full moon oor Latyn

full moon

The phase of the moon when it is in opposition to the sun.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


[ plēnilūnium ]
phase of moon when in opposition to sun

Luna plena

lunar phase: completely illuminated disc
It was night. But a full moon was shining.
Nox erat. Sed luna plena lucebat.


phase of moon when in opposition to sun

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The full moon is beautiful.
Lūna plēna pulchra est.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
It was night. But a full moon was shining.
Nox erat. Sed luna plena lucebat.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Full moon
Luna plenalangbot langbot
Purnima refers to the Full Moon.
Remus in lupum mutatur quod luna plena est.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It happened that night to be full moon, which usually occasions very high tides in that ocean; and that circumstance was unknown to our men.
Eadem nocte accidit ut esset luna plena, qui dies a maritimos aestus maximos in Oceano efficere consuevit, nostrisque id erat incognitum.latin-ancient latin-ancient
They assemble, except in the case of a sudden emergency, on certain fixed days, either at new or at full moon; for this they consider the most auspicious season for the transaction of business.
Coeunt, nisi quid fortuitum et subitum inciderit, certis diebus, cum aut inchoatur luna aut impletur: nam agendis rebus hoc auspicatissimum initium credunt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The months were so named after the moon; the new moon marking the end of an old month and start of a new month; the full moon occurring in the middle of the month, after which the month was named.
April. inveniuntur, quo quota fuerit luna, tota erit Epacta eodem anno : continentur enim Epactae circulo decemnovennali.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
'Twas night; on earth all creatures were asleep, / when lo! the figures of our gods, the same / whom erst from falling Ilion o'er the deep / I brought, scarce rescued from the midmost flame, / before me, sleepless for my country's shame, / stood plain, in plenteousness of light confessed, / where streaming through the sunken lattice came / the moon's full splendour, and their speech addressed, / and I in heart took comfort, hearing their behest.
Nox erat et terris animalia somnus habebat: / effigies sacrae divum Phrygiique Penates, / quos mecum a Troja mediisque ex ignibus urbis / extuleram, visi ante oculos adstare jacentis / in somnis, multo manifesti lumine, qua se / plena per insertas fundebat luna fenestras; / tum sic affari et curas his demere dictis:tatoeba tatoeba
'Twas night; on earth all creatures were asleep, / when lo! the figures of our gods, the same / whom erst from falling Ilion o'er the deep / I brought, scarce rescued from the midmost flame, / before me, sleepless for my country's shame, / stood plain, in plenteousness of light confessed, / where streaming through the sunken lattice came / the moon's full splendour, and their speech addressed, / and I in heart took comfort, hearing their behest.
Nox erat et terris animalia somnus habebat: / effigies sacræ divum Phrygiique Penates, / quos mecum a Troja mediisque ex ignibus urbis / extuleram, visi ante oculos adstare jacentis / in somnis, multo manifesti lumine, qua se / plena per insertas fundebat luna fenestras; / tum sic affari et curas his demere dictis:Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
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