four times oor Latyn

four times

by a factor of four; "the price of gasoline has increased fourfold over the past two years"

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


Asia is four times larger than Europe.
Asia quater maior est quam Europa.
Charlton T. Lewis

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Asia is four times larger than Europe.
Ad ipsum Longinum L. Licinius Squillus involat iacentemque levibus sauciat plagis.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
O native land! O Ilion, now betrayed! / Blest home of deities, in war renowned! / Four times beside the very gate 'twas stayed; / four times within the womb the armour clashed and brayed.
increpitis seditionis auctoribus regressus vacavit abeuntium adloquiis, donec omnes inviolati digrederentur.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
O native land! O Ilion, now betrayed! / Blest home of deities, in war renowned! / Four times beside the very gate 'twas stayed; / four times within the womb the armour clashed and brayed.
Cuius rei deformitate atque indignitate legiones quae Marcellum sibi ducem ceperant ad eum concurrerunt, ut in aciem educerentur orant, priusque confligendi sibi potestas fieret quam cum tanta contumelia nobilissimae carissimaeque possessiones Cordubensium in conspectu suo rapinis, ferro flammaque consumerentur.tatoeba tatoeba
With a sudden chill weakening every part of his body, Aeneas groans and, stretching both hands to the stars, cries out thus: "O thrice and four times blessed, whose lot it was to perish before the faces of their fathers under the high walls of Troy!"
Galba secundis aliquot proeliis factis castellisque compluribus eorum expugnatis, missis ad eum undique legatis obsidibusque datis et pace facta, constituit cohortes duas in Nantuatibus conlocare et ipse cum reliquis eius legionis cohortibus in vico Veragrorum, qui appellatur Octodurus hiemare; qui vicus positus in valle non magna adiecta planitie altissimis montibus undique continetur.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
With a sudden chill weakening every part of his body, Aeneas groans and, stretching both hands to the stars, cries out thus: "O thrice and four times blessed, whose lot it was to perish before the faces of their fathers under the high walls of Troy!"
corrupti in dominos servi, in patronos liberti; et quibus deerat inimicus per amicos oppressi.tatoeba tatoeba
The Dutch stopped at the island four more times in the next 25 years, and in 1656 created the first rough charts of the archipelago.
Nec Agricola umquam per alios gesta avidus intercepit: seu centurio seu praefectus incorruptum facti testem habebat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Emboldened by the hope such mighty forces raised in him, on the day before the nones of January, three days after Caesar's arrival, he came against him, with sixteen hundred Gallic and German horse, nine hundred under Petreius, eight thousand Numidians, four times that number of light-armed foot, with a multitude of archers and slingers.
servos quoque Silani ut tormentis interrogarentur actor publicus mancipio acceperat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Two times two equals four.
Initium ferendi ad Vespasianum imperii Alexandriae coeptum, festinante Tiberio Alexandro, qui kalendis Iuliis sacramento eius legiones adegit.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Actually, the nonexistence of such a map occurs already by the time we reach polynomials of degree four.
Psoriasis morbus dermatologicus est.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Unable to study during her confinement, by the time she finished her secondary education, Quilhot was twenty-four.
atqueipse ut laetitiae, it maeroris immodicus egit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
She returned to Europe for a third time in April 2007, wrestling shows in England and Ireland over the course of four weeks.
pugnabaturque in angustiis ambigue donec Germani transnatantes terga Labeonis invasere; simul Civilis, ausus an ex composito, intulit se agmini Tungrorum, et clara voce 'non ideo' inquit 'bellum sumpsimus, ut Batavi et Treviri gentibus imperent: procul haec a nobis adrogantia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the mean time he went round the works in person daily, and kept about four cohorts constantly on duty, on account of the multitude of the enemy.
iamque lapidis ictu cruentus et exitii certus adcursu multitudinis quae cum Druso advenerat protectus est.latin-ancient latin-ancient
In these pits tapering stakes, of the thickness of a man's thigh; sharpened at the top and hardened in the fire, were sunk in such a manner as to project from the ground not more than four inches; at the same time for the purpose of giving them strength and stability, they were each filled with trampled clay to the height of one foot from the bottom: the rest of the pit was covered over with osiers and twigs, to conceal the deceit.
