feel sick oor Latyn

feel sick

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


Piotr Szelma


Piotr Szelma

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It may be that in their neighbourhood or among those they know there are sick people, elderly people, children or immigrants who precisely on Sundays feel more keenly their isolation, needs and suffering.
Fieri potest ut in vicinis locis vel inter proximos sint aegroti, aetate provecti, infantes, migrantes qui praecipue ipso dominico die solitudinem, proprias necessitates, suam doloris condicionem vehementius patiantur.vatican.va vatican.va
Such a situation can threaten the already fragile equilibrium of an individual's personal and family life, with the result that, on the one hand, the sick person, despite the help of increasingly effective medical and social assistance, risks feeling overwhelmed by his or her own frailty; and on the other hand, those close to the sick person can be moved by an understandable even if misplaced compassion.
Porro pertemptatur aequabilitas nonnumquam iam incerta vitae privatae ac familiaris, ut hinc aegrotus, etsi efficacioribus usque subsidiis providentiae medicae et socialis sustentatus, periculo obiciatur ne opprimi sese sua fragilitate sentiat; illinc vero in iis qui adfectu quodam inter se iunguntur valere possit pietatis sensus qui facile intellegitur quamvis perperam comprehendatur.vatican.va vatican.va
This outlook does not give in to discouragement when confronted by those who are sick, suffering, outcast or at death's door. Instead, in all these situations it feels challenged to find meaning, and precisely in these circumstances it is open to perceiving in the face of every person a call to encounter, dialogue and solidarity.
Talis obtutus in deditionem non venit quadam desperatione debilitatus coram infirmis dolentibus et vitae segregibus atque in mortis limine constitutis; his tamen in omnibus rerum condicionibus interrogari se sinit ut inveniat significationem atque, his praesertim in circumstantiis, se aperit ad detegendam in cuiusque personae vultu appellationem ad comparationem, ad dialogum et solidarietatem.vatican.va vatican.va
3 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.