frequenter oor Latyn


naamwoord, adjektief
A person who frequents; a regular visitor

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


Charlton T. Lewis

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Soortgelyke frases

much frequented
celebratus · frequens · perfrequens
become frequent|widespread
crebesco · crebresco
plead frequently
see frequently|habitually
do frequently
celebro · factito · frequento
frequenter of eating-houses
much used|frequented
celeber · celebris
frequent use
conversatio · frequentatio
connected with|frequenting tombs


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106. We know, of course, that due to various conditions many of these beloved sons of Ours are frequently called upon to undertake the pastoral care of the faithful; and this has redounded to the benefit of the Christian name and Christian virtue.
Novimus profecto non paucos ex his dilectis filiis ob rerum condiciones, quibus in praesens utimur, ad pastoralem etiam christifidelium curam saepissime advocari, non sine magno christiani nominis christianaeque virtutis
The sooner therefore to instruct them in these matters, he took care not to confine his legions to one place, but under pretense of foraging, engaged them in frequent marches, and counter-marches; because he thought that the enemy's troops would not lose his track.
Itaque quo haec celerius conciperent, dabat operam ut legiones non in uno loco contineret, sed per causam frumentandi huc atque illuc rapsaret, ideo quod hostium copias ab se suisque vestigium non discessuras existimabat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Besides, in their frequent sallies by day and night, they attempted either to set fire to the mound, or attack our soldiers when engaged in the works; and, moreover, by splicing the upright timbers of their own towers, they equaled the height of ours, as fast as the mound had daily raised them, and countermined our mines, and impeded the working of them by stakes bent and sharpened at the ends, and boiling pitch and stones of very great weight, and prevented them from approaching the walls.
Tum crebris diurnis nocturnisque eruptionibus aut aggeri ignem inferebant aut milites occupatos in opere adoriebantur, et nostrarum turrium altitudinem, quantum has cotidianus agger expresserat, commissis suarum turrium malis adaequabant, et apertos cuniculos praeusta et praeacuta materia et pice fervefacta et maximi ponderis saxis morabantur moenibusque appropinquare prohibebant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Inde datum molitur iter. iamque arva tenebant ultima, quae hello clari secreta frequentant.
ultima, quae bello clari secreta frequentant.Literature Literature
Mrs. Murphy frequently invited friends to her home where secret prayer meetings were held while sentinels kept guard to warn of approaching danger.
Rex interdum amicis particularibus fercula misit, interdum ad mensam regiam invitavit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
"Meanwhile, in the beginning of spring, Parthian envoys brought a message from king Vologeses, with a letter to the same effect. ""He did not,"" it was said, ""repeat his former and frequent claims to the holding of Armenia, since the gods who ruled the destinies of the most powerful nations, had handed over its possession to the Parthians, not without disgrace to Rome."
Inter quae veris principio legati Parthorum mandata regis Vologaesis litterasque in eandem formam attulere: se priora et totiens iactata super obtineneda Armenia nunc omittere, quoniam dii, quamvis potentium populorum arbitri, possessionem Parthis non sine ignominia Romana tradidissent.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Trains to the South-West are frequent.
Per continentem Asiae Meridioccidentalis frequens est.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Tyler continued to write, and frequently collaborated with his friend Joseph Dennie, including co-writing a satirical column which appeared in Dennie's newspaper The Farmer's Weekly Museum.
Tyler scribere persistit, et saepe cum amico Iosepho Dennie collaborabat, cum quo columnam satiricam scripsit , in The Farmer's Weekly Museum diario Dennieano prolatam.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
These brothers and sisters of ours should have the opportunity to receive sacramental communion frequently.
Providendum est ut hi nostri fratres frequenter ad sacramentalem Communionem accedere
Domitian, on the day of his taking his seat in the Senate, made a brief and measured speech in reference to the absence of his father and brother, and to his own youth. He was graceful in his bearing, and, his real character being yet unknown, the frequent blush on his countenance passed for modesty.
Quo die senatum ingressus est Domitianus, de absentia patris fratrisque ac iuventa sua pauca et modica disseruit, decorus habitu; et ignotis adhuc moribus crebra oris confusio pro modestia accipiebatur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
As I have frequently stated, when freedom is detached from objective truth it becomes impossible to establish personal rights on a firm rational basis; and the ground is laid for society to be at the mercy of the unrestrained will of individuals or the oppressive totalitarianism of public authority.
Ut haud semel confirmavimus, si libertas ab obiectiva veritate abstrahitur, iura hominis solido rationis fundamento niti nequeunt, atque hac ratione principia ponuntur quorum virtute in vita sociali sive anarchicum arbitrium singulorum sive absolutum regimen contumeliosum publicae auctoritatis constituantur (
The Bishops at the Synod frequently reaffirmed this: "de re nostra agitur", "this is something which concerns us all".
Synode episcopi hoc crebrius confirmaverunt: « De re nostra agitur ».(
During this time he was frequently accused before Domitian in his absence, and in his absence acquitted.
Crebro per eos dies apud Domitianum absens accusatus, absens absolutus est.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Though the Suevi, after making the attempt frequently and in several wars, could not expel this nation from their territories, on account of the extent and population of their state, yet they made them tributaries, and rendered them less distinguished and powerful [than they had ever been].
