father's sister oor Latyn

father's sister

father’s sister (married)

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son of father's sister or mother's brother
daughter of father's sister or mother's brother
mother's or father's sister
descended from a father's sister


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After her mother's death on 28 August 1877, Thérèse moves with her whole family to the town of Lisieux where, surrounded by the affection of her father and sisters, she receives a formation both demanding and full of tenderness.
Haec eadem ratio est in summa totius Galliae: namque omnes civitates in partes divisae sunt duas.vatican.va vatican.va
Christianity is open to universal brotherhood, for all men and women are sons and daughters of the same Father and brothers and sisters in Christ.
apud Othonianos pavidi duces, miles ducibus infensus, mixta vehicula et lixae, et praeruptis utrimque fossis via quieto quoque agmini angusta.vatican.va vatican.va
And only where the Father is are people brothers and sisters.
Angebat Vitellium victarum legionum haudquaquam fractus animus.vatican.va vatican.va
Because there can only be brothers and sisters where there is a father.
Eo duae omnino civitates ex Britannia obsides miserunt, reliquae neglexerunt.vatican.va vatican.va
The God bade them go and carry back with them the image of his father, but leave that of his sister behind.
Sed hunc laborem recusabat nemo, quod eum omnium laborum finem fore existimabant, si hostem Hibero intercludere et frumento prohibere potuissent.latin-ancient latin-ancient
In the family, one can find an uncle and an aunt, a mother and a father, a son and a daughter, a grandson and a granddaughter, as well as a brother and a sister, the father's uncle or the mother's and the father's aunt or the mother's, the brother's and sister's son or daughter, and the wife's or husband's brother or sister.
Ac primo Valerius Festus legatus studia provincialium cum fide iuvit; mox nutabat, palam epistulis edictisque Vitellium, occultis nuntiis Vespasianum fovens et haec illave defensurus, prout invaluissent.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
By virtue of his relationship to the Father he makes us brothers and sisters of himself and of one another, communicating to us the Spirit which is both his and the Father's.
Ab his liberaliter ipse appellatus et quadam notitia Septimii productus, quod bello praedonum apud eum ordinem duxerat, naviculam parvulam conscendit cum paucis suis: ibi ab Achilla et Septimio interficitur.vatican.va vatican.va
Jesus reminded us that we have God as our common Father and that this makes us brothers and sisters.
non alias magis anxia et pavens civitas, tegens adversum proximos; congressus, conloquia, notae ignotaeque aures vitari; etiam muta atque inanima, tectum et parietes circumspectabantur.vatican.va vatican.va
Howbeit, otherwise also she is truly my sister, the daughter of my father, and not the daughter of my mother, and I took her to wife.
Asiaticus (is enim libertus) malam potentiam servili supplicio expiavit.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
His father later remarried, giving Hess an immediate family of seven half brothers and sisters.
Cum acerrime comminus pugnaretur, hostes loco et numero, nostri virtute confiderent, subito sunt Aedui visi ab latere nostris aperto, quos Caesar ab dextra parte alio ascensu manus distinendae causa miserat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Religious profession places in the heart of each one of you, dear brothers and sisters, the love of the Father: that love which is in the heart of Jesus Christ, the Redeemer of the world.
inde initia magistratuum nostrorum meliora ferme et finis inclinat, dum in modum candidatorum suffragia conquirimus: quae si arceantur, aequalibus atque constantius provinciae regentur.vatican.va vatican.va
In prayer, the family discovers itself as the first "us", in which each member is "I" and "thou"; each member is for the others either husband or wife, father or mother, son or daughter, brother or sister, grandparent or grandchild.
atque illo praetendente sexaginta dies ad consultandum datos necdum praeterisse, satis visum de Vistilia statuere; eaque in insulam Seriphon abdita est.vatican.va vatican.va
Echoing the voice of the Synod Fathers, I too ask pastoral workers to bring to their brothers and sisters affected by AIDS all possible material, moral and spiritual comfort.
is mox adultus, inter septimanos a Galba conscriptus, oblatum forte patrem et vulnere stratum dum semianimem scrutatur, agnitus agnoscensque et exanguem amplexus, voce flebili precabatur placatos patris manis, neve se ut parricidam aversarentur: publicum id facinus; et unum militem quotam civilium armorum partem? simul attollere corpus, aperire humum, supremo erga parentem officio fungi.vatican.va vatican.va
The sons of Jacob answered Sichem and his father deceitfully, being enraged at the deflowering of their sister: We cannot do what you demand, nor give our sister to one that is uncircumcised; which with us is unlawful and abominable.
Hinc itinere facto in campum Mundensem cum esset ventum, castra contra Pompeium constituit.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Those who love God, the Father of all, cannot fail to love their fellow human beings, whom they recognize as brothers and sisters.
