foot oor Latyn


/fʊt/ werkwoord, naamwoord
(transitive) To use the foot to kick (usually a ball).

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


[ pēs ]
part of human body {{jump|t|human body part
I went to school on foot in those days.
Illo tempore ad scholam ibam per pedes.


Piotr Szelma


customary unit of length
My foot really hurts.
Pes valde mihi dolet.

En 8 vertalings meer. Besonderhede is ter wille van die beknoptheid verborge

pediculus · pēs · crus · peditatus · pes metricus · pes poeticus · radix · vestigium

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Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn

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Soortgelyke frases

at the foot
little foot
set foot on
brush-footed butterfly
that follows on foot
white-footed vole
verse that is short by a whole foot or half a meter
Common Fan-foot
Pechipogo strigulata


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
To this Tiridates advanced, and having slain the customary victims, he removed the crown from his head, and set it at the foot of the statue; whereupon all felt a deep thrill of emotion, rendered the more intense by the sight which yet lingered before their eyes, of the slaughter or siege of Roman armies.
Haec omnia Caesar eodem illo pertinere arbitrabatur ut tridui mora interposita equites eorum qui abessent reverterentur; tamen sese non longius milibus passuum IIII aquationis causa processurum eo die dixit: huc postero die quam frequentissimi convenirent, ut de eorum postulatis cognosceret.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Do you go to school on foot?
Gladiatores non eisdem armis pugnantTatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Lk 13:16), the dignity belonging to women from the very "beginning" on an equal footing with men.
interfectorem Voculae altis ordinibus, ceteros, ut quisque flagitium navaverat, praemiis
"On this occasion, as Ennius says, ""they fought hand to hand, foot to foot, and shield to shield;"" but though the enemy fought with the utmost vigor, they were obliged to give ground, and retire toward the town."
Ei, dum pari certamine res geri potuit, magnum hostium numerum pauci sustinuere; sed ubi signa legionum appropinquare coeperunt, paucis amissis sese in proximos montes conferunt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
So powerful, so conspicuous, in this respect is the influence of the Church that experience abundantly testifies how savage customs are no longer possible in any land where she has once set her foot; but that gentleness speedily takes the place of cruelty, and the light of truth quickly dispels the darkness of barbarism.
tum pavore exanimis et iam iamque adfore obtestans vindictae properam, sive servitia armaret vel militem accenderet, sive ad senatum et populum pervaderet, naufragium et vulnus et interfectos amicos obiciendo: quod contra subsidium sibi, nisi quid Burrus et Seneca? [expurgens] quos statim acciverat, incertum an et ante
The king, seeing Corbulo, was the first to dismount, and Corbulo hesitated not a moment, but both on foot joined their right hands.
Interim speculatoribus in omnes partes dimissis explorat quo commodissime itinere vallem transire possit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
That this was the only time to treat for peace; when each had confidence in his own strength, and both seemed on an equal footing. Since, if fortune showed ever so little favor to either, he who thought himself superior, would not submit to terms of accommodation; nor would be content with an equal division, when he might expect to obtain the whole.
Vitellii et Veranii voce defletum Caesarem, ab imperatore et Augusta defensam Plancinam.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Designing to embark immediately, though he had only one legion of new levies, and not quite six hundred horse, he ordered his tent to be pitched so near the sea-side that the waves lashed the very foot of it.
At Caesar principibus cuiusque civitatis ad se evocatis alias territando, cum se scire quae fierent denuntiaret, alias cohortando magnam partem Galliae in officio tenuit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Caesar had sent his legions into Spain, with about six thousand auxiliary foot, and three thousand horse, which had served under him in all his former wars, and the same number from Gaul, which he himself had provided, having expressly called out all the most noble and valiant men of each state. The bravest of these were from the Aquitani and the mountaineers, who border on the Province in Gaul.
ferebant periti caelestium iis motibus siderum excessisse Roma Tiberium ut reditus illi negaretur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The town wall was 1200 paces distant from the plain and foot of the ascent, in a straight line, if no gap intervened; whatever circuit was added to this ascent, to make the hill easy, increased the length of the route.