Hos cum Suebi multis saepe bellis experti propter amplitudinem gravitatem civitatis finibus expellere non potuissent, tamen vectigales sibi fecerunt ac multo humiliores infirmiores redegerunt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
It was, in fact, Natalis alone who divulged Seneca's name, to this extent, that he had been sent to Seneca when ailing, to see him and remonstrate with him for excluding Piso from his presence, when it would have been better to have kept up their friendship by familiar intercourse; that Seneca's reply was that mutual conversations and frequent interviews were to the advantage of neither, but still that his own life depended on Piso's safety.
solus quippe Natalis et hactenus prompsit, missum se ad aegrotum Senecam, uti viseret conquerereturque, cur Pisonem aditu arceret: melius fore, si amicitiam familiari congressu exercuissent. et respondisse Senecam sermone mutuos et crebra conloquia neutri conducere; ceterum salutem suam incolumitate Pisonis inniti.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Nevertheless, with very real sorrow We must point Out the dangers and moral damage which have frequently been provoked by Motion Picture shows and by Radio and Television programmes by which Christian morals and the dignity of man itself may be ruined.
Attamen non sine animi maerore pericula morumque detrimenta significare debemus, quae haud raro e propositis taeniolis cinematographicis et radiophonicis sonis imaginibusque televisificis propagatis oriuntur, quibus mores christiani ipsaque dignitas humana
Today, in fact, people frequently kill in the holy name of God, as both my predecessor John Paul II and I myself have often publicly acknowledged and lamented[68].
Reapse, hodie saepe occisiones patrantur sacro Dei nomine, uti pluries ac propalam a Decessore Nostro Ioanne Paulo II et a Nobismet Ipsis edictum est improbatumque [68]
Many consecrated persons have been promoters of culture, and frequently have studied and defended indigenous cultures.
Culturam plurimae consecratae personae provexerunt saepiusque pervestigaverunt et defenderunt nativas populorum
In this context even moral facts, despite their specificity, are frequently treated as if they were statistically verifiable data, patterns of behaviour which can be subject to observation or explained exclusively in categories of psychosocial processes.
Hac quidem in re, morales quoque eventus, praeter suam proprietatem, tractantur crebro veluti si essent res ad rationariam artem probabiles, tamquam spectabiles consuetudines vel interpretabiles tantum per psychosocialium machinationum
In economically developed countries, legislation contrary to life is very widespread, and it has already shaped moral attitudes and praxis, contributing to the spread of an anti-birth mentality; frequent attempts are made to export this mentality to other States as if it were a form of cultural progress.
Apud Nationes oeconomice magis progressas legislationes adversus vitam longe diffunduntur, et huiusmodi mores ac praxim condicioni subiciunt, conferentes ad antinatalem ideologiam diffundendam, quam crebro transmittere curant aliis Civitatibus proinde quasi esset processus
The three-story L. Ron Hubbard House is an example of Mediterranean Revival Style architecture, a design frequently used by Waddy Butler Wood and his associates.
Domus L. Ron Hubbard, tribus tabellationibus praedita, est exemplum architecturae Modi Redintegrationis Mediterraneae (Mediterranean Revival Style), formae saepe a Waddy Butler Wood et sociis adhibitae.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Let the people be frequently urged by your authority and teaching to fly from the forbidden sects, to abhor all conspiracy, to have nothing to do with sedition, and let them understand that they who for God's sake obey their rulers render a reasonable service and a generous obedience.
Vobis auctoribus et magistris saepe populi moneantur fugere vetitas sectas, a coniurationibus abborrere, nihil seditiose agere: iidemque intelligant, qui Dei caussa parent imperantibus, eorum esse rationabile obsequium, generosam
Certainly during the whole of his illness the Emperor's chief freedmen and confidential physicians came more frequently than is usual with a court which pays its visits by means of messengers.
Ceterum per omnem valetudinem eius crebrius quam ex more principatus per nuntios visentis et libertorum primi et medicorum intimi venere, sive cura illud sive inquisitio erat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
While one acknowledges some element of truth in this point of view, it is easy to see that without an objective moral grounding not even democracy is capable of ensuring a stable peace, especially since peace which is not built upon the values of the dignity of every individual and of solidarity between all people frequently proves to be illusory.
Quamvis veritatis quaedam ratio sit hac in aestimatione agnoscenda, difficile non est conspicere sine morali aequo praesidio ne populare quidem regimen solidam pacem praestare posse, eo magis quod pax, quae non cuiusque hominis excellentia et dignitate mensuratur neque mutuo inter homines adiumento, haud raro fallax
He had been repulsed from Placentia; his auxiliaries had been recently cut up, and even when the skirmishers had met in a series of actions, frequent indeed, but not worth relating, he had been worsted; and now that Valens was coming up, fearful that all the distinctions of the campaign would centre in that general, he made a hasty attempt to retrieve his credit, but with more impetuosity than prudence.
pulsus Placentia, caesis nuper auxiliis, etiam per concursum exploratorum, crebra magis quam digna memoratu proelia, inferior, propinquante Fabio Valente, ne omne belli decus illuc concederet, reciperare gloriam avidius quam consultius properabat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
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