fate oor Latyn


/feɪt/ werkwoord, naamwoord
The cause, force, principle, or divine will that predetermines events.

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However, peoples do not always resign themselves to their fate.
Populi tamen haud semper in sua sorte quiescunt.


Haply the fate of Priam thou would'st know.
Forsitan et, Priami fuerint quae fata, requiras.


[ fortūna ]
Neither hazarded an engagement, and the fate of the two parties was decided elsewhere.
nec his aut illis proelium temptantibus, fortuna partium alibi transacta.

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fatus · casus · eventus · fata · pars · cassus · fatum ''n'' · necessitas · vicis

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Any one of the Fates.

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Piotr Szelma

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associated by fate
jointly dependent on fate
Fate's distaff w|threads of life
having different lot or fate
symbol of fate
owe by fate
goddess of Fate
thread of life spun by the Fates
artisan of my fate and that of several others
fortunae meae, multorum faber


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"Through shifting hazards, by the Fates' decree, / to Latin shores we steer, our promised land to see. / There quiet settlements the Fates display, / there Troy her ruined fortunes shall repair. / Bear up; reserve you for a happier day."
"Per varios casus, per tot discrimina rerum / tendimus in Latium, sedes ubi fata quietas / ostendunt; illic fas regna resurgere Trojae. / Durate et vosmet rebus servate secundis".tatoeba tatoeba
I sing of arms and the man, who first from the mouth of Troy, exiled by fate, came to Italy and the Lavinian shore.
arma virumque cano, Troiae qui primus ab oris Italiam, fato profugus, Lavinaque venit litora.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Once more Anchises bids us cross the main / and seek Ortygia, and the god constrain / by prayer to pardon and advise, what end / of evils to expect? what woes remain? / What fate hereafter shall our steps attend? / What rest for toil-worn men, and whitherward to wend?
Rursus ad oraclum Ortygiae Phoebumque remenso / hortatur pater ire mari, veniamque precari, / quam fessis finem rebus ferat, unde laborum / tentare auxilium jubeat, quo vertere cursus.tatoeba tatoeba
Then Dido, struck with wonder at the sight / of one so great and in so strange a plight, / "O Goddess-born! what fate through dangers sore, / what force to savage coasts compels thy flight?"
Obstupuit primo adspectu Sidonia Dido, / casu deinde viri tanto, et sic ore locuta est: / "Quis te, nate dea, per tanta pericula casus / insequitur? Quae vis immanibus applicat oris?"Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
"Fear not this famine – 'tis an empty scare; / the Fates will find a way, and Phoebus hear thy prayer."
"Nec tu mensarum morsus horresce futuros: / fata viam invenient, aderitque vocatus Apollo."Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
"But when the baggage was clogged in the mud and in the fosses, the soldiers around it in disorder, the array of the standards in confusion, every one in selfish haste and all ears deaf to the word of command he ordered the Germans to charge, exclaiming again and again, ""Behold a Varus and legions once more entangled in Varus's fate."" As he spoke, he cut through the column with some picked men, inflicting wounds chiefly on the horses."
neque tamen Arminius quamquam libero incursu statim prorupit: sed ut haesere caeno fossisque impedimenta, turbati circum milites, incertus signorum ordo, utque tali in tempore sibi quisque properus et lentae adversum imperia aures, inrumpere Germanos iubet, clamitans 'en Varus eodemque iterum fato vinctae legiones!' simul haec et cum delectis scindit agmen equisque maxime vulnera ingerit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Wyrd is a concept in Anglo-Saxon culture roughly corresponding to fate or personal destiny.
Wyrd est notio in cultura Anglosaxonica, quae cum fato vel sorte personali fere congruit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I sing of arms and the man, made a fugitive by fate, who first came from the coasts of Troy, to Italy and the Lavinian shores.
Arma virumque cano, Trojae qui primus ab oris / Italiam, fato profugus, Lavinjaque venit / litora.tatoeba tatoeba
"Since then thy name and Ilion's fate are known, / and all the princes of Pelasgia's reign."
"Tempore jam ex illo casus mihi cognitus urbis / Trojanae nomenque tuum regesque Pelasgi".tatoeba tatoeba
The terrible events of 11 September 2001 were intensely felt by the Synod Fathers, with the dreadful fate of countless innocent victims and for the appearance in our world of grave new situations of uncertainty and fear, both for human civilization and the peaceful coexistence of nations.
In animo Patrum synodalium adhuc viva repercutiebatur terribilium eventuum memoria illius diei XI mensis Septembris eiusdem anni MMI, qui innumeris insontibus victimis acerbo fuerunt exitio et in mundo nova pergraviaque discrimina haesitationis et metus ut orirentur fecerunt pro ipso humano cultu et pacifico populorum convictu.vatican.va vatican.va
The leading men of Gaul, having convened councils among themselves in the woods, and retired places, complain of the death of Acco: they point out that this fate may fall in turn on themselves: they bewail the unhappy fate of Gaul; and by every sort of promises and rewards, they earnestly solicit some to begin the war, and assert the freedom of Gaul at the hazard of their lives.