tantus inde ardor certantis exercitus fuit, ut intra tertiam diei partem nudati propugnatoribus muri, obices portarum subversi, capta escensu munimenta omnesque puberes trucidati sint, nullo milite amisso, paucis admodum vulneratis.latin-ancient latin-ancient
They settled at Nabulagala where they celebrated the Eucharistic Sacrifice for the first time in Uganda; and in the following year their first baptism was that of four aborigines.
versa ex eo civitas et cuncta feminae oboediebant, non per lasciviam, ut Messalina, rebus Romanis
In the mean time our soldiers sustained the attack of the enemy, and fought most valiantly for more than four hours, and, receiving but few wounds themselves, slew several of them.
Apertae repente delubri fores et audita maior humana vox excedere deos; simul ingens motus excedentium.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Her letters are also numerous — about four hundred are extant; these were addressed to simple people, to religious communities, popes, bishops and the civil authorities of her time.
Mox mitigavit ratio et aetas, retinuitque, quod est difficillimum, ex sapientia
He sent his cavalry after them to plunder them and get the spoil. And at the same time Varus had detached as a guard for them six hundred Numidian horse, and four hundred foot, which king Juba had sent to Utica as auxiliaries a few days before.
tum vetustas dignitasque coloniae valuit et verba Fabi salutem incolumitatemque Viennensium commendantis aequis auribus accepta; publice tamen armis multati, privatis et promiscis copiis iuvere militem.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Caesar felt great anxiety on this intelligence, because he had always especially indulged the state of the Aedui, and, without any hesitation, draws out from the camp four light-armed legions and all the cavalry: nor had he time, at such a crisis, to contract the camp, because the affair seemed to depend upon dispatch. He leaves Caius Fabius, his lieutenant, with two legions to guard the camp.
ceteri venerantes regem Artaxiam consalutavere, quod illi vocabulum indiderant ex nomine urbis.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Braband herself believed at the time that information she provided to her Stasi handlers was of little importance, but she nevertheless took the slightly unusually step of expressly ending her collaboration after four years.
Marcus in equis ibat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Specifically: “young men who intend to enter the priesthood are to be provided with a suitable spiritual formation and prepared for their proper duties in a major seminary throughout the entire time of formation or, if in the judgment of the diocesan bishop circumstances demand it, for at least four years” (can.
Inter quae nulla palam causa delapsum Camuloduni simulacrum Victoriae ac retro conversum, quasi cederet
Pompey had left Carteia with so much precipitation, that he took no time to furnish himself with water, and this circumstance obliging him to stop by the way, Didius came up with him after four days' sailing, took some of his ships, and burned the rest.
erant inter duces qui necterent moras: quippe nimius iam Antonius, et certiora ex Muciano sperabantur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
But they had not the confidence to dare to move out of the harbor; though Caesar had brought only twelve ships as a convoy, only four of which had decks; nor did Bibulus, his fleet being disordered and his seamen dispersed, come up in time: for Caesar was seen at the continent, before any account whatsoever of his approach had reached those regions.
adductum et quasi virile servitium: palam severitas ac saepius superbia; nihil domi impudicum, nisi dominationi expediret.latin-ancient latin-ancient
At the same time the legionary soldiers, who, either on account of sickness or for other reasons, had not been able to come over into Africa with the rest, to the number of four thousand foot, four hundred horse, and a thousand archers and slingers, reached Caesar by one embarkation.
Germani notis vadis persultabant, omissa plerumque fronte latera ac terga circumvenientes.latin-ancient latin-ancient
About the same time Caius Curio, having sailed from Sicily to Africa, and from the first despising the forces of Publius Attius Varus, transported only two of the four legions which he had received from Caesar, and five hundred horse, and having spent two days and three nights on the voyage, arrived at a place called Aquilaria, which is about twenty-two miles distant from Clupea, and in the summer season has a convenient harbor, and is inclosed by two projecting promontories.
socii reges, prout bello conduceret, parere iussi; sed studia eorum in Corbulonem promptiora erant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
26 sinne gevind in 12 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.