope tueri, explanare, propagare necesse est.vatican.va vatican.va
The Batavians had exposed the left wing by their desertion, and they immediately turned against our men.
nudaverat sinistrum cornu Batavorum ala transfugiens statimque in nos versa.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The moral theologian must therefore exercise careful discernment in the context of today's prevalently scientific and technical culture, exposed as it is to the dangers of relativism, pragmatism and positivism.
Theologus rei morali deditus diligentem igitur exercere debet discretionem in contextu hodiernae culturae magnam partem scientificae et technicae, relativismi pragmatismi et positivismi periculis obnoxiae.vatican.va vatican.va
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