express oor Latyn


/ɛk.spɹɛs/ adjektief, werkwoord, naamwoord, bywoord
Moving or operating quickly, as a train not making local stops.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


[ sonō ]
Verb verb noun
Charlton T. Lewis


The texts of the New Testament express this concept in many places.
Novi Testamenti multi loci huiusmodi sententiam enuntiant.
Charlton T. Lewis


It is a theme particularly dear to the spirituality of the consecrated life and well expresses its meaning.
Carissimum est hoc auctoribus spiritalibus argumentum de vita consecrata cuius sensum probe exprimit.
Charlton T. Lewis

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Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn

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boldness|license of expression
express in words
express distrust of
expression improper because of its ambiguity
expressing hope something be averted
expressive of entreaty
after an expressed condition
express delight
expressing condemnation


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a) The Church's deepest nature is expressed in her three-fold responsibility: of proclaiming the word of God (kerygma-martyria), celebrating the sacraments (leitourgia), and exercising the ministry of charity (diakonia).
Ita paene sub idem tempus et rex ad opprimendum Mithridaten proficiscitur et Caesar ad
Hildegard’s language, characterized by an original and effective style, makes ample use of poetic expressions and is rich in symbols, dazzling intuitions, incisive comparisons and evocative metaphors.
We discuss the clinical picture, the etiology, and the
However, the role of unions is not to "play politics" in the sense that the expression is commonly understood today.
his vocibus instinctos exercitus propriae quoque causae stimulabant, cum a Cheruscis Langobardisque pro antiquo decore aut recenti libertate et contra augendae dominationi
We express the sincere wish that all "may grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ", as the Prince of the Apostles desired (2 Pet 3:18).
comitabantur exercitum praeter alia sueta bello magna vis camelorum onusta frumenti, ut simul hostem famemque
Today we look upon Teresa Benedicta of the Cross and, in her witness as an innocent victim, we recognize an imitation of the Sacrificial Lamb and a protest against every violation of the fundamental rights of the person. We also recognize in it the pledge of a renewed encounter between Jews and Christians which, following the desire expressed by the Second Vatican Council, is now entering upon a time of promise marked by openness on both sides.
diu cunctatus aspernantem uxorem, cum se divo Augusto ortam neque degenerem ad pericula testaretur, postremo uterum eius et communem filium multo cum fletu complexus, ut abiret
To one and all of them I wish to express today my sentiments of deep gratitude.
nihil in illa coniuratione gravius auribus Neronis accidisse constitit, qui ut faciendis sceleribus promptus, ita audiendi quae faceret insolens
Apart from the ideological confrontation officially separating the various champions of Marxism-Leninism in their individual interpretations of the thought of its founders, and apart from the open opposition between the political systems which make use of its name today, some people lay down distinctions between Marxism's various levels of expression.
Haec res Ephesiae pecuniae salutem
This supernatural life finds its living expression in the seven sacraments and in the admirable radiation of grace and holiness which they possess.
abrumperet vitam ab ea civitate cuius caritatem olim, nunc et aspectum
To preserve these actions from all artificiality, they should express such capacity, simplicity and dignity as to highlight the special character of the sacred text, even by the very manner of reading or singing.
Binis cohortibus ad impedimenta tuenda relictis reliquum exercitum in copiosissimos agros Biturigum inducit, qui, cum latos fines et complura oppida haberent, unius legionis hibernis non potuerint contineri quin bellum pararent coniurationesque
Pastoral commitment will be expressed here through the intelligent and careful preparation of the Liturgy of the Word and through the education to faith of those participating in the celebration and in the first place the couple being married.
nam post damnatum Libonem missis ad Caesarem litteris exprobraverat suum tantum studium sine fructu fuisse, addideratque quaedam contumacius quam tutum apud auris superbas et offensioni
[29] Here I would like to express my satisfaction that this appeal has found a wide resonance in numerous initiatives throughout the world.
solus Dolabella Cornelius dum antire ceteros parat absurdam in adulationem progressus, censuit ut ovans e Campania urbem
"Ecumenical" prayer, as the prayer of brothers and sisters, expresses all this.
