express freely oor Latyn

express freely

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Charlton T. Lewis

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Let us pray, therefore, for greater religious freedom in every nation, so that Christians, as well as the followers of other religions, can freely express their convictions, both as individuals and as communities.
Exinde optamus ut religiosae libertatis amplificentur spatia unaquaque in Civitate, ut haud secus atque aliarum etiam religionum fideles valeant christiani libere suas complere opinationes, tum singillatim tum etiam
For this reason the Holy See hopes that these legitimate Pastors may be recognized as such by governmental authorities for civil effects too – insofar as these are necessary – and that all the faithful may be able to express their faith freely in the social context in which they live.
Quapropter Sancta Sedes exoptat ut hi legitimi Pastores veluti tales agnosci possint a regiminis Auctoritatibus, ad civiles etiam effectus — cum opus est — atque omnes fideles libere possint suam declarare fidem in sociali contextu in quo vitam
Dear sons and daughters, you have wished by means of the practice of the evangelical counsels to follow Christ more freely and to imitate Him more faithfully, dedicating your entire lives to God with a special consecration rooted in that of Baptism and expressing it with greater fullness: could you but understand all the esteem and the affection that We have for you in the name of Christ Jesus!
Dilecti filii et filiae, qui, consilia evangelica perficientes, liberius Christum sectari ac pressius imitari voluistis - tota vita Deo devota per peculiarem consecrationem, quae in baptismali consecratione ut in radice fundatur eamque plenius manifestat - utinam mente conplectamini egregiam existimationem ac dilectionis affectum, quo vos in nomine Christi Iesu prosequimur!
It means work that expresses the essential dignity of every man and woman in the context of their particular society: work that is freely chosen, effectively associating workers, both men and women, with the development of their community; work that enables the worker to be respected and free from any form of discrimination; work that makes it possible for families to meet their needs and provide schooling for their children, without the children themselves being forced into labour; work that permits the workers to organize themselves freely, and to make their voices heard; work that leaves enough room for rediscovering one's roots at a personal, familial and spiritual level; work that guarantees those who have retired a decent standard of living.
Laborem indicat quendam qui, quaque in societate, signum sit essentialis dignitatis cuiusque viri et cuiusque mulieris: laborem libere selectum, qui efficaciter consociet operarios, viros et mulieres, cum progressu eorum communitatis; laborem nempe qui, hoc modo, operariis permittat ut absque omni segregatione aestimentur; laborem qui necessitatibus satisfacere possit familiarum atque filios edocere, ne hi operari cogantur; laborem qui operariis permittat ut libere consocientur atque eorum vocem mittere sinat; laborem qui spatium relinquat congruum ad proprias inveniendas origines sub aspectu personali, familiari et spiritali; laborem denique qui dignam praestet operariis condicionem qui vacationem sunt
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