nomen patris patriae Tiberius, a populo saepius ingestum, repudiavit; neque in acta sua iurari quamquam censente senatu permisit, cuncta mortalium incerta, quantoque plus adeptus foret, tanto se magis in lubrico dictitans.vatican.va vatican.va
all are brothers and sisters of one another! ) witness to the fact that, as the Apostle writes, "you have known the Father"?
quippe anno quo Germaniae descivere sacerdos apud aram Vbiorum creatus ruperat vittas, profugus ad rebellis.vatican.va vatican.va
The Second Vatican Council rightly states that pastors, in the image of Christ, must carry out their ministry with holiness and zeal, with humility and fortitude, ''which, fulfilled in this way, will be for them an excellent means of sanctification''.63 No Bishop can fail to realize that the summit of Christian holiness is the crucified Christ in his supreme self-oblation to the Father and to his brothers and sisters in the Holy Spirit.
nam dictator Caesar summis oratoribus aemulus; et Augusto prompta ac profluens quaeque deceret principem eloquentia fuit.vatican.va vatican.va
The prayer which reveals the Father and at the same time confirms that people are brothers and sisters of one another -and whose whole essence is contrary to all programmes based on the principle of conflict between human beings in any form.
Blaesus multa dicendi arte non per seditionem et turbas desideria militum ad Caesarem ferenda ait, neque veteres ab imperatoribus priscis neque ipsos a divo Augusto tam nova petivisse; et parum in tempore incipientis principis curas onerari.vatican.va vatican.va
The Father, Creator of the Universe, and the Word Incarnate, the Redeemer of humanity, are the source of this universal openness to all people as brothers and sisters, and they impel us to embrace them in the prayer which begins with the tender words: "Our Father".
Horum vocibus ac timore paulatim etiam ii qui magnum in castris usum habebant, milites centurionesque quique equitatui praeerant, perturbabantur.vatican.va vatican.va
Our second resource is the Church, whose members we have become through Baptism, together with countless other brothers and sisters with whom we confess one heavenly Father and drink of the one Spirit of holiness.297 The present situation urges us to make the Church ''the home and the school of communion,'' if we truly wish to respond to the expectations of the world.298
Tali dum pugnatur modo, lente atque paulatim proceditur, crebroque, ut sint auxilio suis, subsistunt; ut tum accidit.vatican.va vatican.va
May the trials which you encounter be for you an opportunity for bearing in union with the Lord, and of offering to the Father, the many misfortunes and unjust sufferings which weigh upon our brothers and sisters; to these the sacrifice of Christ can alone—in faith—give meaning.
Cicero data facultate Gallum ab eodem Verticone, quem supra demonstravimus, repetit, qui litteras ad Caesarem deferat; hunc admonet, iter caute diligenterque faciat: perscribit in litteris hostes ab se discessisse omnemque ad eum multitudinem convertisse.vatican.va vatican.va
But while the Catholic Church has always proclaimed a truth so sacrosanct, it has also affirmed that imitation of the Virgin Mary, far from distracting the souls from the faithful following of Christ, makes it more pleasant and easier for them. For, since she had always done the will of God, she was the first to deserve the praise which Christ addressed to His disciples: "Whoever does the will of my Father in heaven, he is my brother and sister and mother."( 36)
Illi exaudito clamore veriti, ne noctu impediti sub onere confligere cogerentur aut ne ab equitatu Caesaris in angustius tenerentur, iter supprimunt copiasque in castris continent.vatican.va vatican.va
After his sister Europa had been carried off by Zeus from the shores of Phoenicia, Cadmus was sent out by his father to find her, and enjoined not to return without her.
procax moribus neque absurdus ingenio famam urbanitatis per lasciviam petere.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The same Spirit, far from removing from the life of humanity those whom the Father has called, puts them at the service of their brothers and sisters in accordance with their particular state of life, and inspires them to undertake special tasks in response to the needs of the Church and the world, by means of the charisms proper to the various Institutes.
At Sugambri, ex eo tempore quo pons institui coeptus est fuga comparata, hortantibus iis quos ex Tencteris atque Usipetibus apud se habebant, finibus suis excesserant suaque omnia exportaverant seque in solitudinem ac silvas abdiderant.vatican.va vatican.va
Sister's sons are held in as much esteem by their uncles as by their fathers; indeed, some regard the relation as even more sacred and binding, and prefer it in receiving hostages, thinking thus to secure a stronger hold on the affections and a wider bond for the family.
nec defensioni locus, quamquam supplicis manus tenderet, humi plerumque stratus, lacera veste, pectus atque ora singultu quatiens.latin-ancient latin-ancient
28 sinne gevind in 11 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.