Cum resisteret Servilius consul reliquique magistratus, et minus opinione sua efficeret, ad hominum excitanda studia sublata priore lege duas promulgavit: unam, qua mercedes habitationum annuas conductoribus donavit, aliam tabularum novarum, impetuque multitudinis in C. Trebonium facto et nonnullis vulneratis eum de tribunali
Episcopal Conferences can provide valuable assistance to the Apostolic See by expressing their views with regard to specific problems of a more general nature.270
Apertae repente delubri fores et audita maior humana vox excedere deos; simul ingens motus
In the course of their history, Christians have tried to express this “knowing without knowing” by means of figures that can be represented, and they have developed images of “Heaven” which remain far removed from what, after all, can only be known negatively, via unknowing.
cur abstinuerit spectaculo ipse, varie trahebant; alii taedio coetus, quidam tristitia ingenii et metu conparationis, quia Augustus comiter
272 This union is expressed and made real especially through the Eucharist, in which man shares in the sacrifice of Christ which this celebration actualizes, and he also learns to "find himself...through of himself,"273 through communion with God and with others, his brothers and sisters.
Temptavit tamen Antonius vocatas ad contionem legiones mitigare, ut castris iuxta pontem Mulvium positis postera die urbem
15. He wrote at all times in a dignified but facile style, varied now and then by a marvelous acuteness in thought and grace of expression, and by reason of these qualities his writings have proven themselves quite agreeable reading. After having pointed out how we must flee sin, fight against our evil inclinations, and avoid all useless and harmful actions, he then goes on expounding the nature of those practices of piety which cause the soul to grow, as well as how it is possible for man to remain ever united to God.
Aliquot post diebus litteras a Caesare missas accipit, quibus cognoscit Pompeium in acie victum amissis copiis
It was well known that on reading the will, in which he was named co-heir with Agricola's excellent wife and most dutiful daughter, he expressed delight, as if it had been a complimentary choice.
Venit magnis itineribus in Nerviorum fines.latin-ancient latin-ancient
This can be expressed in concrete outward signs of reverence for the Eucharist which the process of mystagogy should inculcate in the faithful.
Pharus est in insula turris magna altitudine, mirificis operibus exstructae; quae nomen ab insula
The preeminently interior and religious character of penitence and the new wondrous aspects which it assumes "in Christ and in the Church" neither excludes nor lessens in any way the external practice of this virtue, but on the contrary reaffirms its necessity with particular urgency(45) and prompts the Church—always attentive to the signs of the times—to seek, beyond fast and abstinence, new expressions more suitable for the realization, according to the character of various epochs, of the precise goal of penitence.
sane lentus in suo dolore esset: rei publicae iniurias ne largiretur. intellexit haec Tiberius, ut erant magis quam ut dicebantur, perstititque
Letters also from Drusus were read, which, though studiously modest in expression, were taken to be extremely supercilious.
et erant contra qui tantam fortunae commutationem miserarentur; secutaque cum parvis liberis coniunx cuncta lamentatione complebat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Thus we can rightly recognize in the Saint of Lisieux the charism of a Doctor of the Church, because of the gift of the Holy Spirit she received for living and expressing her experience of faith, and because of her particular understanding of the mystery of Christ.
igitur Germanicus in urbe Artaxata adprobantibus nobilibus, circumfusa multitudine, insigne regium capiti eius
The most complete sacramental expression of the "departure" of Christ through the mystery of the Cross and Resurrection is the Eucharist.
Proximum id libertati; et si dominorum electio sit, honestius principes Romanorum quam Germanorum feminas
'You shall be my witnesses' (Acts 1:8)" — expresses my desire that this Church should live the time leading up to the Great Jubilee as "a new Advent", a time of expectation and preparation.
Nec arare terram, aut expectare annum, tam facile persuaseris, quam vocare hostes et vulnera
There is sometimes in such passages a fullness and a hidden depth of meaning which the letter hardly expresses and which the laws of interpretation hardly warrant.
non alias magis anxia et pavens civitas, tegens adversum proximos; congressus, conloquia, notae ignotaeque aures vitari; etiam muta atque inanima, tectum et parietes
Here we see the clearest expression of technology's supremacy.
Historici huius eventus in Nostra recenti Epistula Encyclica “Slavorum Apostoli” his verbis mentionem facimus: “Apostolica missionalisque actio Sanctorum Cyrilli et Methodii, quae alteram in saeculi incidit partem, prima efficax Slavorum evangelizatio potest
202 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.