foster-mother oor Latyn


a woman who is a foster parent and raises another's child

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Charlton T. Lewis


Piotr Szelma

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foster mother
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foster mother
altrix · mater · nutrix


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Mother Church trusts that the attention given by the recent Ecumenical Council to explaining and fostering the spiritual good and pastoral care of marriage may produce results with regard also to the firmness of the marriage bond; she moreover desires at the same time by the laying down of opportune norms that the spiritual well-being of many of her sons and daughters may not be damaged by the excessive lengthiness of matrimonial processes.
Mater Ecclesia fore quidem confidit, ut studium, a novissimo Oecumenico Concilio in matrimonii spirituali bono pastoralique cura illustrandis atque promovendis collocatum, fructus suos gignat, etiam quod ad firmitatem matrimonialis vinculi attinet; verumtamen ipsa vitare simul, opportunes statutis normis, exoptat, ne nimia iudiciorum matrimonialium diuturnitas plurium filiorum suorum spiritualem statum reddat
9. Now although this doctrine is applicable to all nations, most specially doesit affect the Portuguese, among whom the influence of the Catholic religion intraining the character and disposition of men, in fostering the studies ofscience, letters, and arts, in kindling the soul to every civic and militaryvirtue, has been so great, even so that she seems as it were the mother andnurse given from on High to bring forth and train whatever gentleness, dignity,and glory shone out in that race.
Quae quidem sententia licet ad gentes omnes pertineat, aptissime tamen cadit in Lusitanum populum, penes quem catholicae religionis pars tanta fuit iampridem in fmgendis hominum moribus et ingenio, in fovendis scientiarum, litterarum et artium studiis, in inflammandis animis ad egregia quaeque domi militiaeque gerenda, ita ut videatur quasi parens et altrix divinitus data ad pariendum fovendumque quidquid in ea gente enituit humanitatis, dignitatis et
2 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.