Indictis inter se principes Galliae conciliis silvestribus ac remotis locis queruntur de Acconis morte; posse hunc casum ad ipsos recidere demonstrant: miserantur communem Galliae fortunam: omnibus pollicitationibus ac praemius deposcunt qui belli initium faciant et sui capitis periculo Galliam in libertatem vindicent.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The image of her holiness remains for ever linked to the tragedy of her violent death, alongside all those who with her suffered the same fate.
Eius sanctitatis figura coniungitur semper cum eius violentae necis dramate, prope plurimos socios qui cum ea necem passi sunt.vatican.va vatican.va
Scarcely out of sight of the land of Sicily, they joyfully set sail on the deep, rushing into the salt spray with their bronze-capped prows, when Juno, cherishing her eternal wound in her breast, said to herself: "Am I vanquished, to give up on my plan, and unable to turn away the king of the Teucrians from Italy? Surely I am forbidden by the Fates."
Vix e conspectu Siculæ telluris in altum / vela dabant læti et spumas salis ære ruebant, / cum Juno, æternum servans sub pectore vulnus, / hæc secum: "Mene incepto desistere victam, / nec posse Italia Teucrorum avertere regem! / Quippe vetor fatis."Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
All these events in Germany took place before the battle of Cremona, the result of which was announced in a despatch from Antonius, accompanied by Caecina's proclamation. Alpinius Montanus, prefect of a cohort in the vanquished army, was on the spot, and acknowledged the fate of his party.
Haec in Germania ante Cremonense proelium gesta, cuius eventum litterae Primi Antonii docuere, addito Caecinae edicto; et praefectus cohortis e victis, Alpinius Montanus, fortunam partium praesens fatebatur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Was it fate?
Eum succedebat?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
First the eighth, then the fifteenth legion returned; the ninth cried again and again that they ought to wait for the letter from Tiberius, but soon finding themselves isolated by the departure of the rest, they voluntarily forestalled their inevitable fate.
primum octava, dein quinta decuma legio rediere: nonanus opperiendas Tiberii epistulas clamitaverat, mox desolatus aliorum discessione imminentem necessitatem sponte praevenit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
"Broken by war, long baffled by the force / of fate, as fortune and their hopes decline, / the Danaan leaders build a monstrous horse, / huge as a hill, by Pallas' craft divine, / and cleft fir-timbers in the ribs entwine. / They feign it vowed for their return, so goes / the tale."
"Fracti bello fatisque repulsi / ductores Danaum, tot jam labentibus annis, / instar montis equum divina Palladis arte / ædificant sectaque intexunt abiete costas: / votum pro reditu simulant; ea fama vagatur."Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
When the battle was begun, no effort of valor was wanting to the Massilians, but, mindful of the instructions which they had a little before received from their friends, they fought with such spirit as if they supposed that they would never have another opportunity to attempt a defense, and as if they believed that those whose lives should be endangered in the battle would not long precede the fate of the rest of the citizens, who, if the city was taken, must undergo the same fortune of war.
Commisso proelio Massiliensibus res nulla ad virtutem defuit; sed memores eorum praeceptorum, quae paulo ante ab suis aeceperant, hoc animo decertabant, ut nullum aliud tempus ad conandum habituri viderentur, et quibus in pugna vitae periculum accideret, non ita multo se reliquorum civium fatum antecedere existimareut, quibus urbe capta eadem esset belli fortuna patienda.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Then trembling seized me and, amidst my fear, / what power I know not, but some power unkind / confused my wandering wits, and robbed me of my mind. / For while, the byways following, I left / the beaten track, ah! woe and well away! / my wife Creusa lost me – whether reft / by Fate, or faint or wandering astray, / I know not.
Hic mihi nescio quod trepido male numen amicum / confusam eripuit mentem: namque avia cursu / dum sequor et nota excedo regione viarum, / heu, misero conjux fatone erepta Creusa / subsistit, erravitne via, seu lassa resedit, / incertum.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
"Then, but for folly or Fate's adverse power, / his word had made us with our trusty glaive / lay bare the Argive ambush, and this hour / should Ilion stand, and thou, O Priam's lofty tower!"
"Et, si fata deum, si mens non læva fuisset, / impulerat ferro Argolicas fœdare latebras, / Trojaque nunc stares Priamique arx alta maneres!"Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Once, the Fates, prophesying, sang such happy songs to Peleus from their divine heart.
Talia praefantes quondam felicia Pelei carmina divino cecinerunt pectore Parcae. Catullus 64.382-3John Gilberthorpe John Gilberthorpe
Books have a fate of their own.
Habent sua fata libelli.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
"Then first Thymaetes cries aloud, to go / and through the gates the monstrous horse convey / and lodge it in the citadel. E'en so / his fraud or Troy's dark fates were working for our woe."
"Primusque Thymœtes / duci intra muros hortatur et arce locari, / sive dolo, seu jam Trojæ sic fata ferebant."Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
So spake he, on his purpose firmly bent. / We – wife, child, family and I – with prayer / and tears entreat the father to relent, / nor doom us all the common wreck to share, / and urge the ruin that the Fates prepare.
Talia perstabat memorans, fixusque manebat. / Nos contra effusi lacrimis, conjuxque Creusa / Ascaniusque, omnisque domus, ne vertere secum / cuncta pater, fatoque urgenti incumbere, vellet.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
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