foster father oor Latyn

foster father

An male adult who cares for a child who has been placed in foster care.

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Father Reginald Foster
Reginaldus Foster
altor · educator · nutricius


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And I was like a foster father to Ephraim, and I carried them in my arms, and they knew not that I healed them.
Et ego quasi nutritius Ephraim, portabam eos in brachiis meis, et nescierunt quod curarem
Vitellius thought it enough to have displayed the arms of Rome, and he then bade Tiridates remember his grandfather Phraates, and his foster-father Caesar, and all that was glorious in both of them, while the nobles were to show obedience to their king, and respect for us, each maintaining his honour and his loyalty.
Vitellius ostentasse Romana arma satis ratus monet Tiridaten primoresque, hunc, Phraatis avi et altoris Caesaris quaeque utrubique pulchra meminerit, illos, obsequium in regem, reverentiam in nos, decus quisque suum et fidem retinerent.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Together with the Synod Fathers, I likewise urge a serious commitment to foster on the Continent conditions of greater social justice and good government, in order thereby to prepare the ground for peace.
Adhortamur insuper, cum Patribus synodalibus, ad actuosam curam de provehendis in illa continenti condicionibus maioris iustitiae socialis iustiorisque exercitii potestatis, ad solum paci
In this regard the Synod Fathers have invited priests and candidates for Orders to "be prepared carefully so that they are ready to foster the vocation and mission of the lay faithful"(219).
Hoc sensu, Patres synodales presbyteros et ad Ordines invitaverunt candidatos ut “accurate praeparentur ut apti reddantur ad vocationem et missionem laicorum fovendam” (Propositio 40)
As the Synod Fathers rightly stated, the moral criterion for the authenticity of conjugal and family relationships consists in fostering the dignity and vocation of the individual persons, who achieve their fullness by sincere self-giving.[ 63]
Quemadmodum Synodi Patres merito affirmarunt, morale criterium germanarum rationum coniugalium et familiarium in singularum personarum dignitate et vocatione promovendis consistit, quae plene inveniri non possunt nisi per sincerum sui ipsarum donum (63)
As pastors and true fathers, assisted by the priests and other helpers, we have the task of gathering together the family of the faithful and in it fostering charity and brotherly communion.
Veluti Pastores verique Patres, coadiuti a Sacerdotibus aliisque cooperatoribus, officium habemus fidelium familiam congregandi atque caritatem fraternamque in ea communionem
Right from the beginning, the Synod Fathers recognized that the Church as Family cannot reach her full potential as Church unless she is divided into communities small enough to foster close human relationships.
Patres Synodales statim quidem agnoverunt Ecclesiam–Familiam plenam suam Ecclesiae mensuram ostendere posse, ea sola condicione ut in satis parvas communitates distribuatur, quae artioribus humanis vinculis
This activity must be capable of sustaining and fostering attention, nearness, presence, listening, dialogue, sharing, and real help toward individuals in moments when sickness and suffering sorely test not only faith in life but also faith in God and his love as Father.
Talis actio capax esse debet attentionem, propinquitatem, praesentiam, exauditionem, dialogum, participationem et concretum adiumentum sustinendi et promovendi erga hominem in momentis, in quibus propter aegritudinem et moerorem non solum eius fiducia in vitam, sed etiam ipsa eius fides in Deum et in eius paternum amorem dure
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