Evenerant prodigia, quae neque hostiis neque votis piare fas habet gens superstitioni obnoxia, religionibus adversa.latin-ancient latin-ancient
I go to school on foot.
Itaque praemissis nuntiis ad Cn.Domitium Caesar ei scripsit et, quid fieri vellet, ostendit, praesidioque Apolloniae cohortibus IIII, Lissi I, III Orici relictis, quique erant ex vulneribus aegri depositis, per Epirum atque Athamaniam iter facere coepit.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
On our side, three were slain, besides twelve foot-soldiers and five troopers wounded.
ratusque dedecus moliri, si plures foedasset, nobilium familiarum posteros egestate venales in scaenam deduxit; quos fato perfunctos ne nominatim tradam, maioribus eorum tribuendum puto.latin-ancient latin-ancient
He went home on foot.
Nata servituti mancipia semel veneunt, atque ultro a dominis aluntur: Britannia servitutem suam cotidie emit, cotidie pascit.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
From which, laying numerous ambuscades, both of horse and foot, they did considerable damage to the Roman foragers.
Id ex itinere magno impetu Belgae oppugnare coeperunt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
I was going on foot.
Qui simul in conspectum oppidi se dederunt, cum equis recipiuntur.tatoeba tatoeba
Do not dare move a foot from here until I return.
Quorum impetum Mithridates magna cum prudentia [constantiaque virtutum et Alexandrinorum imprudentia] consuetudine nostra castris vallatis sustinuit; cum vero incaute atque insolenter succedere eos munitionibus videret, eruptione undique facta magnum numerum eorum interfecit. Quod risi locorum notitia reliqui se texissent partimque in navis quibus flumen transierant recepissent, funditus deleti essent.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Sabura drew up his army, both horse and foot, and commanded them to give way gradually and retreat through the pretense of fear; that when it was necessary he would give them the signal for battle, and such orders as he found circumstances required.
apud Vitellium omnia indisposita, temulenta, pervigiliis ac bacchanalibus quam disciplinae et castris propiora.latin-ancient latin-ancient
How did you arrive? - By foot.
Sub idem tempus Achaia atque Asia falso exterritae velut Nero adventaret, vario super exitu eius rumore eoque pluribus vivere eum fingentibus credentibusque.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
We went on foot.
sed domus corporibus exanimis, itinera funeribus complebantur; non sexus, non aetas periculo vacua; servitia perinde et ingenua plebes raptim extingui, inter coniugum et liberorum lamenta, qui dum adsident, dum deflent, saepe eodem rogo cremabantur.tatoeba tatoeba
Accordingly, upon a signal being given, when the enemy were throwing their javelins in a faint and careless manner, he suddenly charged them with his horse and foot; who in a moment driving them from the field, and over the adjoining hill, kept possession of that post for some time, and then retired slowly, in order of battle, to their camp.
unde regressus et formidine G. Caesaris, familiaritate Claudii turpe in servitium mutatus exemplar apud posteros adulatorii dedecoris habetur, cesseruntque prima postremis, et bona iuventae senectus flagitiosa oblitteravit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
And immediately the sun rose upon him, after he was past Phanuel; but he halted on his foot.
Isdem ferme diebus isdem causis Germanicae legiones turbatae, quanto plures tanto violentius, et magna spe fore ut Germanicus Caesar imperium alterius pati nequiret daretque se legionibus vi sua cuncta tracturis.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Our men, as soon as they made good their footing on dry ground, and all their comrades had joined them, made an attack upon the enemy, and put them to flight, but could not pursue them very far, because the horse had not been able to maintain their course at sea and reach the island.
Nondum ea clades exoleverat cum ignis violentia urbem ultra solitum adfecit, deusto monte Caelio; feralemque annum ferebant et ominibus adversis susceptum principi consilium absentiae, qui mos vulgo, fortuita ad culpam trahentes, ni Caesar obviam isset tribuendo pecunias ex modo detrimenti.latin-ancient latin-ancient
But she not finding where her foot might rest, returned to him into the ark: for the waters were upon the whole earth: and he put forth his hand, and caught her, and brought her into the ark.
postquam hic socordia senuerit, ille per libidines pessum datus sit, non aliud discordantis patriae remedium fuisse quam [ut] ab uno regeretur.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Pig-footed bandicoot
adstrepebat huic alacre vulgus; et magno inter barbaros proelio victor rex, dein secunda fortuna ad superbiam prolapsus pulsusque ac rursus Langobardorum opibus refectus per laeta per adversa res Cheruscas adflictabat.langbot langbot
Yellow-footed antechinus
proconsul tamen Bithyniae et mox consul vigentem se ac parem negotiis ostendit.langbot langbot
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